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  • 02 Mar 2020 3:06 PM | Deleted user

    As a small, locally owned business, it is important to rise noticeably above the competition. One important way to achieve the goal of standing out from a crowd in what can sometimes feel like a saturated market is to show potential customers that their health, safety, and well being is first and foremost. Cleaning is, after all, a service industry - driven by caring for customers, their families, and their most precious and personal environment: their home.

    Obviously, green products are far better for our planet than their chemical, man-made counterparts due to biodegradability, sustainability, and toxicity among other factors, but the benefits they offer are also keenly felt inside a home. When considering products to use in cleaning someones home, much consideration should be given to the residents of the home, and the health impacts that such products can have. Green products and cleaning can provide assurance that children, pets, people with respiratory or skin sensitivities, the elderly, and other at-risk groups, as well as largely healthy individuals, will not come to any harm as a side effect of a cleaning service. Providing this assurance to potential customers by using products known to be safer allows the customer to enjoy a cleaner home environment without worry of side-effects, and allows the business to showcase commitment to a healthier home environment for potential customers as well as a healthier world for all of us.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

  • 02 Mar 2020 12:37 PM | Alfred Trippeter

    Have high traffic areas full of dirt in your home or business? Tough stains that won't budge? Pest problems? Sneezing and itchy/watery eyes? Then look no further to IJCSA Carpet Cleaning Professionals to help you save money, save time, reduce allergens, and keep things looking fresh and smelling clean. IJCSA pros have tons of stain removal methods up their sleeve and use step by step processes to leave your carpet looking perfect. Need someone in your area? Check our directory listing here!

  • 02 Mar 2020 10:25 AM | Cindee Moyer

    Now is the time to think of "Green Cleaning".  It is important to your health and the health of your family members.  Standard cleaning chemicals are toxic in many ways, harming your lungs, tissues, and causing more and more allergic skin reactions.  Just go the IJCSA website and search for a Green Clean Certified Agency.  

         There are over 800 agencies listed that will provide safe and nontoxic cleaning services for you.  Access the IJCSA "Quick Link" to green cleaners and find one in your state.  Today is the day that you can make a difference by having better quality air, a healthier home, and less antibiotic resistance.  Agents like triclosan antibacterial agents can change the way your hormones work and promote antibiotic resistance.  

         In addition, If sofas and carpets could talk, they’d probably put in a positive word for green cleaning. The products don’t use volatile chemicals, so fabrics and fibers get gentle cleaning that helps preserve their looks. Painted walls and hardwood floors also benefit from non-toxic cleaning agents.  

          Plus, your pets could use a break from the toxic chemicals as well.  Volatile cleaning chemicals can cause skin reactions and breathing issues. In large amounts, liver enzymes can be raised and pets may suffer from liver failure.  Therefore, it is critical to get on board with the green cleaning trend to help your pet lead a healthier life.  

         Finally, the environment certainly could use your help! Household cleaners can be pollutants. Many are not tested or regulated or may take a long time to degrade into harmless products.  Some cleaners used to sanitize, degrease, whiten clothing, surfaces, dishes, and bedding are harmful to our water and air.  If they enter the food chain, all living organisms may be exposed to the toxins, which may lead to caner or birth defects.   Find your Green Cleaning Agency today to make a positive difference in your life and the environment too!  


  • 02 Mar 2020 7:39 AM | Tony Park

    We are all aware that using everyday cleaning chemicals can be harmful to human body. But do we specifically know what's going on in human body when we use everyday cleaning chemicals for prolonged time? Not many people are aware of the consequences of chemicals in human body. Prolonged use of everyday cleaning chemicals can cause problems in the skin, respiratory system, the reproductive system, and the nervous system.

    The skin serves best as the barrier to germs and other substances. It is the first line of defense to the chemicals. Therefore, it is affected first. The prolonged use of chemicals can cause irritation, rash, redness, discoloration, dermatitis, and health effects related to other systems and organs due to contamination through the skin.

    As we use everyday cleaning chemicals, we inhale the chemical pollutants in the air which can cause harmful effects in the respiratory system. It can cause asbestosis, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, fibrosis, emphysema, and decreased oxygen supply in blood. 

    As the chemicals 'sip into' or get absorbed into our body system, the more dangerous it gets. When the reproductive system is affected, it can cause infertility, increased baby death and birth defects. When the nervous system is affected, it can cause depressed cognitive function overall. It can cause inability to move, loss of feeling, confusion, and decreased speech, sight, memory, muscle strength, or coordination. These issues do not arise after one use, but can develop slowly as the chemical usage are prolonged.

    However, using green cleaning products can reduce the risk of getting these negative health issues. Because usage of green cleaning products risks the human risks of the exposure to the toxic chemicals. 

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  • 01 Mar 2020 5:17 PM | Julie Lesage

    Occupational illnesses is a common problem in the housekeeping world. Green cleaning protects workers against harmful substances and we pass on the benefits to customers as well.  We have been raised thinking that Clorox and bleach smell means "truly clean". We have to educate people about the efficiency and health benefits of green cleaning.  

    It is much easier to implement a green cleaning service nowadays.  Many studies have been done to show how toxic conventional products are. Eco-Friendly cleaning should always be an option. How do you promote your Green Cleaning service without falling in the greenwashing scheme? Be honest about the products your use, be personal about your mission and back your claims with science.

