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  • 23 Jun 2024 2:14 PM | Christi McNulty

    In the wake of global health concerns, the implementation of medical cleaning practices has become a crucial aspect of maintaining clean and safe residential and commercial spaces. The lessons learned from healthcare cleaning can be seamlessly integrated into various settings to protect the population and contribute to a healthier world. By adopting these practices, not only are harmful bacteria, germs, and viruses effectively addressed, but the overall well-being of communities is safeguarded.

    Adapting Healthcare Protocols: Residential and commercial spaces can benefit immensely from adopting the rigorous protocols practiced in medical cleaning. Crystal Clean Office Cleaning and Sanitizing Service in Arvada, CO, is a shining example of a service provider that embraces these practices, ensuring the highest standards of cleanliness. Through specialized disinfectants, meticulous attention to high-touch surfaces, and a commitment to thorough cleaning, businesses and homeowners alike can mitigate the risks associated with harmful pathogens.

    A Comprehensive Approach: The values associated with protecting the population extend beyond the healthcare sector. Recognizing the interconnectedness of our communities, it becomes imperative to implement a comprehensive approach to cleaning. The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) Janitorial Services Directory serves as a valuable resource for connecting with professional cleaning services committed to upholding these values. By selecting services that prioritize health and safety, individuals and businesses contribute to a collective effort to create cleaner, safer environments.

    The Impact on Global Well-Being: The integration of medical cleaning practices into residential and commercial settings transcends immediate benefits, influencing global well-being. As businesses and homeowners embrace these practices, they play a vital role in reducing the transmission of illnesses and promoting a cleaner planet. The ripple effect of such practices contributes to a world where communities are healthier, and the risk of infectious diseases is minimized.

    Conclusion: In conclusion, the incorporation of medical cleaning practices into various cleaning situations is a proactive step toward protecting populations and creating a safer world. By leveraging the expertise of services like Crystal Clean Office Cleaning and connecting with professionals through the IJCSA Janitorial Services Directory, individuals and businesses can champion the cause of health and hygiene. As we collectively navigate the challenges of our time, the adoption of medical cleaning practices becomes not just a necessity but a shared responsibility for the well-being of the global community.

  • 23 Jun 2024 1:32 PM | Robert&Tammy Harris

    ATTENTION: Pure Green Janitorial, LLC is Master Green Cleaning Certified.

    Pure Green Janitorial is now providing businesses in Northeast Indiana and parts of Ohio and Michigan with Master Certified Green Cleaning. We have learned a lot during this certification process. 

    There are a lot of easy solutions to clean effectively whether it's a home or business. We had a difficult time trying to remove soot spots from carpet until we used baking soda and vinegar paste. 

    We also learned of the effects that brooms, dust pans and toilet bowl brushes have on the environment. They just add to the plastic pollution, but there are many alternatives that can reduce the amount of plastic that goes into the landfill. Look for dust pans that can be recycled, toilet bowl brushes with wood handles and coco fiber bristles. 

  • 23 Jun 2024 11:43 AM | Rachelle Hiltbrand

    Properly cleaning healthcare facilities is extremely important. Healthcare facilities are full of germs and other harmful bacteria that can be spread to others. Germs can easily spread without even knowing it considering germs cannot be seen by the naked eye. Wearing proper PPE and properly disinfecting surfaces is critical to the health of a healthcare facility.

    Janitorial staff can help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria in a healthcare facility by wearing the correct personal protective equipment (PPE). The most commonly recommended PPE for janitorial staff in healthcare facilities are gloves and eyewear. Janitorial staff can also wear a protective gown, mask, and hair cover. PPE protects the employee from touching or inhaling the germs and when properly disposed of can help to reduce the spread and exposure of germs.

    Janitorial staff can also ensure that healthcare facilities are being properly cleaned by ensuring all surfaces are wiped down with the proper cleaning solution. The instructions for the cleaning solution need to be followed so that it can work properly. It is important for the surface area to be left wet for the recommended dwell time to make sure it has enough time to properly kill germs and bacteria.

    Germs are everywhere and its impossible to get rid of all of them. However, it is essential for healthcare facilities to do what they can to manage them and prevent the spread. Two key ways this can occur is by wearing PPE and properly using cleaning solutions.  

