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  • 25 Jul 2024 7:54 PM | Anonymous member

    Medical cleaning practices are very strict in the sense that there are rules to follow when it comes to the cleaning. Since medical facilities need to be properly clean to avoid patient getting sick medical cleaning practices can benefit residential and commercial places. The majority of people won’t be familiar with some of the rules and proper methods went dealing with cleaning chemical.

    Some of those standards can help other residential and commercial situations in the sense that if they can implement a higher standard of cleaning there would be less people getting sick. There would be a lower number of people calling in sick to work and to school. Medical cleaning practices implementation at home can also help you avoid going to the doctor because of bacteria’s or virus that could have been avoidable if we were to do a deeper cleaning with the right cleaning chemicals. 

    A good idea to implement is to have a higher standardized level of cleaning for all types of situations, for homes and work places. By implementing medical cleaning practices across the board we can have a better control when it comes to people getting sick. According to the CDC, cleaning alone effectively reduces the number of microorganisms on contaminated equipment. Now imagine having the knowledge to use the correct chemicals it can really impact us in a good way.

    Now, that we are in a pandemic cleaning is crucial and knowing and implementing the high standards of medical cleaning can keep a better control of the spread. For example, knowing that we should clean with color rags that way we are not cross contaminating areas and knowing about how to correctly use chemical that can kill harmful virus and germs. Check out find a certified company that can help you in the process.

  • 25 Jul 2024 5:04 PM | William Green

    How Important Are Janitors & Janitorial Staff To Our Daily Lives

    Janitors are extremely important to our day to day lives. Just think without janitors, going to the hospitals with bodily fluids and trash everywhere. I can tell you now that you would probably walk out. Or what about going to the grocery store and seeing trash and old food all over the floor, again you would probably walk out.

    Janitors make up the back ground of the world but without janitors the world would be a complete mess. Mostly every company in the world that allows customer access to their facility should understand that customer service starts with a clean waiting area.  If you agree, you are at the right place. Please see IJCSA's Janitorial Service Directory- for all your janitorial needs.

    Before I let you go, you should understand when go to the bank, gym, store, or even events that it take a lot of effort from great men and women to have cleaned up the place so you could enjoy the best experiences of your lives.   Please see a janitor, thank a janitor.

  • 25 Jul 2024 3:21 PM | Andrea S & Blake G Hurlston

    In today's Cleaning industry, it is essential that all cleaning company owners, particularly, members of IJCSA, have made themselves aware of the environmental situation on hand, as it relates to how the harsh chemicals and cleaning solutions being used for decades have proven to be a serious hazard to every living creature on the face of the earth. It incumbent of us to be a part of changing the mindset of the populous.

    It is proven by most if not all of us, that "Going Green" is the best and safest option- in all aspects of our lives. We need to remove harmful chemicals and replace them by using all eco-friendly products.

    A large percentage of consumers are in synch with this safer, cleaner way of living and therefore have an expectation of us "cleaning company owners", to ensure we have acquired a similar mindset; and are capable to deliver 100% Green Cleaning services using bio-degradeable products. 

    IJCSA provides a superb educational website for its members, whereby any consumer can use its resources in Finding a Certified Green Cleaning Janitorial company in your area. International Janitorial Cleaning Service Association  online resource provides consumers with a peace of mind and satisfaction that companies listed are reputable.

    IJCSA provides a broad array of training/certification courses to equip all members with the necessary knowledge to keep us current in the industry. It is important as members that we utilize the great resources provided to us. These certifications will enhance our company image whereby we showcase that we have raised the bar in the industry, setting us apart from the other "cleaning companies".

    Be sure to sign up to all available certification courses offered by IJCSA by clicking on the following link:

    Green Clean Home Care Services are 100% eco-friendly and chemical free cleaning company and we are ensuring we keep informed on IJSCA' member discussion forums and are embracing the relevant training courses.

  • 25 Jul 2024 12:39 PM | Stefani McDonald

    If you want to maintain a clean space we need custodians/janitors. For to often they are bypassed as you don't understand the job.  They are the ones that not only keep your facility clean but they are also prevention specialists. 

    I know that if I were to work a lot of hours I wouldn't want to have to go clean a bathroom so by having a janitor makes your life a little easier. If you have a clean facility you have happier customers/staff at your work place.  Even a good smell after the janitors are done makes your day a little more enjoyable.

    Janitors are essential to any location. It doesn't matter if its just a place where no public goes or if its a public building. They are so important! I know I like to know that if i go to a dr. facility that it has been cleaned and that my friend is the janitors job.

