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Implementing carpet cleaning

20 May 2024 9:29 PM | Jennifer Medina

As a cleaning business that will be digging itself into a field that specializes in biohazardous materials, carpet cleaning will be I believe one of the most common necessities. Whether there is a chemical spill, a blood stain, or even something simple that can be considered a biohazard if any of these were to end up on a carpet, my company will be responsible for cleaning it up. Implementing a carpet cleaning program can result in leaving my employees with the knowledge of how to clean certain types of carpets correctly depending on the material and what type of stain there is. For example, one of the more expensive materials if I remember correctly in the reading is a type of silk and it was recommended to leave it up to certain professionals and that is definitely something I will take into account.

Another thing, implementing a carpet cleaning program, especially if it is by a certified IJCSA member, increases the likelihood of it getting done correctly. For example, because of my business's specialty I learned that to clean blood out of a carpet to 1.) never use stroking motions, but to dab the cloth on the stain and 2.) to never use hot water on a blood stain because it will end up setting the stain into the carpet. If I had not taken this course, I would have not known that. 


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