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Eco Friendly New Year Resolutions

31 Dec 2017 11:59 PM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

We all know the New Year gives us a clean slate to work with when it comes to making improvements in our daily lives. Typically we resolve to exercise more, eat better, stick to a budget or pick up that new hobby. For this year I have compiled a list of eco friendly habits that are easy to adopt and stick to:

1. I resolve to kick the plastic water bottle habit: Plastic water bottles are bad for the environment, no question. Last year Americans consumed over 50 billion of them. This is a serious habit we here in Trinidad and Tobago need to kick and quickly. Bring your own refillable stainless steel bottle filled with water from home whenever you go out. If the water from your tap isn’t to your liking then add a filtration system or get one of those pitchers that sit on the counter. Trust me; bottled water that you have purchased isn’t that much better than water from your tap.

2. I resolve to bring my own bags with me to the grocery store: This is a no brainer. Most of us by now should have already adopted this habit. Try to take it one step further by bringing your own bags whenever you go shopping for anything in general, not just food.

3. I resolve to walk or bike whenever possible: This is one that I will admit took me awhile to get used to, as I love the privacy of being in my car alone.

4. I resolve to make small changes at home: Small changes at home can have a huge impact overall if everybody did them. Start by unplugging appliances when not in use like the toaster, coffee maker or microwave. Turn off the TV if no one is watching it. Also, connect your computer and peripherals to a power strip; that way at the end of the day you can disconnect them with just a flick of the switch (its best to turn off your computer instead of leaving it in hibernate or stand-by mode.) Wash your clothes in cold or the very least warm water and use the shorter cycle. Finally, change out your light bulbs to compact flourescent lights (CFLs).

5. I resolve to start composting: This is a hard one, I know. I falter with this one myself but I do keep trying to stick with it.

6. I resolve to use less paper: This one is easy and I have been having great success with it! First, I buy recycled content for everything (home and office). Next, I use both sides of the paper before I put it in a bin. Meaning, if one side is still clean then I put in my printer or fax; also I only print out materials or e-mails if I absolutely must have a hard copy of the item.

7. I resolve to volunteer for something this year: Even if it’s just one day, give your time to a beach or park clean-up team in your neighbourhood. If you really want to make a big difference then put in sometime in a community garden. If there isn’t a community garden then start one. Find a natural spot that you can easily get to on a somewhat regular area and keep it litter free. All you need is a pair of work gloves, a supply of garbage bags, and a bit of time.

8. I resolve to use eco-friendly cleaning products at all times and to avoid chlorine. There are so many good and effective green products on the market now, that there is no excuse for this one. You can even do a lot with just baking soda, white vinegar and water!

9. I resolve to pay attention to where my food comes from: I am tempted to preach “buy local”, but realistically I know that is not always possible. But you can make sure your food (and even clothing) is produced in an ethical and sustainable way. So pay attention to labels such as the USDA organic and Fair Trade.

10. Write a letter or (two). You don’t need to chain yourself to a tree in order to have your voice heard. Most large environmental organisations have information on their websites for contacting people in various levels of government regarding environmental issues. The pen can be mightier than the sword.

11. I resolve to lead by example: Pass this article along to your friends and families as we all can use reminders every now and then on how to be eco-friendly this year!

Happy Green New Year 2018!


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