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  • 09 Mar 2020 11:59 AM | Deleted user

    Everyday cleaning products have been shown to have a more harmful effect than green products. 

    Green cleaning and products are consumer friendly and account to sustainable business practices. Air quality will rise while having a lower level of volatile organic compounds.

    Cleaning with chemicals has a negative effect on one’s well-being, the environment, and finances.

    According to the IJCSA section titled “Potential adverse health effects from exposure to common household products”, many cleaners can cause irritation to different parts of the body. Glass cleaners can cause irritation to skin, eyes, nose and throat because it includes isopropyl alcohol. This chemical is a great disinfectant yet the long-term risks that come along with its performance is not suitable to one’s health. Side-effects can cause people to be out of work for extended periods of time. Also, customers can have a negative outlook on a business whose indoor atmosphere contributed to such harmful chemical reactions.  

    The “Potential adverse health effects from exposure to common household products” section in the article also informs readers that everyday cleaning chemicals can correlate with unpleasant sensations. According to the section, multipurpose cleaners often contain 2-butoxyethanol, which can cause confusion, lightheadedness, headaches and dizziness. This chemical can easily put someone out of the right state of mind, causing liability to occur. 

    An increase in liability is not cheap, which is why these cleaning products cause a harmful effect on finances. Liability in a commercial setting can costs a company way more money than it would be saving with natural green products. Occupants of the space may have negative reactions to these cleaning materials, causing them to take sick days, or even slow down their work rate. For example, an employee can have an allergic reaction to the cleaning product that was used to clean the building the prior night. Since the employee has been sneezing all day, this can slow down their productivity and also serve as a distraction to surrounding employees. If that employee would have gone home or called in sick, then productivity levels would have been way down for that day because they are not fully staffed; either way the company will be taking a financial hit. If the company used green products, they would not have to be worried about those toxins in the atmosphere; therefore, causing everyone to remain focused and save money from using natural products.

    There are a lot of factors that directly and indirectly correlate with the harmful effects of everyday cleaning chemicals. A lot of consumers do not even do their research behind these everyday cleaners but use them on a consistent basis. Natural green products will have a positive effect on an indoor place compared to those that contain chemicals because of the way the human body reacts. Companies and consumers will preserve on money, health, liability, and increase performance. 

    Retro Clean 

  • 09 Mar 2020 11:46 AM | Alfred Trippeter

    Servicing many customers throughout our years in business, we find that it is a common misconception that Bleach is the end all be a all to mold killing and cleaning. What we find at Trippeter Property Services is that is not the case at all. In some cases bleach can actually make mold worse because of the water content, especially trying to use it for cleaning drywall. Make sure that if you are using bleach it it on hard non-porous surface. 

  • 09 Mar 2020 7:03 AM | Anonymous

    It’s a known fact that it provides peace of mind to an individual or business that those they do business with substantiate their ability to do the job by providing evidence of a certification.  Knowing that you entrust a company that’s certified solidifies that they not only can do the job but that they understand the work on a deeper level.  While most think that cleaning is something that anyone can do, that’s actually a false assumption.

    Cleaning is more than just wiping down furniture or a tub.  A reputable green cleaning company understands the chemicals and the science of their products.  Furthermore, they understand soils and how those chemicals interact with those chemicals.  Understanding the right chemical for the right job is imperative to whether a surface is actually clean or not. 

    A green cleaning company, in many ways, needs to understand this more than a typical cleaning company.  While it’s important to have a cleaning method, it’s equally important to know what works on what surfaces.  With a green company, you also have to know what’s toxic, what’s safe, what’s acceptable by certain standards, and the health benefits associated with using green products.  Green Bright Cleaning Service doesn’t just clean, we do it for a more profound purpose than just having a clean home or work environment.  We do it to provide a better way of life, help those with health issues, help reduce that chances of health-related products due to toxins, and help the environment by reducing toxins in the air and in wastewater.

