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  • 02 Jul 2024 7:46 AM | Jacqueline Moerkens

    Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms that are transmitted by blood. For example, HIV and hepatitis B (and many others) are bloodborne pathogens. These diseases are transmitted through infected body fluids that enter the bloodstream of an uninfected person. Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted through infected body fluids that enter the bloodstream. HIV and HBV can pose serious, long-term health risks or even death if someone comes into contact with them.

    These pathogens can be transmitted in several ways. The most common ways of transmission are needlesticks, cuts, bites from humans, and mucous membranes. For example, if you are taking out the trash and come in contact with a dirty or used needle, you may come in contact with a bloodborne pathogen. Or you may need to mop up bodily fluids, and splashes can come in contact with your mucous membranes or contaminate a small tear in your skin. Any cleaning job where you come in contact with blood or other body fluids puts you at risk for spreading bloodborne pathogens. All in all, you should always assume that all body fluids you come into contact with are contaminated. This is called universal precautions. Therefore training on bloodborne pathogens is required for proper cleaning.

    OSHA has developed training on bloodborne pathogens that explains how to clean body fluids, what personal protective equipment to wear when cleaning body fluids, how to properly clean and dispose of body fluids, and what else to look for in this area. For example, gloves, goggles and possibly a face mask are essential for your own protection from contamination. Thorough hand washing after an exposure is also among the important protective measures. In addition, any contamination waste generated must be specially labeled and disposed of separately, for example in different colored waste bags (red or orange).

    Cleaning services and training on bloodborne pathogens are essential to keeping our environment safe for everyone. Every cleaner should complete training on bloodborne pathogens, as it is necessary for the proper performance of the job. Employers should provide access to this training free of charge during working hours. This training is one of the most important experiences a janitor or cleaner needs to have, especially, but not only, if they work in a hospital. The CDC reported that approximately 5.6 million healthcare and janitorial service workers are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. If you can clean and dispose of body fluids before a bloodborne pathogen can spread, you can save lives!

  • 01 Jul 2024 11:02 PM | Nadine Mackey

    Many people who are seeking medical attention may be more vulnerable to sickness, illness, and infections. The weak should not be subjected to such health risks; doing so is risky, unprofessional, and unjust. Because of this, in order to maintain a constantly clean and secure environment, healthcare institutions must adhere to state sanitation and sterilization regulations.

    Healthcare facilities are cleaned for both cultural and medicinal purposes. Keeping the environment low in pathogens is critical to preventing problems while patients are receiving therapy and recovering. Patients and their family feel more at ease when they are in a clean, safe, hygienic environment that appears well-maintained and doesn't provide any more health risks.

    While maintaining spotless homes and workplaces is something that we all desire, hospitals and clinics should be kept immaculate above all else. Patients may be a very vulnerable group, especially considering the staff's nonstop efforts to maintain their health, depending on their reasons for being there and how long they stay. Maintaining clean, safe, and healthy environments in medical facilities is something we owe to all parties concerned.

  • 01 Jul 2024 8:43 PM | Mary Ram

    I have been in the cleaning field for twenty years ,  over time I have built my career as a cleaning professional I have made great strides  in my cleaning career through dedication and hard work I have built a great clientele base over the years whom I value you greatly and attribute for my greater success . I am OCD a germophobic by nature my instinct is clean , I am a strong innovative cleaner that knows how to bust through and remove grime , always a front runner in safety for me and my clients .I am a  detail oriented cleaner  and  have exceptional organizing techniques as well as design I always follow through with a showroom finish on every cleaning job I complete .

    I was a young single mother my only skill at the time was being a mom and homemaker working endless jobs to make ends meet while attending classes  and paying my way through college I worked hotels and other no end jobs barely making ends meet then I discovered I could clean on my own I landed a new construction contract through my fathers long time best friend it didn't take long until the money started flowing in I have been building different avenues ever since cleaning residential ,  commercial ,  and new construction .

      I can honestly say the last five years have been my best growth and strongest clientele base I ever had I have built my growth through strong customer service skills dedication and hard work has gained me great PR  word of mouth and referrals through past and current clients is what has created my biggest growth thus far  . My clients are  people that I have grown to love knowing and caring for their needs for so many years some more recent than others  I consider them friends as well as an extension of family when you are working for the same costumers throughout the years would be hard not too in my opinion  . Up until a few months ago I was very confident within my skill and experience as a cleaning professional to clean and disinfect for my clients keeping them safer every clean giving extra protection through the cold and flu season then Covid - 19 came , when I realized  how serious the pandemic was I suspended business immediately even before the state started shutting down I knew this virus was bigger than anything I had ever experienced . My instinct was to immediately start looking for more astringent PPE for proper protection for my personal protection as well as my clients protection I immediately thought to seek training and certification for bio hazard cleaning  did a quick search online and found IJCSA I was navigating the website and found I could get certified in biohazard cleaning but first I would have to get certified in hazardous chemicals customer service , residential cleaning specialist  then move on to bio hazard cleaning certification  IJCSA also has many other certifications available . I have had a lot of fun taking these refresher course study for these certifications has reminded me of the importance of chemical safety and the different resources out their for us professionals .

