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  • 21 Jul 2024 8:03 PM | Leon Williams

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms present in human blood and bodily fluids that can lead to dangerous diseases in those who come into contact with them. Types of bloodborne pathogens include: HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. 

    Those in the cleaning field are especially at risk for coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens since they may be tasked with cleaning up and sanitizing areas where bodily fluids were present. 

    OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has created industry standards which help employers and employees create a plan to remain safe on the job. By understanding the dangers of bloodborne pathogens and adhering to OSHA guidelines, employees can decrease their risk of exposure and do their jobs safely and effectively.

  • 21 Jul 2024 1:21 PM | Anthony Willis

    Cleaning employees and staff play a critical role in the ongoing effort to control the spread of germs and pathogens which can often lead to any number of diseases including but not limited to HIV and HBV.  When we receive training and education on bloodborne pathogens, we help guard against the spread of contagions that can result in negative health consequences for anyone who might otherwise be exposed to them. 

    As a professional in the janitorial services field, I value the training that I received particularly since I work in medical facilities.  My training has helped me to better understand best practices for the properly handling of trash including a process which is very common that being the compacting of trash within trash liners and how that is a potentially hazardous practice which I will advise my staff not to perform.

    My training has also helped me to better understand the most likely sources for the transmission and exposure to bloodborne pathogens, that being that pathogens are most likely to enter our bodies through our mucus membranes and or through cuts to our skin.  I think that most cleaning professionals take the basic precaution of wear gloves but armed with a better understanding of the other ways an infections can occur, I am inclined to resume wearing additional PPE including protective eyewear and a face mask.  

    I think our collective relief that the threat posed from COVID 19 has been drastically reduced, got us all a little lax and this training reaffirmed the need for cleaning professionals to be as vigilant now as we were in the not- so-distant past.

  • 21 Jul 2024 12:49 PM | Lauren Wanco

    Janitorial staff play a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the spaces we occupy daily, whether it's our workplaces, schools, hospitals, or public facilities. Their diligent efforts contribute significantly to creating a healthy and comfortable environment for everyone. Without their dedicated services, these spaces would quickly descend into unsanitary and chaotic conditions, posing risks to our well-being.

    Beyond the obvious task of keeping spaces clean and tidy, janitorial staff also play a crucial role in promoting public health and safety. Their work involves disinfecting surfaces, properly disposing of hazardous materials, and adhering to strict protocols to prevent the spread of infections and illnesses. This is particularly critical in healthcare facilities, where maintaining a sterile environment is essential for patient recovery and preventing the transmission of diseases.

    Moreover, janitorial staff contribute to our overall quality of life by creating an atmosphere that fosters productivity, learning, and enjoyment. A clean and well-maintained environment can positively impact our mental well-being, reducing stress levels and promoting a sense of order and comfort. In educational settings, a clean and organized classroom can enhance students' ability to focus and learn effectively. In workplaces, a tidy and hygienic environment can boost employee morale and increase productivity. Janitorial staff's efforts often go unnoticed, but their impact on our daily lives is profound and invaluable.

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  • 21 Jul 2024 10:53 AM | Christi McNulty

    In the wake of global health concerns, the implementation of medical cleaning practices has become a crucial aspect of maintaining clean and safe residential and commercial spaces. The lessons learned from healthcare cleaning can be seamlessly integrated into various settings to protect the population and contribute to a healthier world. By adopting these practices, not only are harmful bacteria, germs, and viruses effectively addressed, but the overall well-being of communities is safeguarded.

    Adapting Healthcare Protocols: Residential and commercial spaces can benefit immensely from adopting the rigorous protocols practiced in medical cleaning. Crystal Clean Office Cleaning and Sanitizing Service in Arvada, CO, is a shining example of a service provider that embraces these practices, ensuring the highest standards of cleanliness. Through specialized disinfectants, meticulous attention to high-touch surfaces, and a commitment to thorough cleaning, businesses and homeowners alike can mitigate the risks associated with harmful pathogens.