    If you are looking for a company to properly clean your healthcare facility, check out the Janitorial Services Directory.

  • 23 Jun 2024 10:57 AM | Lori Weber
    "Going green" has become more popular as more people are becoming more informed on the negative health and environmental impacts that some of the things that we use in our daily lives can have. Things like single-use plastic, toxic cleaning chemicals, the wasting of water in our bathroom showers and toilets, all affect the people and environment around us. Now it's more important than ever to implement a green cleaning program into our cleaning services.

    Doing things like using natural active ingredient cleaners can keep the people in the facilities that we're cleaning, ourselves, and the environment safer.  There's less human health risk and liability when using natural products versus toxic chemicals. Small things that don't even require extra effort like using glass bottles and multi-use washable cleaning cloths and mops are beneficial to the environment by lowering the amount of waste that we produce that will go to a landfill and could possibly take hundreds of years to break down.

    Offering green cleaning to customers will not only benefit human health and the environment, but also our businesses. Customers will appreciate that we care enough about the environment and their health to use safer eco-friendly products, in turn making them more likely to refer others with similar priorities to us. 

  • 23 Jun 2024 9:29 AM | Robert&Tammy Harris

    Being a cleaner that uses green cleaning products, equipment and techniques or a company that does the same has many benefits. Some benefits can include better employee morale, employee retention, and better customer satisfaction.

    There have been many changes to the percentage of certain chemicals that are allowed in products as well as certain chemicals that are no longer allowed in products period. These chemicals that are now banned or required to be below a certain percentage are toxic to people, pets and the environment. These regular cleaning products can cause people to have reactions to them or their ingredients, such as raspatory symptoms, skin reactions, reduced cognitive function and headaches. 

    Environmental impact is another area where green cleaning products thrive. Eco friendly cleaning products often times are biodegradable and will not accumulate in the environment. They also are less toxic to wildlife and will not contribute to toxic sludge build up in wastewater treatment facilities. 

    Businesses that use green cleaning products might be able to get lower insurance premiums due to that they are safer to handle, transport and store. If a company is uses regular cleaning products, they cloud be charged an environmental cleanup fee if a spill happens. When used correctly eco-friendly products will not cause damage to surfaces, again saving a company from using their insurance to cover damages.

    Green cleaning products have another benefit that I have not talked about yet. When I was young, I worked for a commercial cleaning contractor. I was trained on how to use a 2 in 1 oil based stainless-steel cleaner and polish. I was not taught to wear gloves, just to use it with paper towels and it left my hands a little oily. One day I read the back of the label, it said in fine print at the very bottom that it caused birth defects and sterilization, I never used it again. So, what do you want your spouse or kids around? eco-friendly products or hazardous cleaning chemicals?

    If you would like to have your home or office safely cleaned use the IJCSA Green Cleaning Directory   

  • 23 Jun 2024 7:46 AM | William Boston

    When you decide to hire a cleaning company you must keep in mind that there will be individuals entering your home and performing cleaning processes on your biggest investment. Hiring a company that has not been properly trained can have detrimental effects on items in your home. For example, if a cleaning company has not been properly trained and they clean your oven with a cleaner when it is a self-cleaning unit, your oven could quit working properly and cost hundreds to replace. Also what would happen if a cleaner came into your home and removed valuable items without your knowledge? These are all concerns that the general public should have when deciding to hire a cleaning company. 

    There are many websites that can be utilized to help locate companies in your area. Simply enter your city and you can end up with a laundry list of service providers near you. But how do you know that these providers have had training? How can you be sure that they are a trusted source?

    By utilizing the IJCSA's Maid Service Directory you can be put in contact with businesses that have been highly trained and vetted. Not only does the IJCSA offer training in everything from customer service to green cleaning procedures, they also provide basic training on how to properly clean residential homes and businesses. They equip their students with the knowledge on how to properly perform a cleaning from start to finish and how to test products and materials before damage can be caused to your investments. Trust in the IJCSA's industry backed training programs to link you with providers who will deliver outstanding service. 

