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  • 10 May 2024 4:29 PM | Carlos Romero

    No te preocupes mas! En Clean N Sharp, entendemos lo estresante que puede ser descubrir moho en tu espacio. Es por eso que estamos aqui para ofrecerte nuestra experiencia y soluciones efectivas de limpieza de moho.

    Nuestro equipo altamente capacitado y profecional esta listo para ayudarte a deshacerte del moho de una vez por todas. Utilizando tecnicas de limpieza seguras y productos  desinfectantes de alta calidad , nos aseguramosd de eliminar el moho der manera efectiva y preveir su regreso.

    Contactanos para programar una evaluacion gratuaita y descubrir comon podemos ayudarte a combatri eln mpoho de una vez por todas.      !Estamos aqui paara Ti!

  • 10 May 2024 4:21 PM | Carlos Romero

    Es fundamental seguir un enfoque meticuloso y bien plantificado. En primero lugar, es importante realizar una evaluacion exahustiva de la areas afectadas para determinar la extension del problema y los tipos de moho presentes. Esto ayudara a desarrollar un plan de limpieza personalizado y adaptado a las necesidades especificas de cada cliente.

    Una vez completada la evaluacion, el siguiernte paso es selecionar la tecnicas de limpiesa adecuadas y los productos de desinfectantes recomendados para eliminar de manera efectiva el moho y prevenir su reaparaicion. Es crucial capacitar el personal sobre las practicas seguras de manipulacion de moho y el uso adecuado de los equipos de proeccion personal para garantizar la seguridad de todos los involucrados.

  • 10 May 2024 3:09 PM | William Boston

    Allowing someone to come into your home or business can be a daunting task. Finding people with professionalism and an understanding nature can seem impossible. Lucky for you there is a database of trusted companies that you can search to find the right provider for your needs! By using the IJCSA's database of providers you can ensure that you are looking at a comprehensive list of providers who have been equipped with the proper training and customer service skills to meet your needs and actually listen to your requests. 

    At the IJCSA, providers are trained comprehensivley on the skills needed to reassure customers and provide them with honest and caring service. We are trained to treat all customers with respect and genuinley listen to their concerns in all situations. Members understand what great customer service is and it goes beyond providing a valuable service. Being present and avaliable to customers is important as well as reaching out and caring about the well being of customers beyond the job. So use the IJSCA's Buisness Directory for all of your cleaning needs and find a professional near you today!

  • 10 May 2024 1:12 PM | Alicee Taylor

    Hiring a cleaning company can seem stressful and costly at times, but I assure you a cleaning company may be just what you need. Cleaning consists of more than the basics sweeping, mopping,  trash etc. Sanitation is what a cleaning company provides. The removal of harmful bacteria and fungi. Like mold. Mold can be very harmful if inhaled and can cause Difficulty breathing headaches, skin rash, etc. So calling in a professional cleaning company is very important. They deal with things such as mold or mildew. A professional cleaning company is equipped with the proper cleaning equipment and knowledge to prevent the spread of such bacteria in fungi. They also have the proper personal protective equipment needed to clean such bacteria and fungi.

    You can search for information about this matter on the IJCSA website . Also can find information about floods and leaks on the Flood Damage Directory.. 

  • 10 May 2024 12:58 PM | Dan Harduar

    Being IJCSA Green Cleaning certified can benefit your company in several ways. First and foremost, it showcases your commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Customers and clients will appreciate your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint and protect the environment.

    Moreover, being certified IJCSA green clean can help you stand out in a crowded market and attract eco-conscious customers who prioritize green cleaning practices. This can ultimately lead to increased business and revenue.

    In addition, being certified can also improve the health and safety of your employees by minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals and promoting the use of eco-friendly cleaning products.

    Overall, becoming IJCSA Green Cleaning Certified is a smart investment for any company looking to reduce its environmental impact, attract new customers, and promote the health and well-being of its employees.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here 

    #PrimeLuxuryCleaning #PLC

  • 10 May 2024 11:26 AM | Anthony Willis

    Cleaning employees and staff play a critical role in the ongoing effort to control the spread of germs and pathogens which can often lead to any number of diseases including but not limited to HIV and HBV.  When we receive training and education on bloodborne pathogens, we help guard against the spread of contagions that can result in negative health consequences for anyone who might otherwise be exposed to them. 

    As a professional in the janitorial services field, I value the training that I received particularly since I work in medical facilities.  My training has helped me to better understand best practices for the properly handling of trash including a process which is very common that being the compacting of trash within trash liners and how that is a potentially hazardous practice which I will advise my staff not to perform.

