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 International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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What is good customer service?

12 Nov 2017 6:49 PM | Deleted user
Good customer service is the attitude and patience to deal with all types of people in all types of situations. Being able to rise to any occasion or challenge that comes your way. Good customer service is showing up on time for an appointment and finding out exactly what your clients needs are and letting them know what services you provide and your fees with no hidden charges. We also provide our business license our insurance and bonding information and all of the training certifications. A lot of them come from IJCSA so our clients will know they are dealing with professionals and they will be receiving quality service. We are members of IJCSA and are proud to be members of IJCSA because the services they provide and training that IJCSA has provided us with and continue to provide us with!! The training to become better at our profession especially the art of excellent customer service. We truly believe good customer service is a priority and is the key to running a successful cleaning business.

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