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  • 07 Feb 2024 12:25 AM | Joanna Durham

    As a Surgical Technologist I am familiar with OSHA standards on BBP but as a new owner/operator of a Medical cleaning company I see the importance of all my employees are trained on how to stay safe around medical waste.

    Hand hygiene is the most important and easiest way to stay safe.Wearing PPE can seem unnecessary but all these standards keeps everyone safe from exposure from viruses, bacteria and diseases. 

    It is important to lead by example and follow the training to minimize exposure.

  • 06 Feb 2024 10:50 PM | CHRISTINA RAMIREZ

    After studying for the Bloodborne Pathogens test, I have come to understand the importance of educating myself and my employees. 

    As a cleaner, one is subjected to coming into contact with harmful pathogens on a daily basis.  Proper training is crucial to the health and safety of yourself and employees.

    Being prepared to take control and handle dangerous exposures to bloodborne pathogens is essential to the health and safety of everyone that is subjected to become in direct contact.  Knowing how to protect yourself before attempting to clean an area that is contaminated should be a priority in educating one self about bloodborne pathogens. 

    It's very important to understand the risks and hazards of exposure to human blood and other bodily fluids.

    Proper training ensures you are equipped with the knowledge of how to spot a potential hazard and what to do about it.

  • 06 Feb 2024 5:36 PM | Richard Manser

    In the cleaning industry/profession there are many opportunities to come into contact with bloodborne pathogens. While it is more likely to come into play in some atmospheres more than others, it is extremely important for all employees in the cleaning industry to understand bloodborne pathogens, the risk associated with them, how to avoid them, and what the universal protections, as outlined by the CDC and OSHA regulations are as well as the appropriate way to implement them.

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms (IE viruses and bacteria) that are found in human blood and other bodily fluids. These pathogens have the potential to be transmitted causing disease through contact with mucus membranes, scratches, cuts, or needle sticks. A list of common pathogens includes but are not limited to Hepatitis B and C as well as HIV. All of these pathogens have the potential to take years to develop or become detectable, as well as debilitating side effects including severe liver damage and AIDS. In some cases, saliva and vomit may harbor bloodborne pathogens as well.

    According to the CDC's universal approach "All patients should be considered potentially infectious, and precautions should be taken to minimize risk of exposure." Following this line of thought, any cleaning personal, especially, but not reserved to, those in healthcare settings should be aware of and take measures against all exposure to bloodborne pathogens.


    To be offensive in the work environment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is necessary. PPE encompasses many thing including gloves, masks, and eyeglasses. It is important to remove such PPE and dispose of it in appropriately labeled containers or color-coded bags after decontamination of an area, and then wash hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of pathogens, disease or infection. One should never eat, drink, smoke, apply lip balm, or touch face while working in an environment where there is a risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. It's very important to never compress trash, because it may contain contaminated material. Using tools to aid in clean up, such as tongs or absorbent sponges, is always preferred to limit touching of potentially infectious materials. Handling linens cautiously and always disinfecting cleaning containers after use is a must!

    Following these protocols outlined by the CDC and OSHA will help to keep you and your employees safe. Let's all enjoy a clean and healthy work environment!

  • 06 Feb 2024 4:02 PM | Deleted user

    How You Can Implement Medical Cleaning Practices Into Other Residential & Commercial Cleaning Situations

    There are 3 important things to consider when implementing medical cleaning practices in other residential and commercial cleaning situations. You need to have proper training for staff and employees, proper use of PPE, and proper cleaning standards to follow based on OSHA and other government agencies.

    Proper training involves training employees on the the MSDS and how to read and apply them to your work environment as well as what not to do with certain products. With that it is important to also know how to properly use PPE and how to put them on properly so that you do not put yourself in danger when cleaning. Lastly it is important to also know the proper cleaning standards along with how to properly clean and disinfect and proper dwell time for certain products to effectively work.

    By following your employers cleaning standards, you should be set up for success in limiting germ and viruses in your facility. It is also a good practice to clean with color coded rags to know which rags will be used for what surfaces in order not to cross contaminate surfaces. Follow this directory for janitorial service providers.

    Because the medical cleaning aspects require more attention to detail, the learning in this field can apply tremendously to other residential and commercial cleaning industries. You will be like a super cleaning company compared to your competitors who are not versed and educated in the healthcare cleaning standards and protocols. It may be easier to sell your services with this tool in your belt.

  • 06 Feb 2024 3:31 PM | Deleted user

    Why Is Properly Cleaning Healthcare Facilities So Important

    Properly cleaning healthcare facilities is important for many reasons. One, a clean hospital minimizes blood borne pathogens. With proper disposal of sharps, proper use of PPE, and proper cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, one can minimize infectious diseases.

    When ever in need of a directory to find janitorial service providers consider looking on the directory. Proper cleaning of healthcare facilities is also important because it is our loved ones that are there and in need of proper treatment. If we can minimize infectious diseases then their chances of surviving are higher especially with such high HAI's.

    It also helps keep staff and employees safe in an environment that is so high in infectious diseases. It is important to follow the proper procedures as described by OSHA and other government agencies.

