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  • 27 Jun 2024 8:47 PM | Jennifer Medina

    There are many advantages to hiring a professional to do a job in your home. For one, they have the licenses or certifications and two, because they were trained, they know what they are doing. When getting your home cleaned you don't want just anyone to clean your house because there are just too many things that can go wrong. 

    The key advantages, however, to hiring a professional cleaner that is also certified as a residential cleaning specialist through the IJCSA is far beyond just the service that will be received but the quality of work will have you wanting to not use another company again.

    As I say this, let me speak of some examples. When cleaning your home we are specialized in "special cleaning" which allows us to work on removing mold/mildew while other companies will tell you that you need to hire someone else to take care of it and most of the time, some of these companies that come to clean your home will either refuse to clean that area or clean it wrong causing the mold to keep coming back and worse, spread more.

    Step by step we carefully examine from top to bottom what needs to be done in each room individually and not also focus on one task at a time to ensure it gets done, but we also use the proper equipment and techniques to make sure it gets done correctly. For instance, we do not use the same cloth for everything. We use three different cloths each color coded for a specific purpose to ensure everything is properly clean and no grease, dust, or bacteria is spread to harm you or your valuables at home. 

    Another thing, hiring a cleaner that is certified as a residential cleaning specialist through the IJCSA will ultimately save a customer time because a lot of things we will do in your home as a "standard" clean, a lot of other companies will want to charge extra as if it were a "deep clean" or "extra" service. Many things that I have noticed is that I can hire someone and if they do not do one thing and I go back to them, they will tell me that it costs extra however, at IJCSA these cleaners, these companies that are certified through this organization as Residential cleaning specialists are real specialists and do what they are supposed to do rather than other companies who will do some of what they're supposed to do but also charge extra on things that shouldn't.

  • 27 Jun 2024 7:29 PM | Robert Johnson

    I believe after taking bloodborne pathogen certification course is probably the most important course one could take. Infectious bloodborne pathogens could strike anywhere anytime, and knowing the risks, dangers, precautions to take, and how to handle oneself when faced with a situation, is a matter of life and death. In the career field of a Janitorial worker or cleaning crew, it is a must to know. It is like playing Russian roulette with ones life to cleanup bodily fluids and not know the dangers of infectious pathogens.

    To give a little background on bloodborne pathogens and the risks that come with it. Infectious Bloodborne pathogens are very tiny microorganisms found in blood. These pathogens can cause incurable disease such as HIV, HBV, and HCV. once you contract such disease your chances of death are extremely high. HIV or Humane Immunodeficiency is a disease that can soon bring on AIDS. It breaks down your immune system to the point you cant even fight off a common cold. These disease once you contract one is not curable. The best one can do is make your life as comfortable as possible until the disease finally wins.

    Fortunately there are precautions and guidelines you can follow that will greatly reduce your chances of ever contracting a infectious bloodborne pathogen. Osha has set up many rules, guidelines, and steps to take. Universal precaution is one that we must treat all bodily fluids as infectious. How we handle taking out the trash, or what steps to take when cleaning up bodily fluids are just a few of the precautions we must follow. Not knowing these can be a death sentence to a cleaning or janitorial worker. Important to know this material is a understatement when it comes to bloodborne pathogens. 

  • 27 Jun 2024 6:14 PM | William Boston

    When you decide to hire a cleaning company you must keep in mind that there will be individuals entering your home and performing cleaning processes on your biggest investment. Hiring a company that has not been properly trained can have detrimental effects on items in your home. For example, if a cleaning company has not been properly trained and they clean your oven with a cleaner when it is a self-cleaning unit, your oven could quit working properly and cost hundreds to replace. Also what would happen if a cleaner came into your home and removed valuable items without your knowledge? These are all concerns that the general public should have when deciding to hire a cleaning company. 

    There are many websites that can be utilized to help locate companies in your area. Simply enter your city and you can end up with a laundry list of service providers near you. But how do you know that these providers have had training? How can you be sure that they are a trusted source?

    By utilizing the IJCSA's Maid Service Directory you can be put in contact with businesses that have been highly trained and vetted. Not only does the IJCSA offer training in everything from customer service to green cleaning procedures, they also provide basic training on how to properly clean residential homes and businesses. They equip their students with the knowledge on how to properly perform a cleaning from start to finish and how to test products and materials before damage can be caused to your investments. Trust in the IJCSA's industry backed training programs to link you with providers who will deliver outstanding service. 

  • 27 Jun 2024 6:02 PM | Frances Dalton

    In todays busy world and the need for cleanliness having good habits and following the guidelines under the bbp certifications is one way to ensure the safety of yourself and others. People under certain work environments are at a greater risk for being exposed to blood or other bodily fluids. 

    Following he rules set forth and the proper handling of such fluids you can b greatly lower the risk of becoming infected with such things like HBV, HCV or HIV. Having the knowledge of what to do when an exposure does happen can help alleviate some of the stress that comes with being exposed and helps to have the correct information from the first onset of the exposure so proper steps are followed. 