    On average, a typical household contains a minimum of 62 toxic chemicals1.  Those chemicals may pose a serious health threat to everyone in the home, including children2, just by the spread of toxic dust from the chemicals3.  Even individuals who are aware of effects and shop for “green” products in the store need to take pause before throwing a cleaning product claiming to be eco-friendly into the basket.  Many manufacturers claim they have “green” products but still contain serious toxins4.  A company that claims to have environmentally safe products that are not is called “greenwashing”.  And most consumers don’t know what to look for.

    Being a certified green cleaning company gives assurance to customers that they can put trust into a company to ensure they are doing everything they can to provide a safe environment without toxic chemicals.  Furthermore, they don’t have to worry about doing the research or understanding chemicals.  They’ll just have peace of mind knowing that the air they breath is clean, fresh, and healthy. Find a green cleaning company today at the Green Cleaning Service Directory.

  • 08 Mar 2020 5:52 PM | Deleted user


    In today's times of carpet cleaning. Everyone is looking for the best bang for their buck. We at Eagle Carpet Care Services want to make that a easy choice for you as the customer. We provide any service for whatever your needs may be. We provide carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, strip seal and finish of tile, hard wood floor cleaning, concrete cleaning, water restoration and many other services as well. So not only think of Eagle for just your carpet cleaning. Know we can help you with most any of your cleaning needs.

    Gary Snyder/Eagle Carpet Care Services

  • 08 Mar 2020 5:41 PM | Nichole Graham-Treston

    It is time to change the way we clean. The toxic levels of many of the traditionally used products in our homes and offices are overwhelming. Our health, environment, our expenses are battling from the effects of these harmful chemicals. But what is green cleaning, is it necessary, should we consider the change? While many may not see the need to abandon the traditional toxic chemicals they are used to, they do have harmful effects that we cannot deny. 

    One such chemical is Chlorine. Commonly found in laundry bleach, dishwasher detergent and tile cleaner, chlorine has a direct toxic effect on living organism which can create extremely dangerous reproductive, endocrine and immune system disorders. Bleach is highly irritating and corrosive to the skin, lungs, and eyes. Fumes from bleach are very potent, as you can tell by the smell, and when inhaled they can cause a wide variety of health problems. Alternately, baking soda is a mineral that is full of many cleaning attributes. It acts as a cleaning agent because it is a mild alkali and can cause dirt and grease to dissolve easily in water for effective removal. It can be used as a non-abrasive cleaner for kitchen counter, tubs, sinks and fiberglass. The IJCSA certified members provide green cleaning services, and are able to inform their clients on the many green options that are available to give an affordable and effective clean. Click this link to find certified green cleaning services professionals

    Another chemical that is generally found in oven-cleaners, detergents and furniture polish is benzene. This chemical found in crude oil and forms a major part of gasoline often exposes users to the risk of developing cancers such as leukemia and other blood disorders.  On the other hand, white vinegar carries many helpful uses with little or no effect on the user or the environment. It can be used to cut grease, remove wax build-up and stains. It can kill many harmful bacteria remove grease, grime, dirt, and other debris on surfaces.

    For our environment and ourselves will ensure that we maintain safe practices not only in the use of naturally derived chemicals but also for the easy disposal of the products. The use of vinegar and olive oil can be used to wipe down furniture. Also a combination of liquid soap, baking soda and water can be used to clean the toilet bowl and bathtub. These and other do-it-yourself solutions provide great economic relief and substitute for harsh chemical use. Compared to other cleaning products homemade alternatives reduce chemical consumption and improves the environmental sustainability such as improved air quality and recycling.

    The reduction of airborne dust and chemical gases are vital to not only staff but to our clients as well. Many of the commercial chemicals used causes irritation to the user and those who come in contact with it. According to the it states that, “The specific chemicals in these ingredients include ammonia, ethylene glycol monobutyl acetate, sodium hypochlorite and/or trisodium phosphate. Depending on the ingredients used, all-purpose cleaners can irritate the skin, eyes, nose and throat. They can be highly poisonous to both humans and animals if swallowed.”1