    For me the key advantages of hiring a cleaning professional that has passed the IJCSA RCS Certification is for safety professionalism  and good cleaning performance providing a better experience when hiring a house cleaner . hiring  a IJCSA RCS Certified cleaner advantages in safety is a front runner in this dangerous time with Covid - 19 looming in my opinion is a must for a cleaning professional to train for safety in all aspects IJCSA RCS Certified cleaners certify in bloodborne pathogens , hazardous chemical , cleaning skill and safety definitely is an advantage for you to insure to your clients you are ready and qualified for the job moving forward .

    Find Professional Certified Home Cleaning Services Here

  • 01 Jul 2024 8:06 PM | Juan Arechiga

    Are you tired of settling for mediocre janitorial services? Hire a IJCSA member today! We believe that exceptional cleaning goes hand in hand with outstanding customer service.

    • Prompt and Responsive: Need something extra or have a concern? Our friendly customer service team is available around the clock to address your needs promptly and with care.

    • Customized Solutions: We understand that every space is unique. That's why we work closely with you to tailor our services to meet your specific requirements, ensuring a clean and comfortable environment for your business.

    • Attention to Detail: From the initial consultation to the final walkthrough, we pay meticulous attention to every detail. Our dedicated team of professionals ensures that your space is spotless and pristine, every time.

    Experience the Difference

    Join countless satisfied clients who have made us their trusted partner in janitorial services. Contact us today at [Phone Number] to schedule your personalized consultation and discover how our commitment to great customer service can transform your cleaning experience.

  • 01 Jul 2024 7:12 PM | Que Gordon

    Did you know that more than 2,000 dust mites can live in a single ounce of carpet dust? That's a lot of gross stuff lurking in your flooring. But getting your carpets cleaned a by a professional often can cut down on the gunk in the fibers. But if it's been a while since you got them cleaned, you're probably wondering how to find the best carpet cleaning service in the first place. It's easier than you think. You just need to follow this  one simple guide.

    Instead of searching all over the internet or calling friends and family, click the link to find the best certified carpet cleaning service in your area with the experience, knowledge and equipment to get the job done!

  • 01 Jul 2024 6:31 PM | Juan Arechiga

    Janitorial services play a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness, hygiene, and overall health standards in various environments, ranging from offices and schools to hospitals and public spaces. Their importance extends beyond mere tidiness, encompassing significant impacts on productivity, safety, and the well-being of occupants. In office settings, for instance, a clean and organized workspace fosters a positive atmosphere, boosting employee morale and productivity. A well-maintained environment also reduces the spread of germs and bacteria, thereby decreasing absenteeism due to illness and promoting a healthier workforce.

    In educational institutions, janitorial services are essential not only for creating a conducive learning environment but also for ensuring the safety of students and staff. Clean classrooms and facilities contribute to better concentration among students and enhance their overall educational experience. Moreover, in healthcare facilities, rigorous cleaning and sanitation protocols are imperative to prevent infections and maintain sterile conditions crucial for patient recovery and staff safety. Janitorial staff are trained to handle biohazardous materials and adhere to strict guidelines, thus playing a critical role in healthcare settings where cleanliness directly impacts patient outcomes.

    Beyond these practical considerations, janitorial services also contribute to environmental sustainability. Many service providers today use eco-friendly cleaning products and practices that minimize environmental impact while still achieving high cleanliness standards. By promoting sustainability through responsible waste management and energy-efficient practices, janitorial services align with broader corporate and social responsibilities, contributing to a cleaner and healthier planet for future generations. In essence, janitorial services are not just about cleaning; they are integral to fostering environments that are safe, healthy, and sustainable for all.

  • 01 Jul 2024 5:06 PM | Anthony Epps

    The roles of janitorial & custodians are extremely important to upkeep buildings, schools, medical facilities, churches, and much more. Janitors are the reason why people are able to go into a bathroom or building or breakroom and it is smelling and looking clean.  Janitorial services is something that can never be overlooked. The White House as a Janitor, who cleans and keeps the oval office very tidy and clean. Janitors have to be trained and learn proper steps to cleaning a variety of locations within the facility.

    Janitors keep the location spotless and clean for the next day and or shift for oncoming staff who work at the location.  There is many perks in hiring an janitor to maintain the building functions , such the cafeteria, restroom, breakroom, gym, locker room, and so much more. Floor maintenance for stripping, waxing, buffing the floors(VCT) when needed. 

    Training janitors properly and continuous training can improve the janitor's ability to get the job done and have great productivity during their shift. The biggest concern would a dirty and unsanitary environment for people to be in. Especially during these times of uncertainly about COVID-19 and it being noticed that it's on the raise again.  Its very important to have janitors working and trained to serve the public at the highest level . 

    Janitors keep everything organized and tidy, helps others mental health. A individual walks into a dirty locations and makes people take caution due to the look and smell of the location. Versus that same individual walking into other part of the building which is properly clean and tidy puts people in great mental state and good. No janitor and see how your locations look after one week. Janitors are vital to keep the environment clean and organized , which is needed more than ever.