  • 22 Jun 2024 11:18 PM | Ana Malone

    It is extremely important for cleaning employees to be aware of the risk that comes from bloodborne pathogens. Cleaning staff could come into contact with many forms of bodily fluids that have the possibility of spreading disease. There is a possibility to infect themselves and many others by not properly handling situations where bloodborne pathogens could be a risk. Cleaning staff should always use universal precautions.

    Even if a particular cleaning staff member would not usually be expected to come into contact with a bloodborne pathogen, they should have the proper training to be able to handle the situation and reduce the chances of anyone contracting a bloodborne pathogen whenever possible.

    Bloodborne pathogens training can help employees to be aware of the risk and to use universal precautions by wearing proper PPE and following all established safety protocols. Without training employees may not be aware of the risks and that could lead to many people being at risk to be infected by a bloodborne pathogen that could have otherwise been avoided.

  • 22 Jun 2024 9:02 PM | Blake Hamilton

    At IJCSA, our commitment to providing unparalleled customer service sets us apart in the janitorial and cleaning service industry. Our members are dedicated to putting customers and clients first, ensuring that their needs are not only met but exceeded with every interaction. From the initial consultation to the completion of the cleaning service, our team goes above and beyond to deliver a seamless and exceptional experience.

    Our members at IJCSA prioritize great customer service as a fundamental aspect of their operations. They understand that a satisfied customer is the key to success in this industry. With attention to detail, professionalism, and a genuine desire to serve, our members consistently strive to create lasting relationships built on trust and reliability. When you choose an IJCSA cleaning service provider, you can rest assured that you are choosing a team that is dedicated to making your satisfaction their top priority.

    Experience the difference that great customer service can make in your janitorial and cleaning service needs by choosing an IJCSA member. Join us in setting the standard for excellence in customer service within the industry.

  • 22 Jun 2024 7:35 PM | William Boston

    Finding the perfect carpet or rug cleaning service can sometimes be daunting. Knowing that you need these services is the easy part, finding a trusted and trained professional is a bit more difficult. When you place your trust in the IJCSA to find a professional, you place your trust in an industry-respected name. You are ensuring that you contact an entity with comprehensive training and knowledge in cleaning your carpet or rug effectively and professionally. They are up to date on the most effective chemicals, processes, and professionalism to meet all of your needs. The best way to locate these trained professionals is through the IJCSA’s directory for carpet cleaning professionals. Here you can simply type your location, and find the help that you need!

  • 22 Jun 2024 4:23 PM | Jacqueline Moerkens

    Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms that are transmitted by blood. For example, HIV and hepatitis B (and many others) are bloodborne pathogens. These diseases are transmitted through infected body fluids that enter the bloodstream of an uninfected person. Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted through infected body fluids that enter the bloodstream. HIV and HBV can pose serious, long-term health risks or even death if someone comes into contact with them.

    These pathogens can be transmitted in several ways. The most common ways of transmission are needlesticks, cuts, bites from humans, and mucous membranes. For example, if you are taking out the trash and come in contact with a dirty or used needle, you may come in contact with a bloodborne pathogen. Or you may need to mop up bodily fluids, and splashes can come in contact with your mucous membranes or contaminate a small tear in your skin. Any cleaning job where you come in contact with blood or other body fluids puts you at risk for spreading bloodborne pathogens. All in all, you should always assume that all body fluids you come into contact with are contaminated. This is called universal precautions. Therefore training on bloodborne pathogens is required for proper cleaning.

    OSHA has developed training on bloodborne pathogens that explains how to clean body fluids, what personal protective equipment to wear when cleaning body fluids, how to properly clean and dispose of body fluids, and what else to look for in this area. For example, gloves, goggles and possibly a face mask are essential for your own protection from contamination. Thorough hand washing after an exposure is also among the important protective measures. In addition, any contamination waste generated must be specially labeled and disposed of separately, for example in different colored waste bags (red or orange).

    Cleaning services and training on bloodborne pathogens are essential to keeping our environment safe for everyone. Every cleaner should complete training on bloodborne pathogens, as it is necessary for the proper performance of the job. Employers should provide access to this training free of charge during working hours. This training is one of the most important experiences a janitor or cleaner needs to have, especially, but not only, if they work in a hospital. The CDC reported that approximately 5.6 million healthcare and janitorial service workers are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. If you can clean and dispose of body fluids before a bloodborne pathogen can spread, you can save lives!

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