  • 25 Jul 2024 9:47 AM | Nadine Mackey

    It might be difficult to locate a reputable cleaning company that is committed to providing reasonably priced residential and commercial cleaning services. It's now simpler than ever for customers to have a tidy house without going over budget when they locate cleaning services that will work with them to customize to their unique cleaning plan.

    The scope of work varies for each cleaning task, so before making a reservation with a certain firm, take into account the services they provide. Examine the kind of cleaning supplies and tools that the firm employs when you narrow down your options for a cleaning service. If using environmentally friendly cleaning supplies is essential to you, for example, you may ask the firm about it. Even more environmentally friendly services are available from some companies.

    When choosing the best cleaning service for you, consider the kinds of tools and supplies that the business employs.  When you let our staff handle your house cleaning, you'll have more time for anything you want to do, like relax, read, or binge-watch your favorite shows in a clean and organized home, all while appreciating the fact that nothing had to be done by you.

    Employing a cleaning business that has earned the IJCSA RCS Certification guarantees that you will work with a team that regularly produces high-quality services by utilizing cutting-edge techniques and tools. Our skill guarantees that your house looks its best whether we're deep cleaning carpets, getting rid of stubborn stains, or preserving upholstery. You may enjoy a clean house without the stress of doing it all yourself by hiring experts like us to take care of the work. Home Cleaning | Maid Service Directory. 

    Your home is supposed to be the place you go to rest, restore, and recharge after a long and busy work week; the last thing you want to do is use up your precious free time cleaning and scrubbing.  Rather than spending your free time vacuuming and scrubbing, our team can help you use that time for what’s important, your family.  Knowing that your home is in the capable hands of a company that holds a certification from IJCSA provides peace of mind.

  • 25 Jul 2024 9:33 AM | Jeffrey Shepard

    There are several occupations where employees and staff need to know, or are even required to know, about bloodborne pathogens (BBPs). In my occupational field as a custodial worker, I am required to participate in BBP training, since I may (and likely will) come into contact with BBPs. This article outlines what BBPs are, understanding the importance of BBP training, and examples of protocols to follow to prevent the infection or spread of BBPs in the workplace.

    What are bloodborne pathogens?

    Bloodborne pathogens, or BBPs, are bacteria, viruses, or other infectious microorganisms that can cause disease when present in human blood. A few examples of BBPs are Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), and Syphilis.

    Who needs to know about BBPs, and why?

    Due to the serious nature of BBPs, such as causing disease or even death through infection, it's imperative for workers and staff in certain occupations to be aware potential hazards. These occupations include but are not limited to hospital and clinical personnel, first responders, and custodial and janitorial workers who may come into contact with BBPs. Being properly trained can help these workers perform their jobs in a safer manner.

    Important protocols to follow to prevent BBP infection.

    Steps and protocols to follow to control the exposure to bloodborne pathogens include a combination of using personal protective equipment (PPE, such as gloves, eye protection, aprons, etc), engineering controls (e.g. color-coded or properly labeled bins for needles), and workplace practices (such as recapping needles by hand and forbidding eating, drinking, handling contacts, and/or applying cosmetics in areas where exposure is more likely to occur).

    If your occupation requires you to possibly come into contact with BBPs, your employer should provide appropriate vaccinations (e.g. HBV), PPE, and training at no cost to you.

  • 25 Jul 2024 8:48 AM | Jennifer Medina

    There are many advantages to hiring a professional to do a job in your home. For one, they have the licenses or certifications and two, because they were trained, they know what they are doing. When getting your home cleaned you don't want just anyone to clean your house because there are just too many things that can go wrong. 

    The key advantages, however, to hiring a professional cleaner that is also certified as a residential cleaning specialist through the IJCSA is far beyond just the service that will be received but the quality of work will have you wanting to not use another company again.

    As I say this, let me speak of some examples. When cleaning your home we are specialized in "special cleaning" which allows us to work on removing mold/mildew while other companies will tell you that you need to hire someone else to take care of it and most of the time, some of these companies that come to clean your home will either refuse to clean that area or clean it wrong causing the mold to keep coming back and worse, spread more.

    Step by step we carefully examine from top to bottom what needs to be done in each room individually and not also focus on one task at a time to ensure it gets done, but we also use the proper equipment and techniques to make sure it gets done correctly. For instance, we do not use the same cloth for everything. We use three different cloths each color coded for a specific purpose to ensure everything is properly clean and no grease, dust, or bacteria is spread to harm you or your valuables at home. 

