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Chemical vs. Green

12 Dec 2017 6:31 AM | Deleted user

In this article I will be talking about three harmful effects of using everyday cleaning chemical and then I will compare it to natural green cleaning products. Three effects cleaning chemicals can have is bad health, toxic to the Eco system, and harmful to kids and pets.

In everyday life people don’t think about how many time a day they breathe in harsh chemical. It comes in through the lungs and spreads to the whole body in just minutes if not seconds. One of the causes to peoples breathing problems is using cleaning chemicals in their homes on a daily bases.

Not only are cleaning chemicals bad for people it is bad for the earth. Spraying cleaning chemical into the air can spread really fast. This means it gets on people clothes, on surfaces, outside, inside, and everywhere we go.

Kids and pets get into everything from clean to dirty. Parents cleaning their house to keep their kids and animals health, but they might not know using the everyday cleaning product could be the reason. Kids touch surface then touch their month or eyes, making them more prone to getting sick.

  Cleaning business at use cleaning products that smell good and it isn’t harmful to people’s health. Can breathe it in as much as one wants and it won’t hurt their health. If anything it will make it better, because all the items have no chemical ingredient in them.

Green clean products don’t hurt the air or the earth, because everything comes from the earth that is used in making the products. Using ingredients like soda or vinegar. People use both of them in baking and cooking. 

People that go through for getting their homes clean don’t have to worry about if it is bad for their kids or pets. It is going to improve the way you think clean. Kids can play on the floor or carpet and not have to worry about getting rashes or being itchy after play with their favorite toy.



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