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  • 12 Mar 2020 4:20 PM | Ariane Morais

    Finding A Carpet Cleaning Service:

    IJCSA has a Carpet Cleaning Directory, making it easy to finding professional, trained, and certified carpet cleaning providers in your area. Please visit,, to schedule your next carpet cleaning service.

  • 12 Mar 2020 4:12 PM | Jason Babb

       Customer service is by far the most important and less respected aspect of any service industry. I ask customers why trust they cleaning to just anyone. IJSCA is an organization of like minded companies that provide a higher level of service to their customers. 

       IJCSA companies provide there customers the best possible service through an organization that puts emphasis on education and through that education, provide the best cleaning practices. So always use the IJSCA Business Directory to ensure the highest level of cleaning service.

  • 12 Mar 2020 3:55 PM | Ariane Morais

    At ADM we plan to implement a carpet cleaning program into our business to make sure we achieve the best level of cleaning possible. It is very important to our business to address all of our clients' concerns, and that includes carpet cleaning services.

    Carpet flooring installation has increased due to the harsh winter months we experience in the state of Ma. It is important that we are trained and understand the types of carpets and how to properly clean and maintain their life spam.

    Our company is well known for its trained cleaning professionals. IJCSA has played a great impact on that. The helpful videos and information available to myself and my Team made it easy to stay up to date on cleaning techniques that are safe for both our professional cleaners and clients.

    Find Professional Certified Carpet Cleaning Companies Here

  • 12 Mar 2020 3:52 PM | Deleted user

    Janitorial and cleaning services employees should be aware of the dangers of bloodborne pathogens.  These pathogens may contain hepatitis B and/or HIV.  Certain procedures must be followed to protect yourself.

    Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be worn when cleaning in an area where there is a risk of bloodborne pathogens.  PPE includes gowns, gloves and goggles. Hand washing is also a  critical step in protecting yourself.

    When handling contaminated laundry, sharp objects and trash, certain protocols must be followed.  Laundry must be placed in a bag labeled or color coded.  All sharp objects must be put into a sharps container that this labeled and handles only sharp objects.  Trash should not be compressed and always handled as if there was blood inside.  

  • 12 Mar 2020 1:48 PM | Deleted user

    Proper focus on ensuring that customers are satisfied is essential in any business, and this is certainty true for cleaning companies as well. Cleaning and janitorial companies have both the potential to lose or gain clients based on the level of attention paid to customer service. A satisfied customer is likely to refer more business to a a company that is attentive to their needs while the opposite is true for a dissatisfied client. The key to good customer service is to be as attentive to the customer's needs as possible- the more the client feels that their issues or concerns are being listened to and addressed, the happier they will be. 

    A huge advantage to a customer hiring a cleaning specialist through the IJCSA is that all companies place a huge emphasis on customer service.

    The organization is an excellent resource for all end users seeking a cleaning or janitorial company and conveniently breaks down companies based on geographic location. Those companies can found through the following link:

  • 12 Mar 2020 12:07 PM | Deleted user

    "Why Is Properly Cleaning Healthcare Facilities So Important" 

    There are at least 3 reasons why properly cleaning healthcare facilities is so important.  The primary reason is to keep individuals (patients, residents, staff, visitors) as healthy as possible.  To ensure the cleaning industry follows specific guidelines to reduce the risk of transferring infectious matter.  This is not a fail-proof method, because unless rooms and equipment are disinfected continuously throughout the day – infectious matter can easily be spread.  Unless visitors and staff wear protective wear, they too can inadvertently transfer infectious matter.

    Example: a room has just been cleaned and sanitized or the restroom has been disinfected.  A visitor or the patient/resident coughs or sneezes without covering their mouth or into their hand(s).  Infectious matter can now be spread unknowingly through touching (bedding material, remote control, flooring, coffee cup, shaking hand, fist bump, etc.)

    A secondary reason is the cost associated with additional sickness caused by the transfer of infectious matter. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that approximately 1 in 20 patients will acquire an infection during a stay in a healthcare setting where they are receiving medical or surgical treatment. These healthcare-associated infections (HAI) result in nearly $33 billion dollars in preventable healthcare costs per year.

    With Medicare and Medicaid payments now tied to how well healthcare providers protect patients from hospital-acquired infections, reducing HAIs has become an even larger priority for healthcare facilities.”

    A tertiary reason, is physical appearance.  If a room/area is not kept in clean and organized manner, it can become challenging to identify possible hazards, such as, spills on flooring, frayed carpet, or electrical cords running under carpets/rugs.  These can cause unintended slips or falls causing injury to patient, visitor, staff or contractor. 