  • 06 Feb 2024 2:06 PM | Robert&Tammy Harris

      STOP READING ARTICLE AFTER ARTICLE! Carpet cleaning can be done by anyone. But if you want your carpets to be cleaned thoroughly and safely, make sure it's done by an IJCSA Company use the IJCSA CERTIFIED CARPET CLEANING DIRECTORY and find a company that is certified in carpet cleaning. They understand the different chemicals and how to use them. They also know about which method to use that would provide the best results. For instance they may recommend hot water extraction or encapsulation also known as very low moisture. IJCSA Certified Carpet Cleaners know how to identify carpet types and will safely clean your carpets to ensure that you get the fullest life from your carpet. Use the link to find your company CARPET CLEANING DIRECTORY

  • 06 Feb 2024 11:35 AM | Deleted user

    In an era where environmental consciousness is more important than ever we implement eco-friendly practices in the cleaning services we offer. Becoming a Green Cleaning Certified company align with our organizational values with a commitment to protect both the population and the planet from the adverse effects of harmful chemicals.

    Green cleaning is a responsible choice that prioritizes the well-being of individuals and the environment. Obteining the certification as a company will emphasize the use of non-toxic, environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices. The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) Green Cleaning Directory serves as a valuable resource, showcasing certified companies that have embraced sustainable cleaning solutions and other services related.

    The value of green cleaning extends beyond aesthetics. By opting for certified services, businesses contribute to reducing air and water pollution, minimizing their carbon footprint, and fostering a healthier indoor environment. Harsh chemicals found in traditional cleaning products can have detrimental effects on human health and exacerbate respiratory conditions. Green cleaning solutions, on the other hand, prioritize the use of natural ingredients, reducing the risk of harmful exposure for both cleaning staff and building occupants.

    Dustfree Cleaning as a company recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility, being Green Cleaning Certified becomes a powerful statement. It not only demonstrates a commitment to sustainability but also resonates positively with environmentally conscious clients and employees. Adopting green cleaning practices aligns with a global movement towards a cleaner, healthier future. As organizations strive to make a positive impact, obtaining green cleaning certification emerges as a pivotal step in creating a safer, more sustainable world for all.

  • 05 Feb 2024 6:20 PM | Scarlett Rice

    Janitorial staff are important in our daily lives because they keep things clean. Often places you don't think about needing to be cleaned to ensure our safety.

    Having a company certified through IJCSA helps to ensure that staff are trained to help in prevention of disease spread and proper cleaning techniques. Certified businesses can be found on Janitorial Directory or at The training is extensive and helps provide peace of mind in those you hire to clean.

    Janitorial staff that are properly trained are essential. They make sure that not only places are clean and appealing to the eye but also sanitary and safe. They help to ensure customers having a pleasant experience by having a clean safe place. People do not want to use businesses that are dirty. 

  • 05 Feb 2024 4:48 PM | Scarlett Rice

       Hiring professionals who have been properly trained in cleaning is an important aspect when choosing a cleaning service. You expect a company who not only knows how to do the job but understands the proper way to do it and how to be safe and thorough.

       Hiring someone certified IJCSA provides this peace of mind. Janitorial services certified through IJCSA have been trained in many aspects such as chemical safety, bloodborne pathogens and techniques to do the job properly, these trainings are quite intensive and testing is required for each certification.  

     Finding someone to suit your needs can be found at the link below:

    IJCSA Business Directory.   or at


  • 05 Feb 2024 6:43 AM | Javon Agnew

    Your home is your castle, and finding the right individual or company to clean it is very important.  By the home is a safe haven or space that one goes to eat, sleep, and carry out family functions and duties, the organization and cleanliness of it also plays a role in one's peace of mind as well.  Primarily, it is up to the residents living in the space to maintain the home, and in doing so, sometimes they may other individuals for this responsibility.  There are a myriad of reasons, including the business of life that may leave one unable to or not having time to organize and/or clean the home in the manner that is desirable to them.  Why not leave the guesswork of cleaning your home to an IJCSA professional!  

    When choosing a home & residential cleaning professional, along with the cost to clean the home, there are several equally important factors when making your decision.  Since professionalism is at the top of the list of an IJCSA residential cleaning company, look for special certifications.  We are certified in residential cleaning, bloodborne pathogens, and chemical hazards which gives us the aptitude to get the job done efficiently.  The utilization of various supplies, chemicals (based on Safety Data Sheet knowledge) and equipment also help in effectively treating and cleaning various areas of the home.  We have a standard way of cleaning and will also take on special cleaning tasks such as mold & mildew removal, oven & refrigerator cleaning, and wall washing just to name a few.  These items are no challenge for us, and can be maintained on a specified rotation to improve the healthy and quality of the home!

    In choosing an IJCSA professional to clean your home, we take great pride in our work and maintain certain standards each time we clean your home.  There are furniture and surface specific cloths and products for each task, and we clean from top to bottom to ensure a dust-free environment.  With the floors being the last surface to touch, we make sure all of our equipment is sanitized in between each client to further the healthy and sanitary standards for the home. Also, you can be best assured that an IJCSA professional always exercises professionalism when interacting with the customer during the cleaning in conversation and in dealings.  

    For these reasons, an IJCSA professional would love to clean your home!

    To find a certified professional in your area for Residential Cleaning, please click the link below:

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