    Another thing, hiring a cleaner that is certified as a residential cleaning specialist through the IJCSA will ultimately save a customer time because a lot of things we will do in your home as a "standard" clean, a lot of other companies will want to charge extra as if it were a "deep clean" or "extra" service. Many things that I have noticed is that I can hire someone and if they do not do one thing and I go back to them, they will tell me that it costs extra however, at IJCSA these cleaners, these companies that are certified through this organization as Residential cleaning specialists are real specialists and do what they are supposed to do rather than other companies who will do some of what they're supposed to do but also charge extra on things that shouldn't.

  • 25 Jul 2024 7:24 AM | Blake Gordon

    1. Responsiveness: Great customer service begins with being responsive to our clients' needs. IJCSA members prioritize open communication and quick response times. When you have a question or require assistance, we're here for you, ensuring your concerns are addressed promptly.

    2. Professionalism: Our members uphold the highest standards of professionalism. From the appearance of our cleaning teams to the quality of our work, we take pride in our commitment to professionalism in every aspect of our service.

    3. Customized Solutions: We understand that every client is unique, with distinct cleaning needs. IJCSA members tailor their services to your specific requirements, ensuring that your space receives the attention it deserves.

    4. Reliability: Dependability is a hallmark of great customer service. IJCSA members prioritize punctuality and consistency in our cleaning services. You can trust us to be there when you need us.

    5. Attention to Detail: We believe in going the extra mile. Great customer service means paying attention to the finer details, ensuring no spot is left untouched, and your space is immaculate.

    6. Environmentally Responsible: Many IJCSA members are committed to eco-friendly cleaning practices, using green cleaning products and sustainable methods to protect your health and the environment.

    7. Industry Expertise: With IJCSA, you benefit from working with cleaning professionals who are experts in their field. Our members stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices to deliver exceptional service.

    8. Continuous Improvement: Great customer service is an ongoing commitment to improvement. IJCSA members actively seek feedback and continuously strive to enhance our services to meet and exceed your expectations.

    Join Hands with IJCSA for Outstanding Customer Service!

    When you choose an IJCSA member for your janitorial or cleaning needs, you're not just getting a service; you're getting a partner dedicated to delivering great customer service. Visit the IJCSA Business Directory to connect with our exceptional members and experience the difference that outstanding customer service can make in your cleaning service. Elevate your cleaning experience with IJCSA today!

  • 24 Jul 2024 11:35 PM | Elena Pena

    Using green, eco-friendly cleaning products can improve the air quality, reduce health and environmental concerns and sets the standard for environmentally responsible behavior. Contributing to a well thought out green cleaning practice will benefit not only client, but it will also ensure that you are reducing your impact on the environment. Your clients will appreciate this and maybe even start using green cleaning products themselves! green cleaning service directory

    To implement a good green cleaning service program you must first conduct an audit of the facility or area in which you have been hired to clean. This will help you assess which areas need the most improvement and build a comprehensive plan around this. Next is to train the cleaning staff with the use of chemical and equipment handling and cleaning procedures. Afterwards, review the progress to make sure the green cleaning program is successful and implement any changes. 

    Find IJCSA Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

  • 24 Jul 2024 9:06 PM | Robert Johnson

    I believe after taking bloodborne pathogen certification course is probably the most important course one could take. Infectious bloodborne pathogens could strike anywhere anytime, and knowing the risks, dangers, precautions to take, and how to handle oneself when faced with a situation, is a matter of life and death. In the career field of a Janitorial worker or cleaning crew, it is a must to know. It is like playing Russian roulette with ones life to cleanup bodily fluids and not know the dangers of infectious pathogens.

    To give a little background on bloodborne pathogens and the risks that come with it. Infectious Bloodborne pathogens are very tiny microorganisms found in blood. These pathogens can cause incurable disease such as HIV, HBV, and HCV. once you contract such disease your chances of death are extremely high. HIV or Humane Immunodeficiency is a disease that can soon bring on AIDS. It breaks down your immune system to the point you cant even fight off a common cold. These disease once you contract one is not curable. The best one can do is make your life as comfortable as possible until the disease finally wins.

    Fortunately there are precautions and guidelines you can follow that will greatly reduce your chances of ever contracting a infectious bloodborne pathogen. Osha has set up many rules, guidelines, and steps to take. Universal precaution is one that we must treat all bodily fluids as infectious. How we handle taking out the trash, or what steps to take when cleaning up bodily fluids are just a few of the precautions we must follow. Not knowing these can be a death sentence to a cleaning or janitorial worker. Important to know this material is a understatement when it comes to bloodborne pathogens. 

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