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Harmful effects of regular cleaning products

14 Oct 2023 2:29 PM | Deleted user

There are many harmful effects of regular cleaning products. One effect is handling the cleaner and inhaling them. You are exposing yourself to chemicals that could eat at your lungs, eyes, and skin. Causing copd, cancers, etc. While green products clean just as good, at almost no effects to the user. 

Regular cleaning products are not only not safe for the user, but it isn't safe for others as well. Family, clients, pets, Are all going to suffer from the harmful effects of these cleaners. Touching surfaces that was cleaned with the regular cleaning product. Causing other health issues like skin irritations, asthmatic issues,etc. Green products will cause way less issues like these. 

Green cleaning products are also better for the environments. Regular cleaning products leak into our waters, causing animals who live in and off of the waters, to be poisoned. We are one of the species affected by this. Scary!

Regular cleaning products also seeps into the soil. Causing poisoning in our plant life. Which causes a domino effect into the whole ecosystem. Using green will not hurt our world and all that lives here. 

Myself, along with others who use green products at International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association - Green Cleaning Services ( are proud to say we do not use regular cleaning products or offer green cleaning as an option and can sleep better at night, knowing we are not contributing to polluting our planet or poisoning ourselves and those around us. 


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