    If you are seeking a commercial cleaning company please check the following link:


  • 12 Mar 2020 10:49 AM | Ariane Morais

    ADM Cleaning & Maintenance Inc, provides a clean environment for small offices, and commercial buildings. During our 5 years in business we were always asked:

    But why hire ADM Cleaning & Maintenance Inc?

    Will my business thrive for being clean?

    Is it really important for my employees to work in a environment free of dust, and germs?

    What about implementing a cleaning chore chart for my employees? 

    Image result for you expect me to clean the office meme

    Now, the world in a panic about COVID-19, and everyone is looking for professional cleaners. I know what you are thinking, good for you! Well, let us not forget that "influenza" has been around since 1580, with an estimated death rate of 20,000 - 52,000 from October 1, 2019, through February 29, 2020. (

    Image result for flu memes

    So I ask you, why now? Why not then? According to Lisa Lockerd Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H. "The COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly. Since this disease is caused by a new virus, people do not have immunity to it, and a vaccine may be many months away. Doctors and scientists are working on estimating the mortality rate of COVID-19, but at present, it is thought to be higher than that of most strains of the flu.(

    There you have it, provide peace of mind to those working hard for you, no matter how big or small. Professional cleaners are trained to clean and sanitize the proper way to stop the spread of germs, and ADM Cleaning & Maintenance Inc is your preferred Middlesex County professional cleaner. Working hard 24/7 to stop the spread of germs in the state of Massachusetts. 

    Schedule your free estimate by calling (508) 383-3530 or send us an email at

    Thank you,

    Ariane Morais

    ADM Account Executive

  • 12 Mar 2020 9:39 AM | Anonymous

    Clean & Pristine Services Inc is currently offering Complete Home & Office Disinfecting Service to aid in the defense of the coronavirus. We are currently using an EPA approved to kill coronavirus disinfectant. We offer regular disinfecting of surfaces, as well as fogging service. We are certified in Blood Borne Pathogens and committed to doing our part to keep people safe. Please visit to schedule today!

  • 12 Mar 2020 8:15 AM | Deleted user

                                     It’s important that cleaning employees and staff are educated about Bloodborne pathogens because they are at risk of occupational exposure. Cleaning crew and all employees should know how to protect themselves to prevent illness and possible death. Employees should know how to properly remove biohazards and be careful not to compress bags manually because of possible needle sticks. Bloodborne pathogens can also be in laundry that may contain bodily fluids and employees should even be careful cleaning up after sick children. It’s imperative that cleaning employees and staff protect themselves at all times it’s important and REQUIRED BY LAW that employers educate them. 

                                   An educated cleaning employee will know to be careful where they eat, smoke, or apply lipgloss because they will be at risk of being exposed to Bloodborne Pathogens. You can get infected many ways with HIV, HBV and other diseases if you’re not following universal precautions. Use the proper absorbing solution for cleaning body fluids like blood and vomit. You’ll need powder absorbents because you don’t want to splash any bodily fluids. It’s important for employees to know how to remove contaminated laundry and putting them in color coded hazard bags that will let other employees know to handle with care or properly dispose of. 

                                   All employees need to know how to handle possibly infectious areas. Employees should know how to wear, when to wear and remove PPE (Personal protective equipment). Employees should consider all body fluids potentially infectious. Cleaning Employees should know how at handle a situation if an exposure occurs. If exposed, employees should know who to notify and what symptoms to look for.  Your employer should help protect you by giving you proper training and getting you a hepatitis B vaccine after training. An educated staff is a safer workplace. 

    Learn More About Bloodborne Pathogen Training Here

  • 11 Mar 2020 6:26 PM | David Weichert

       It is essential as an employee or as a staff member to be proactive towards safety when dealing with blood clean up. If not, it may cost you your life.

       Blood borne pathogens are microorganisms in the blood. Not all blood is contaminated. This is why as a cleaning professional we assume all blood may be contaminated. The blood may be contaminated with hepatitis or HIV. Either could be life threatening. 

     When dealing with blood clean up it's best to follow OSHA clean up guidelines. First is having the proper protective gear.  Protecting eyes, nose and mouth area and gloves for the hands.  Proper disposal of linens and cleaning utensils, rags or mops is a must.  Last is disinfecting the affected area and disinfecting any mops, buckets or any other cleaning tools.  

    Every employer is required by OSHA to have a written exposure plan and to keep records of each incident for a minimum of three years.  For more information contact your local OSHA for more details.

    So remember, safety first when it comes to blood clean up and blood borne pathogen exposure.

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