    My training has also helped me to better understand the most likely sources for the transmission and exposure to bloodborne pathogens, that being that pathogens are most likely to enter our bodies through our mucus membranes and or through cuts to our skin.  I think that most cleaning professionals take the basic precaution of wear gloves but armed with a better understanding of the other ways an infections can occur, I am inclined to resume wearing additional PPE including protective eyewear and a face mask.  

    I think our collective relief that the threat posed from COVID 19 has been drastically reduced, got us all a little lax and this training reaffirmed the need for cleaning professionals to be as vigilant now as we were in the not- so-distant past.

  • 10 May 2024 11:02 AM | Stefani McDonald

    If you want to maintain a clean space we need custodians/janitors. For to often they are bypassed as you don't understand the job.  They are the ones that not only keep your facility clean but they are also prevention specialists. 

    I know that if I were to work a lot of hours I wouldn't want to have to go clean a bathroom so by having a janitor makes your life a little easier. If you have a clean facility you have happier customers/staff at your work place.  Even a good smell after the janitors are done makes your day a little more enjoyable.

    Janitors are essential to any location. It doesn't matter if its just a place where no public goes or if its a public building. They are so important! I know I like to know that if i go to a dr. facility that it has been cleaned and that my friend is the janitors job.

  • 10 May 2024 10:49 AM | Carlos Romero

    Es fundamental que los empleados y el personal de limpieza estén bien informados sobre los patógenos trasmitidos por la sangre, devido a su potencial impacto en la salud y seguridad de todos los involucrados.

    Los patógenos transmutados por la sangre como el (VIH), hepatitis B y C y otros agentes infecciosos pueden presentar riesgos significativos si no se manejan adecuadamente.

    Es vital que el personal conozca la importancia de estos patógenos y como se trasmiten para poder tomar las precauciones necesarias durante la limpieza y desinfección de áreas contaminadas.

  • 10 May 2024 10:21 AM | Nadine Mackey

    Finding a reputable cleaning company that is committed to providing reasonably priced residential and commercial cleaning services might be difficult.  Customers should look for cleaning services that will collaborate with them to customize their cleaning schedule to fit their budget, making it simpler than ever to maintain a pristine house without going over budget.

    You may maintain a pristine atmosphere and free up more time in your busy schedule by hiring a professional cleaning company to come in for a routine cleaning or a one-time comprehensive clean. Despite the wide range of alternatives available, choosing the ideal cleaning service for your home, your family, and yourself is not a one-size-fits-all undertaking.

    Since every cleaning project has a unique scope of work, it's important to consider the services a given firm provides before making a reservation.  When choosing the best cleaning service for you, consider the kinds of tools and supplies that the business employs. For example, if you are concerned about environmental impact, you might ask the firm if they utilize eco-friendly cleaning supplies. Even more environmentally friendly services are available from some providers.

  • 10 May 2024 8:37 AM | Vadym Levchenko

    Implementing medical cleaning practices into other residential and commercial cleaning situations is essential for protecting the population and the world from harmful bacteria, germs, and viruses. By adopting rigorous cleaning protocols inspired by healthcare standards, cleaners can ensure that homes, offices, and commercial spaces are safe and hygienic environments for occupants and visitors. The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) Janitorial Services Directory offers a valuable resource for finding professional cleaning services that adhere to industry best practices.

    One key aspect of medical cleaning practices is the thorough disinfection of high-touch surfaces using EPA-approved disinfectants. This includes surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and countertops, which can harbor a multitude of pathogens. By regularly disinfecting these surfaces, cleaners can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and create a healthier environment for residents, employees, and customers.

    Using proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is another crucial component of medical cleaning practices. Gloves, masks, and eye protection help protect cleaners from exposure to harmful pathogens and chemicals, ensuring their safety while on the job. Additionally, implementing strict protocols for cleaning equipment and tools, such as sanitizing mop heads and vacuum cleaner filters, helps prevent cross-contamination and ensures thorough cleaning and disinfection.

    Regular training and education for cleaning staff are paramount to maintaining high standards of cleanliness and safety. By providing ongoing education on topics such as proper hand hygiene, effective disinfection methods, and the importance of following established cleaning protocols, cleaners are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out their duties effectively. Through the adoption of medical cleaning practices and a commitment to excellence, residential and commercial cleaning services can contribute to protecting public health and promoting a cleaner, safer world.

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