    A Comprehensive Approach: The values associated with protecting the population extend beyond the healthcare sector. Recognizing the interconnectedness of our communities, it becomes imperative to implement a comprehensive approach to cleaning. The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) Janitorial Services Directory serves as a valuable resource for connecting with professional cleaning services committed to upholding these values. By selecting services that prioritize health and safety, individuals and businesses contribute to a collective effort to create cleaner, safer environments.

    The Impact on Global Well-Being: The integration of medical cleaning practices into residential and commercial settings transcends immediate benefits, influencing global well-being. As businesses and homeowners embrace these practices, they play a vital role in reducing the transmission of illnesses and promoting a cleaner planet. The ripple effect of such practices contributes to a world where communities are healthier, and the risk of infectious diseases is minimized.

    Conclusion: In conclusion, the incorporation of medical cleaning practices into various cleaning situations is a proactive step toward protecting populations and creating a safer world. By leveraging the expertise of services like Crystal Clean Office Cleaning and connecting with professionals through the IJCSA Janitorial Services Directory, individuals and businesses can champion the cause of health and hygiene. As we collectively navigate the challenges of our time, the adoption of medical cleaning practices becomes not just a necessity but a shared responsibility for the well-being of the global community.

  • 20 Jul 2024 10:26 PM | Deleted user

    Do you ever come home from work, look around, and see all of the cleaning tasks you wish you had more time or energy to accomplish? Maybe you have kids, and you know they grow up too fast, so you spend most of your time and energy with them, leaving the cleaning chores to build up and take care of later. Or maybe your mental health hasn't been the greatest lately and it's showing in the lack of cleanliness of your place of comfort, causing you even more stress. If you've experienced any of these things, have they ever caused you to think about hiring someone to help ease your burden and keep the house that you've spent your time, effort, and money on, in tip-top shape?

    The professional cleaning business members of IJCSA understand that life can get busy and be overwhelming. We know that because of this, there are times that to-do-list items get put on the back burner. We're here to help!  IJCSA business members are trustworthy, reliable, and provide a great cleaning service you're sure to appreciate. We offer a variety of services and are thoroughly trained in providing superior quality results. We are happy to alleviate some of your tasks so you can relax after work in the comforting cleanliness of your home, spend more time making memories with your children instead of cleaning, or just ease your mental load.

    The members of IJSCA want to assist you in acquiring back some of your time, so you can spend it doing the things you love. Finding the best cleaning business to fit your needs and lifestyle is just a couple clicks away! Start here!

  • 20 Jul 2024 7:55 PM | Jair Pineros

    Healthcare facilities required special steps and procedures to clean and disinfect due to the high risk of contamination from harmful pathogens such as germs, bacteria, and viruses. How can we implement the same procedures to other areas of janitorial services? And how can we be the fore front against the spreading of diseases from these microorganisms?

    Medical cleaning training procedures are effective in high risk areas where germs and viruses are present. The use of PPE and appropriate cleaning and disinfecting techniques are very important to avoid direct or indirect contact with pathogens. The same procedures could be utilize for residential and commercial cleaning to achieve better results for your own company and customers.

    Cleaning methods use in health care facilities can be apply in residential cleaning. For instance, high touch areas should be disinfected in the same manner medical institutions do, as well as bathrooms and kitchen. When it comes to commercial cleaning, the same procedures for health care facilities should be use. In commercial settings high traffic areas like floors and carpets should be disinfected in a daily basis. Items like phones, computers key boards, hand rails and door knobs are a breeding ground for viruses.

    Protecting our environment wheatear is home or business from harmful pathogens is essential for a good standard of living. Cleaning and disinfecting is a good habit and should always be exercised in a daily basis. As of right now, with the recent covid-19 pandemic we are aware of how important disinfecting is and how keeping a good habit of cleanliness have a positive impact in our lives.       

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  • 20 Jul 2024 6:43 PM | Lauren Wanco

    While they often work behind the scenes and out of the spotlight, janitors and janitorial staff play a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness, order, and functionality of the buildings and spaces we occupy every day. From schools and offices to hospitals, shopping malls, and public venues, these dedicated professionals work tirelessly to ensure our surroundings remain sanitary, hygienic, and welcoming.