    While many manufacturers don’t publish all the chemicals due to their harmful nature, we will ensure that we support the ones who do; as these are the ones who use ingredients more naturally derived. This research and validation method will support the drive for a cleaner, healthier environment. In a article it stated, “VOCs and other chemicals released when using cleaning supplies contribute to chronic respiratory problems, allergic reactions and headaches. Studies are underway to assess how these chemicals affect people who have asthma and other respiratory illnesses.”2

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Companies Here


  • 08 Mar 2020 2:10 PM | Deleted user

    Household cleaners supplies (non green) can irritate your eyes, throat, can cause headaches, and other health issues, even as much as cancer. Many of the harmful chemicals can be found right under sinks or basements. Ammonia, and bleach are many ways harmful and widely used. Reading labels are a must. many harmful chemicals like the ones mentioned above release VOC's.

    VOC's are volatile organic compounds. usually they cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and itchy skins etc. 

    Labels are commonly misunderstood but most people. the labels on most products do not even tell you  about most of what is really is in them. Another way to look at it is the epa, of nearly three thousand top selling chemicals in the us only seven percent have a full set of toxicity information.

    There are simple ways to cut down on our carbon footprint and start to go green. Trash bags. biodegradable trash bags can can breakdown and turn to compost and raw material. Also recycling as well. paper, glass, some plastics can be repurposed to become new  materials and reused for something else.

    There are many benefits to switching to green cleaners and practices. 

    - It will reduce chemical runoff. less toxins into the earth and hurting its surroundings

    -Safety training. Less stress on the human body and improved moral 

    -Reduce cleaning cost. green cleaners are safer and cheaper over the mystery chemicals on the shelf.

    -The control of germs and diseases. green will kill more bacteria and make it more healthier environment 

    -Reduces the exposure to toxic and dangerous chemicals

    -It is known to reduce asthma attacks by effectively keeping dust and allergens at bay

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Companies Here

  • 08 Mar 2020 11:54 AM | Deleted user

    The new movement "GREEN CLEANING" .Lets compare the old with the new, in the cleaning world. The great depression days are over, no need for people to have to deal with hazardous conditions at their job. In the cleaning industry and many households worldwide we clean with our ordinary household cleaning supply that we purchase at our local store. From mopping to whipping, buffing to stripping, are only a few of the many other cleaning tasks that requires cleaning supplies like bleach, ammonia, pine and other disinfectant that are use for multipurpose cleaning. Mixing bleach and ammonia it's a great mistake, the two chemicals mixed will cause a concoction that will suffocate you and even can kill you.. the combination is toxic to human and pets. The most popular is the "all purpose cleaner"- a product that we rely on to keep our areas germ free and clean without knowing that we are creating a toxic room. These cleaning supplies are proven triggers to a asthmatic patients, hazardous to kids, pets and specially to the cleaners. Horrible!

    Going green has given people in our society a choice. We no longer have to feel at threat when walking in to a clean fresh house or establishment or feeling nervous  to spray the counters because of the hazardous odors from these chemicals that our cleaning supply are made from. the old ways raised a lot of red flags the new way helps you perform your job or task better knowing that your cleaning supply is sustainable, eco friendly, pet friendly, non-toxic and odorless making the environment much cleaner, fresh and safer.

    THE GREEN MOVEMENT companies and households around the world are dishing out the old ways and welcoming the new safe way. The green way. Making workers and family in the U.S.A feel safe. click on link if interested in company's that are certified green cleaning services or for more information on Green cleaning click on the links.

  • 08 Mar 2020 9:31 AM | Deleted user

    Green cleaning products have been introduced in recent years based on claims of improved safety and protection of the environment.

    When a business is certified as green, it means they are taking steps to make sure their operations are environmentally friendly. We strive to promote best practices in cleaning and maintenance that can contribute to healthier environments for employees, staff, businesses and visitors. Instituting a green cleaning program will help our company provide and maintain healthy and safe environments, which is important for performance and efficiency.

