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Why it is Important for Employees and Staff to Understand about Blood-Borne Pathogens

29 Feb 2024 12:44 PM | Deleted user

In order to reduce the exposures and spread of diseases such as HBV and HIV, employees and staff must consistently undergo training regarding the potential hazards of blood-borne pathogens. Understanding the dangers associated with blood-borne pathogens is necessary in the prevention and limiting of sicknesses, and even death. 

Workplaces where such exposure is likely must ensure that all employees and staff not only know about the dangers of blood-borne pathogens, but also how to mitigate risks. Staff and employees should adhere to universal precautions which include the proper wearing of personal protective equipment such as google, gloves, and other clothing. Employees and staff must know procedures relating to the proper control, transport, and dispose of needles, laundry, and trash in order to limit the spread of disease for themselves and others. Employees and staff must understand the labeling and color-coding of bags and containers when disposing and transporting exposed materials. All employees must know how to disinfect and decontaminate exposed areas.

In the event of personal exposure to blood-borne pathogens, employees and staff, must be aware of the protocols which include notifying their supervisor and physician, and monitoring their health as a result of the exposure. Employees and staff should read OSHA Written Exposure Plan which is located at their website.  



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