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How Being Green Cleaning Certified Will Benefit My Company

24 Jul 2024 7:21 AM | Deleted user

Being Green Cleaning Certified will benefit my business in a multitude of ways.  Now that people are becoming more aware of the negative health and environmental impact that toxic chemicals can have, they're more conscientious of what they do and use around their home. By being Green Cleaning Certified, customers can feel like they're doing their part in protecting the environment because it will be known that I won't use single-use plastic in their home that could put the environment at risk. Not only that, but I will also be keeping them and their family safer by not using harsh chemicals that could be hazardous to their health.  

Being Green Cleaning Certified also will benefit my business because it's another service to be offered, sure to meet many customers' needs and wants. It appeals to many people and stands out as a reason to hire us instead of another cleaning business. The more services that we can offer as a professional business that may entice new customers and more sales, the better. 

Green Cleaning Certification can prove as a benefit to my business in the way that it will show that I truly care. Not only do I care about what the customer wants, but I care enough about them to take action in ensuring I'm not risking their health and do what I can to protect the environment from further damage. The career choice I made in becoming a cleaning business owner was not just about making money, but in providing services that can benefit all of my customers and even the environment.  This certification shows that.

Finally, providing services to customers as a Green Cleaning Certified cleaner can benefit my business because I'll actually be saving money by not buying brand name, toxic-chemical based cleaners. It will be more cost-efficient for me to make my own cleaners. When buying brand name cleaners, you're mostly paying for the label.  When I can effectively clean a home in the same amount of time, with the same amount of elbow grease, using cleaners that I made myself for a third of the amount it would have cost to buy a different cleaner for each room, I'll be saving money, the environment, and still providing quality cleaning. Vinegar, citric acid, water, baking soda, and washing soda are listed in the article as safer homemade substitutions for cleaning chemicals, and will to be some of the main the ingredients that I use to make cleaners for different areas of the home, taking the place of toxic things like bleach, ammonia, and furniture polish.

Finding a Green Cleaning Certified professional cleaning business that is a good fit for any family and facility can be found by searching the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association - Green Cleaning Services (


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