  • 01 Jul 2024 4:43 PM | Christi McNulty

    In the wake of global health concerns, the implementation of medical cleaning practices has become a crucial aspect of maintaining clean and safe residential and commercial spaces. The lessons learned from healthcare cleaning can be seamlessly integrated into various settings to protect the population and contribute to a healthier world. By adopting these practices, not only are harmful bacteria, germs, and viruses effectively addressed, but the overall well-being of communities is safeguarded.

    Adapting Healthcare Protocols: Residential and commercial spaces can benefit immensely from adopting the rigorous protocols practiced in medical cleaning. Crystal Clean Office Cleaning and Sanitizing Service in Arvada, CO, is a shining example of a service provider that embraces these practices, ensuring the highest standards of cleanliness. Through specialized disinfectants, meticulous attention to high-touch surfaces, and a commitment to thorough cleaning, businesses and homeowners alike can mitigate the risks associated with harmful pathogens.

    A Comprehensive Approach: The values associated with protecting the population extend beyond the healthcare sector. Recognizing the interconnectedness of our communities, it becomes imperative to implement a comprehensive approach to cleaning. The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) Janitorial Services Directory serves as a valuable resource for connecting with professional cleaning services committed to upholding these values. By selecting services that prioritize health and safety, individuals and businesses contribute to a collective effort to create cleaner, safer environments.

    The Impact on Global Well-Being: The integration of medical cleaning practices into residential and commercial settings transcends immediate benefits, influencing global well-being. As businesses and homeowners embrace these practices, they play a vital role in reducing the transmission of illnesses and promoting a cleaner planet. The ripple effect of such practices contributes to a world where communities are healthier, and the risk of infectious diseases is minimized.

    Conclusion: In conclusion, the incorporation of medical cleaning practices into various cleaning situations is a proactive step toward protecting populations and creating a safer world. By leveraging the expertise of services like Crystal Clean Office Cleaning and connecting with professionals through the IJCSA Janitorial Services Directory, individuals and businesses can champion the cause of health and hygiene. As we collectively navigate the challenges of our time, the adoption of medical cleaning practices becomes not just a necessity but a shared responsibility for the well-being of the global community.

  • 01 Jul 2024 1:38 PM | Jennifer Medina

    Implementing medical cleaning in residential or commercial settings can be done by first obtaining the knowledge of germs, viruses, and pathogens that can be present in a medical setting but also apply that knowledge to a residential or commercial setting. By applying this knowledge and further educating yourself, you can walk into either a commercial or residential property and be prepared for anything that may resemble a cleaning for a medical facility.

    By doing this, you can also implement the proper utilization of PPE while also performing your duties. In a residential setting you would do your visual inspection, dust, and clean various surfaces. By implementing the use of PPE in residential or commercial cleaning such as goggles for example, you can clean high dust areas such as vents, light fixtures, and other areas that are located above your shoulders and protect yourself from any germs that may be harboring in these areas. 

    The amount of hand hygiene that is performed in a medical cleaning setting can also be implemented. By implementing the way a professional who would clean a medical facility washes their hands each time they exit a patients room, it decreases the likelihood of cross contamination and if you were to implement this into a residential and commercial setting you would wash your hands after every room you would clean which can also decrease the likelihood of cross contamination. 

    Implementing the strategies of medical cleaning into a residential and commercial setting can also improve the cleanliness and the ending result of the job and the decrease in bacteria being transferred. By focusing on high touch surfaces in a residential and commercial setting as much as you you would in a medical facility would help aid in germ control and virus control. Implementing other strategies such as using the figure eight method shown can also increase the ability of covering more surface area resulting in a more effective clean. By utilizing these strategies and PPE that are implemented in medical cleaning, cleanliness in a residence or commercial setting would be at a higher level and also decrease the never ending possibilities of being exposed to everyday germs and viruses. Finding a professional that can provide these services to you can be found through the janitorial directory:

  • 01 Jul 2024 12:52 PM | Lauren Wanco

    Janitorial staff play a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the spaces we occupy daily, whether it's our workplaces, schools, hospitals, or public facilities. Their diligent efforts contribute significantly to creating a healthy and comfortable environment for everyone. Without their dedicated services, these spaces would quickly descend into unsanitary and chaotic conditions, posing risks to our well-being.

    Beyond the obvious task of keeping spaces clean and tidy, janitorial staff also play a crucial role in promoting public health and safety. Their work involves disinfecting surfaces, properly disposing of hazardous materials, and adhering to strict protocols to prevent the spread of infections and illnesses. This is particularly critical in healthcare facilities, where maintaining a sterile environment is essential for patient recovery and preventing the transmission of diseases.

    Moreover, janitorial staff contribute to our overall quality of life by creating an atmosphere that fosters productivity, learning, and enjoyment. A clean and well-maintained environment can positively impact our mental well-being, reducing stress levels and promoting a sense of order and comfort. In educational settings, a clean and organized classroom can enhance students' ability to focus and learn effectively. In workplaces, a tidy and hygienic environment can boost employee morale and increase productivity. Janitorial staff's efforts often go unnoticed, but their impact on our daily lives is profound and invaluable.

    To find a cleaning company near you, follow this link:

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