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International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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  • 15 Mar 2020 3:00 AM | Anonymous

    It is important to follow all rules policies, procedures, education, information, latest updates, new and improved ideas when how to handle bloodborne pathogens.  Be cautious and assume any and everything you are cleaning is infected with germs & viruses. 

    It is also important to communicate and remind others (coworkers) of how properly a procedure is done in a inspirational manner and discussing work related and current events in the world having to do with health and sometimes other things puts everybody on guard. Also... having the right attitude can keep a team continuously in the loop and motivated.

    Never air out or reach in garbage bags, it could contain harmful sharps (needles) or even something non biologically harmful, such as glass or a sharp edge, keep your work stations clean and tidy, chemicals stocked up for the next person or yourself who comes through to use it so ease of mind isn't distracted or disappointed and can stay focused on the goal of disinfection.

    All in all it is about respecting yourself and others in the work place. BP training is responsible and promotes a healthy work ethic. Focusing ourselves using our training and goals clearly gets the job done safely. 

  • 14 Mar 2020 6:06 PM | Alfred Trippeter

    No matter the scenario IJCSA has someone for the job. We can handle all types of Biohazard cleaning scenarios including but not limited to sewage backup, flooding, natural disasters, meth-labs, crime-scenes, trauma-scenes, hoarding situations, and mold. As a customer your focus should not be on the cleanup of whatever situation you face, leave that to the professionals so that you can get on with your life quickly. 

           Any of these scenarios can present dangerous exposure to contaminants that put you and your family at risk for adverse health consequences. Our vigorously trained professionals have the tools and know how to get the job done and align with all federal, state, and local regulations, as well as ensure that everyone involved is aware of the hazards they face.

    Our documented processes are designed to immediately limit access, contain areas, cleanup, dispose, sanitize, and deodorize areas outlined in the scope of work you communicate to us. We make we sure listen to your needs and provide a helping hand to get you through to the end. Let a Certified IJCSA Professional assist you today. Find one in your area here 

  • 14 Mar 2020 2:37 PM | Deleted user

    Hello Gary Snyder here from Eagle Carpet Care Services. I am writing this info for anyone looking for carpet cleaning. I believe that when using a professional carpet cleaning service like my company. Having a company who has had the proper training for your service needs is vital for receiving the most for your carpet cleaning needs. Using a company that has not only the best knowledge but is also keeping up to date with this everyday changing industry.

    We here at Eagle Carpet Care Services take pride in providing our customers with not only the newest and latest information available to you as the customer but we also provide our customers with using the latest and newest equipment available as well. 

    So when you are looking for a carpet cleaning company. Look for a company that has been certified for your cleaning needs. Use the IJCSA Carpet Cleaning Directory located here. 

    Gary Snyder/Eagle Carpet Care Services

  • 14 Mar 2020 10:11 AM | Deleted user

    Give Green a Chance! We did, and our company will never go back. Here at Lovella's Commercial Cleaning Services you will get nothing less then a people who care deeply about not only your health, but the environment. Our Green cleaning methods and products are environmentally friendly ingredients which are designed to preserve human health and environmental quality. All our chemicals are non-toxic, so exposure is not left to be a threat. Our commitments overall objective is providing a safe working environment for employees, customers, and visitors while assuring you we here at Lovella's will be effective in our maintenance and cleaning. We want all of you becoming intimately familiar with all the procedures, and adapting them not only in the workplace but in their everyday lives. Live green, love green, think green.

  • 13 Mar 2020 6:47 PM | Deleted user

    It is very important for any business to know how much it means to have a trained janitor. The janitor helps keep the building a float. His are her position is critical to keeping the buildings appearance and sanitary standards acceptable for those using it, and contribute to the effectiveness of the operation on a daily basis. Communication is important between the Janitor and the public because the public is the customer. Every job the Janitor does must be done willingly and cheerfully. From the restrooms, office, hallways, everything must be done professionally taking proper steps to making a safe and clean environment. It's the Janitors job to pick up trash, wipe up spills, mop floors, use the proper sprays for the task..

    IJCSA Janitorial Service Directory 

  • 13 Mar 2020 11:47 AM | Deleted user

    There are many harmful effects of using everyday cleaning chemicals compared to using natural green products. Many common household chemicals are dangerous. When used as directed they may be reasonably safe, yet they still contain toxic chemicals or degrade overtime into a more dangerous chemical. Here is just a few of the most dangerous household chemicals, including their ingredients and the nature of the risk.

    Air fresheners: formaldehyde irritates the lungs and mucus membranes and may cause cancer. Some air fresheners contain a toxic irritant. The aerosol propellants used in some of these products may be flammable and may cause nervous system damage if inhaled.