    Many conventional cleaning products on the market today may contain potentially harmful chemicals that are a source of indoor air pollution, so it is important to know what to look for when choosing cleaners. Indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air; in fact, indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times – and occasionally more than 100 times – higher than outdoor levels. Fumes from cleaning products can linger long after they have been applied, which can exacerbate asthma and expose students and staff to potentially harmful substances. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one of the leading causes of school and work absenteeism is asthma, resulting in 14 million missed days annually across the country.[i]

    Presidential Executive Order 13101 defines green cleaning as ‘cleaning to protect health without harming the environment.’ EPA encourages you to practice green cleaning through the selection of environmentally preferable cleaners, use of alternative cleaning methods, and changes in facility design and maintenance operations.

    Green cleaning products and practices help minimize the potential for harmful effects on human health and the environment without reducing cleaning efficacy. Using green cleaning products, such as those certified to carry the EPA Safer Choice label, is a vital component of any green cleaning program. Safer Choice (formerly known as Design for the Environment) is the EPA label for certifying safer chemical-based products. Leveraging EPA’s more than 40 years of experience assessing chemical safety, the Safer Choice program is a certification and labeling program for products that schools use, such as multi-purpose cleaners, hand soaps, whiteboard cleaners, athletic field paints, floor cleaners, window cleaners, and more.

    The advantages that our company will bring by going green are too many to mention.

    Follow the link to the IJCSA Green Cleaning Directory to find great Green Clean Teams.

     Retro Clean, LLC

  • 07 Mar 2020 5:07 PM | Anonymous

    It may surprise individuals to learn of the negative health effects from basic cleaning products available on the market.  It may also be a surprise to them that manufacturers are not required by law to list the ingredients in their cleaning product, and that those companies are free to use nearly any chemical they want before they’ve even been properly tested for their effects on human health1.  Consumer cleaning products have been linked to cancer, birth defects, respiratory problems, asthma, breast cancer, hormone disruption and even serious health issues in children2

    Many studies have been conducted to shed light on the effects of traditional cleaning products in a home or office.  One study conducted by a team of 15 researchers at the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development center concluded that the use of disinfectants in a home can cause children to become obese later in life3.   Another study, conducted by a team of European researchers, concluded that the effects on lungs from cleaning your home once a week is equivalent to smoking every day for 10 to 20 years4.  Unfortunately, the air quality in homes that use these toxic chemicals is five times more toxic than outdoor pollution5, and those chemicals can persist in dust in the home for years to inhale or ingest6.

    The good news to all of this is that there is a better way.  Eco-friendly cleaning products have come a long way in the last several years.  Not only do they clean as effectively, if not better, than traditional cleaning products, but their pricing is comparable.  With that in mind, the only reason that traditional products maintain the market share is because of the lack of awareness and education.  Green cleaning companies can aim to change that mindset and set the public on a healthier path to a healthier home or office. 

    In fact, it may surprise some to know that basic everyday products such as baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice are powerful, natural, non-toxic cleaners.  Commercial manufacturers have started to develop very effective cleaning products using powerful solutions such as hydrogen peroxide.  Other companies are even using plant-based products in their cleaning solutions.

    Anyone can start to make a difference by throwing out the toxic cleaning products in their home or work environment.  If buying more environmentally friendly products, it’s important to understand that some products claiming to be eco-friendly are simply not.  It’s easy for consumers to be confused and become frustrated, and rightly so. 

    The most important thing to remember is that cleaning doesn’t have to be a health risk.  With all of the other concerns about the state of the world, cleaning with toxics chemicals can easily be taken off the list.  By trusting in a green cleaning company, the stress of knowing what products to use on what surfaces can be alleviated.  And you can start living a healthier life.  Find a green cleaning company at the Green Cleaning Service Directory.

  • 07 Mar 2020 2:41 PM | Deleted user

    Green cleaning is an environmentally safe solution to helping our planet and its people.

    Consumers and businesses alike need to lower their carbon footprint and prolong life itself. Using products that are considered green will do that.

    Health. Green products will not only keep life on the planet safer but it will also keep its people healthier. many products container harmful chemicals that a hazard to our skin, eyes, body and lungs and there is no need for them. There are many alternate choices that can be made that are safer and healthier.. green cleaning products have been found to do that.

    Businesses that use green products lower exposure to toxic and dangerous chemicals. Green businesses improve air quality  and decrease the spread of germs and harmful bacteria. 

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

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