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the importance of cleaning employees & staff knowing about bloodborne pathogens

29 Feb 2024 12:01 PM | Deleted user

In the cleaning industry, there will be a time when we will come across to clean facilities that deal with blood and body fluids that are affected. Removing trash that contains used syringes, handling laundry from medical facilities soiled with blood, or simply cleaning up after a sick person is especially important to know how to help eliminate exposure and even the spread of harmful bloodborne pathogens. There needs to be education and training on bloodborne pathogens and set up processes and systems in place to minimize exposure, and in case of contamination to have a plan in place for the isolation and prevention of spreading bloodborne pathogens. Therefore, it is imperative for cleaning techs and staff to know everything about bloodborne pathogen standards to help prevent exposure.

Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms in blood and bodily fluids that cause diseases to humans. Bloodborne pathogens are spread through direct contact (blood, bodily fluids), indirect contact (an object e.g. needlestick, that contains blood or body fluid of an infected person), and respiratory droplet transmission (sneeze or cough). Cleaning techs and staff need to be educated and trained on universal precautions and be able to apply that knowledge successfully. This means to have an understanding of bloodborne pathogens (e.g. HIV, HBV), washing hands before and after handling items and objects that deal with blood and bodily fluids, wear always PPE equipment, and practice controls to limit exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Furthermore, cleaning techs and staff must know what to do immediately after they have been exposed to a bloodborne pathogen, and how to handle to promote exposure control. Finally, there must be a post exposure management protocol in place, so immediate confidential medical evaluations can be provided to the effected employee at no cost. Having all these in place helps to prevent bloodborne pathogen exposure.

Bloodborne pathogens are real and harmful. Not knowing what they are, and how to work with them without education and training is sending your staff and cleaning techs to their doom. Therefore, it is imperative for your staff and cleaning techs to pass through a bloodborne pathogen certification to educate your employees for their safety, their clients, and the community. Having an education on bloodborne pathogens will prepare your staff and cleaning techs with the necessary tools and equipment to deal with issues like these and carry out their jobs successfully having a peace of mind knowing that everyone is safe.


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