    Ammonia: ammonia is known to irritate the respiratory system and mucus membranes if inhaled. If it is ever spilled on skin ammonia can cause a chemical burn, which should scare anyone into not using this product. If ammonia is ever mixed with bleach it produces a deadly chloramine gas, which there have been cases where people have died. On November 8, 2019 in Massachusetts a manager of Buffalo wild wings died after inhaling a mix of cleaners that contained acid and bleach. The fumes were created after 2 products, scale Kleen and super 8, were unknowingly combined while cleaning a kitchen floor. More information on this incident can be found at

    Bleach: bleach contains sodium hypochlorite, a chemical that can cause irritation and damage to the skin and respiratory system if inhaled or spilled on the skin. 

    My opinion there is no comparison to the benefits of natural green cleaning products. Natural green cleaning reduces exposure to toxic and dangerous chemicals. It keeps dust and chemical allergens at bay, so it helps reduce asthma. Green clean helps improve air quality by reducing airborne dust and chemical gases, so it controls the spread of germs and disease. This way of cleaning minimizes or eliminates any adverse short or long term impact to the environment. This is practical for the area being cleaned. I'm confident that any business would agree that leaving behind a better and safer way of cleaning provides a better home and business for future generations. Give green a chance!

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

  • 13 Mar 2020 11:11 AM | Jason Babb

    Cleaning of a healthcare facility provide unique challenges and doing it properly requires the right education and training. Employers are required to provide the proper education and training for their employees. With that being said finding the right information to provide to employees becomes even more difficult as guidelines change and new bacteria and viruses become even more difficult to kill. 

         Healthcare setting provide a difficult setting because as bacteria and viruses are treated new resistant strains become more prevalent.  Patient in a healthcare setting are usually immunocompromised. Leading to good location for the new ‘superbugs’ to grow. 

         Having the latest information and great technique to cleaning these setting will provide the safest environment for employees and patients. So whether you are in charge of cleaning such a facility or have a family in need of care at such a facility ask if proper cleaning is being used and if not refer them to an association that provides such services as found in Janitorial Service Directory on 

  • 12 Mar 2020 9:00 PM | Deleted user

    I am confident that green cleaning will benefit my company. Green cleaning is simply safer for the earth. They are naturally derived, non-toxic, and biodegradable. Meaning they have no negative impact on the environment. Being green cleaning certified is healthier for everyone in the workplace. We want all our customers and vendors to become intimately familiar with all the procedures, adapting them not only into the workplace, but in their everyday lives. When these products are used as opposed to chemical cleaning products, you can feel safe and comfortable knowing your employees aren't breathing in harsh chemicals. A recent study was done that proved using harsh chemicals to clean your home regularly could be just as harmful to your lungs as smoking 20 cigarettes a day. That is something I think is important for employees to know.

    Also with all the allergies people have, and the sensitivity to smells, most green cleaning products are unscented or have a very light scent. Green cleaning services are all about reducing waste and cleaning more efficiently. My commitments overall objective would be to provide a healthy and safe working environment for employees, customers and visitors while assuring we will be effective in our maintenance and cleaning. This is part of preserving the environment, leaving a better home for future generations.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

  • 12 Mar 2020 8:40 PM | David Han

    The competing demands of speed and efficiency don't apply when it comes to custodial/janitorial services and potential bloodborne pathogens. Safety takes priority!

    Every environment where there are lots of people going through on a regular basis needs to ensure that the janitorial/custodial staff are properly trained and equipped to handle potential biohazards. Bloodborne pathogens are potential everywhere. Some bloodborne pathogens are short-lived when exposed to the environment but some bloodborne pathogens survive longer periods and pose a greater risk of cross-contamination. 

    Every environment can't be treated the same as they do not pose the same potential level of risk. The first step to taking on any new custodial or janitorial service contract is a risk assessment. Identify and categorize all of the potential types of risks. Ensure that risk mitigation processes and procedures are in place to handle the risks that are likely to occur. At a minimum, custodial/janitorial staff need to be trained to handle potential biohazards and provided the proper biohazard containment kits. 

  • 12 Mar 2020 4:45 PM | Deleted user

    Anyone can find a green cleaning service. You can easily research the benefits of a green cleaning services, but unless you have personally tried it, well how do you really know how it works? Let's first take a look at what green cleaning is; it is cleaning methods and products that have environmentally friendly ingredients and procedures which are strictly designed to preserve human health and environmental quality. 

    These products avoid using toxic chemicals. It has also been proven to reduce asthma. Green cleaning helps control the spread of germs and disease. Ask yourself, what would nature want you to do? Nature would want you to care about cleaning your home  and or business in a way that reduces waste.  Not only does green cleaning reduce exposure to dangerous chemicals, but it keeps dust and chemical allergens at bay. Greenworks Cleaning Company have been around for 50yrs! Your health matters to them so all their chemicals are non-toxic. There are cleaning companies out there who take this very seriously. These companies take pride in playing a part to help preserve the environment, leaving a better home for future generations. Not too mention being able to clean more efficiently. Live green, love green, think green. 

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Companies Here

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