    Find Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

    More Information On Green Cleaning Here

  • 01 Mar 2020 10:10 AM | Deleted user

    There are plenty of reasons why using Green Cleaning products are more beneficial to you than using your typical cleaning products that contain harmful chemicals in them and here are a few reasons why.

    The most obvious reason is your health and the health of your family and friends. Using natural products such a vinegar and water to clean windows has no harmful effects on you where as something like Windex can and will if exposed to for long period of time.

    Secondly using healthy natural products are typically cheaper than harmful chemicals. Lemon juice can be used as a deodorizer which is completely natural and inexpensive. Other such cleaning products like Pledge have harmful chemicals in them and are very expensive do to the popularity of them company so essentially you're just paying for the name.

    Thirdly by using green cleaning products will help insure your workers are safe while they perform their duties. By using natural products you can be sure that they don't became sick as often in they were exposed to harmful chemicals on a daily basis.

    Finally there are many people that would also prefer to do there part and help save the environment and the people around them so when you're Green Cleaning Certified it could bring you more business than it typically would if you were not.

    So to do your part and help save the environment take one small step and hire a IJCSA Green Cleaning Certified company by going to If everyone can keep this in kind the next time they're cleaning or hiring someone to clean our world would be a healthier safer place for not only us but for the people around us.

  • 29 Feb 2020 6:34 PM | Marilyn Nozaki

    We have started already using practices of cleaning that minimize the impact on the environment. Moreover, it is also important have this policy on our company due to fact it is a way of making the customers aware that we care about the environment and human life. 

    There are various substitutes of cleaning products, all natural, such as baking soda, white vinegar, isopropyl alchool, salt, lemon juice, borax. 

    The benefits are of using green cleaning products are:

    • Productivity and morale of building occupants improved
    • Health of building occupants improved
    • Awareness
    • Reduce Liability from worker safety issues
    • Satisfaction from helping to make the community a better place
    The use of the repetitive use of some substances can cause allergies, especially to those who deal with detergents, washing powder, bleach, fabric softeners and disinfectants. In more severe cases, the allergic reaction can lead to glottis edema reaching the throat, larynx, pharynx, trachea and bronchi, and, if there is no rapid medical intervention, it can lead to death. 

    Our company is a IJCSA Green Cleaning Certified and can be found at

  • 29 Feb 2020 11:02 AM | Deleted user

    In todays world, its common to hear the word Green in reference to cleaning products, cleaning services, and cleaning techniques. Unfortunately, not all products, services or techniques are green as advertised, including products that are sold in stores under the guise of being green and safer for human use and the planet.

    One problem that consumers often run into when seeking truly green services from cleaning businesses is that they see Green in the name of the business, or otherwise touted on marketing materials, and they assume that the business is being honest with them or is educated enough to know what being green means. Unfortunately, many companies call themselves green cleaners, but are either ignorant or uneducated about what it takes to be a truly green company. The only way to be certain that you are getting a business that engages in true green cleaning practices and is educated on what that means is to find a company that possesses certification, as do all the services who are certified via IJCSAs Green Cleaning Certification.

    When seeking green cleaning practices and products, determining the counterfeit from the genuine is extremely important, and equally as difficult. However, if consumers are serious about hiring a green cleaning service, IJCSA has created a way for them to successfully find businesses which are committed to maintaining their education and certification in the field of Green Cleaning, ensuring that the risk of deception and/or ignorant advertising is all but eradicated. All consumers need do is visit IJCSAs Green Cleaning Service Directory and search their local area for a certified professional.

  • 28 Feb 2020 6:10 PM | Tony Park

    Being IJCSA Green Cleaning Certified will tremendously benefit Sir Speedy Cleaning Inc.. As the importance of safety is rising in the cleaning services, it is important for us to understand what it means to be safe for the customer as well as for the employees. The chemicals that are used commonly in cleaning services are chemicals that are very toxic to human body as well as to the environment. A lot of the chemicals are carcinogenic, meaning it is cancer-causing. Not only that, there are many negative effects on human body such as cognitive dysfunctions and respiratory problems.

    For instances, chlorine is most widely used chemicals that are very toxic. It reacts with organic materials in the environment to create other hazardous toxins that can cause reproductive, endocrine, and immune system disorders. It is listed as a hazardous air pollutant. That is why we have our employees gear up with safety equipment such as masks, gloves, etc. As well as we advise our customers to prevent from entering into the room where the room was treated with chlorine until the room is fully ventilated.

    We think, the main benefit we will be getting from being IJCSA Green Cleaning Certified will be employee and customer wellness. We will be providing the safe work environment for our employee by providing and implementing a green program. We will also be providing the safe environment for our customers who will spend most of their time in the room, etc. This will open up the doors for better customer relations with the company which can lead to many different benefits such as cost-saving, community building, etc. 

    Also, as the green cleaning program promotes using biodegradable, recyclable products, it will benefit us in protecting the environment that is given freely to us. By using green cleaning products, we will be reducing dangerous indoor pollutants such as VOCs. These are the reasons why being Green Cleaning certified will benefit Sir-Speedy Cleaning Inc. It is a privilege and honor to be listed as Green Cleaning Services. You can find more companies listed on

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