    Being certified gives workers the knowledge they need to protect themselves and their coworkers. ensuring that you and your coworkers are all watching out and helping to prevent exposure and possible infections is a great tool in the wok place

  • 27 Jun 2024 4:40 PM | Ana Malone

    It is extremely important for cleaning employees to be aware of the risk that comes from bloodborne pathogens. Cleaning staff could come into contact with many forms of bodily fluids that have the possibility of spreading disease. There is a possibility to infect themselves and many others by not properly handling situations where bloodborne pathogens could be a risk. Cleaning staff should always use universal precautions.

    Even if a particular cleaning staff member would not usually be expected to come into contact with a bloodborne pathogen, they should have the proper training to be able to handle the situation and reduce the chances of anyone contracting a bloodborne pathogen whenever possible.

    Bloodborne pathogens training can help employees to be aware of the risk and to use universal precautions by wearing proper PPE and following all established safety protocols. Without training employees may not be aware of the risks and that could lead to many people being at risk to be infected by a bloodborne pathogen that could have otherwise been avoided.

  • 27 Jun 2024 3:58 PM | William Boston

    Selecting a cleaning service with a green cleaning program can benefit you and your family tremendously. Green cleaning products limit the amount of harmful toxins in their ingredients to include fragrances, chlorines, and often reduces the amount of waste in the packaging. Green cleaning is a way to ensure that your home is clean and sanitized, while also limiting the detrimental effects that harsher chemicals can have on the environment. 

    Finding a cleaner who is green clean certified means finding a provider who has taken the time to expand their knowledge and find better alternatives. These businesses have done the work to offer a wide variety of solutions for you and your family that take into account not only your home, but also your community. Green cleaning provides a safer environment for you as well as your cleaner and can have less lasting impacts on air quality. 

    Locating a cleaner who has been properly trained in green cleaning can be simpler than you may think. The IJCSA is an industry backed exclusive set of training programs for cleaning businesses. These are businesses that care about their customers, even the ones that they are not directly performing services for. To locate a certified green cleaner, simply use the IJCSA's Green Cleaning Service Directory. Here you can put in our location and be immediately connected with a list of providers in your area to provide top notch services while also protecting your family from harmful chemicals and pollutants. 

  • 27 Jun 2024 12:43 PM | Kia Dotton

    It is extremely important for employees and staff to know and understand the importance of Bloodborne pathogens. Knowing how to use universal precautions by assuming all bloodborne pathogens are infected by performing protective practices, keeps employees and staff safe. All staff and employees benefit from knowing the proper procedures to clean and disinfect the contaminated area. Having the the proper training and knowledge of who to contact when exposed to bloodborne pathogens could be the difference between life and death.

    Diseases that can be found in bloodborne pathogens, include, but are not limited to: Hepatitis B (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV).  These pathogenic microorganism can be exposed to the human body through, mucous membrane. This is why universal precautions should always be used when handling bloodborne pathogens, assuming it is contaminated to avoid possible spread and exposure of any possible diseases. 

    Protective practices like wearing PPE, having and using color coded labeling of bags and bins, and disinfecting any tools used to disinfect the area, helps to avoid any careless acts of spreading the bloodborne pathogens outside of the contained area. After removing gloves, hands should be washed immediately. Employees and staff all should be aware that if they believe they have been exposed, immediately contact their supervisor and physician.  

    Having the training and knowledge of how to properly handle bloodborne pathogens is a very important part of cleaning and should always be handled properly by cleaning staff and employees.  We come in contact with these situations more often than most. Not knowing how to handle bloodborne pathogens could be detrimental to the employee and staff’s health.  

  • 27 Jun 2024 12:09 PM | Que Gordon

    Did you know that more than 2,000 dust mites can live in a single ounce of carpet dust? That's a lot of gross stuff lurking in your flooring. But getting your carpets cleaned a by a professional often can cut down on the gunk in the fibers. But if it's been a while since you got them cleaned, you're probably wondering how to find the best carpet cleaning service in the first place. It's easier than you think. You just need to follow this  one simple guide.

    Instead of searching all over the internet or calling friends and family, click the link to find the best certified carpet cleaning service in your area with the experience, knowledge and equipment to get the job done!

  • 27 Jun 2024 10:41 AM | Ruben Rivera

    In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there are unsung heroes who ensure our environment are clean, safe, and conducive to productivity.  Janitors and Janitorial staff play a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of our workplace, schools, hospitals, and public spaces. Their contributions often go unnoticed, yet they are fundamental to our well-being and the smooth functioning of society.

  • 27 Jun 2024 10:16 AM | William Boston

    Finding the perfect carpet or rug cleaning service can sometimes be daunting. Knowing that you need these services is the easy part, finding a trusted and trained professional is a bit more difficult. When you place your trust in the IJCSA to find a professional, you place your trust in an industry-respected name. You are ensuring that you contact an entity with comprehensive training and knowledge in cleaning your carpet or rug effectively and professionally. They are up to date on the most effective chemicals, processes, and professionalism to meet all of your needs. The best way to locate these trained professionals is through the IJCSA’s directory for carpet cleaning professionals. Here you can simply type your location, and find the help that you need!

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