    Their contributions extend far beyond simply sweeping floors and emptying trash cans. Janitors and janitorial teams are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including sanitizing surfaces, restocking supplies, maintaining equipment, and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. Their efforts help prevent the spread of illnesses, create a pleasant atmosphere, and promote overall well-being for those who frequent these spaces.

    Moreover, the work of janitors and janitorial staff directly impacts our productivity and ability to focus. Clean and well-maintained environments foster a sense of order and tranquility, enabling students to concentrate better in classrooms, employees to work more efficiently in offices, and patients to heal more comfortably in healthcare facilities. Their dedication to their craft, often carried out diligently and with pride, contributes immensely to the smooth operation of our daily lives, even if we may not always realize or appreciate it fully.

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  • 20 Jul 2024 12:40 PM | Travis Green

       As cleaning employees we need to be thinking of the dangers of blood-borne pathogens. As well as the diseases these pathogens can carry. Thinking and knowing of them is not enough though. You need to know how to identify potential hazards and how to deal with these situations safely and correct. This course did just that.

       Without the proper training you or your coworkers could be in danger of exposing yourself to life threatening Pathogens. Pathogens can cause lots of diseases two of the main ones being HIV and HBV. These diseases can be contracted by simple exposure to blood, human waist, or even spit and mucus. That is why it is important to know the proper procedure when you come in contact with blood and other human fluids.

      As an employer, I will make sure I have proper procedures in place and the proper training to reduce the chances of incidences. I will makes sure my employees understand that small health issues could be symptoms to something bigger. Our company will be sure to take incidences very serious and always act as if an object or area is contaminated even if it is unlikely. The smallest chance is not worth someones well being when you can just take the right precautions and be safe. 

  • 19 Jul 2024 11:02 PM | Lauren Wanco

    The importance of green cleaning extends far beyond simply keeping our homes and workplaces tidy – it is a matter of protecting the delicate balance of life on our planet. Conventional cleaning products, laden with harsh chemicals and toxins, pose a grave threat to the well-being of all living creatures, from the smallest microorganisms to the majestic wildlife that inhabit our forests and oceans.

    The impact of chemical-based cleaners is far-reaching and insidious. When these products are rinsed down our drains, they can contaminate water sources, disrupting the fragile aquatic ecosystems that sustain countless species of fish, plants, and other marine life. The toxic compounds found in many cleaners can bioaccumulate in the food chain, causing long-term harm to the creatures that unwittingly consume them. On land, the residues from these products can leach into the soil, poisoning the intricate web of microorganisms, insects, and plants that form the foundation of terrestrial ecosystems.

    Green cleaning, on the other hand, represents a harmonious approach to maintaining cleanliness while respecting the delicate balance of nature. By using products derived from natural, biodegradable ingredients, we can minimize the introduction of harmful substances into the environment. This not only protects the countless species that inhabit our planet but also safeguards the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil that nourishes the crops we consume. By embracing green cleaning practices, we acknowledge our shared responsibility as stewards of the Earth, ensuring a habitable and sustainable future for all living creatures.

    As consumers become increasingly aware of the profound impact their choices have on the environment, the demand for green cleaning solutions continues to grow. Organizations like the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) and third-party certifiers like Green Seal and EcoLogo provide guidance and standards for identifying truly eco-friendly cleaning products. By making conscious choices and supporting businesses that prioritize sustainability, we can create a ripple effect that reverberates across industries and communities, inspiring a collective effort to preserve the delicate balance of life on our planet.

    Follow this link to find a cleaning company near you:

  • 19 Jul 2024 11:23 AM | Fatima Escalante

    It is important for cleaning employees to be aware of bloodborne pathogens and the risks that come from them. But first we need to understand what they are. Bloodborne pathogens are disease-causing microorganisms in human blood which include HBV and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

    It's essential for employers to have knowledge on the procedures that are used to be cautious to help prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens. One way could be by taking special training classes to increase their knowledge on precautions they can take. Without these training classes the employees could be at risk of getting infected if the proper measures aren't taken.

    In conclusion following the right steps when dealing with body fluids/ blood could prevent life threatening diseases in the workplace. 

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