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  • 29 Feb 2024 12:01 PM | Deleted user

    In the cleaning industry, there will be a time when we will come across to clean facilities that deal with blood and body fluids that are affected. Removing trash that contains used syringes, handling laundry from medical facilities soiled with blood, or simply cleaning up after a sick person is especially important to know how to help eliminate exposure and even the spread of harmful bloodborne pathogens. There needs to be education and training on bloodborne pathogens and set up processes and systems in place to minimize exposure, and in case of contamination to have a plan in place for the isolation and prevention of spreading bloodborne pathogens. Therefore, it is imperative for cleaning techs and staff to know everything about bloodborne pathogen standards to help prevent exposure.

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms in blood and bodily fluids that cause diseases to humans. Bloodborne pathogens are spread through direct contact (blood, bodily fluids), indirect contact (an object e.g. needlestick, that contains blood or body fluid of an infected person), and respiratory droplet transmission (sneeze or cough). Cleaning techs and staff need to be educated and trained on universal precautions and be able to apply that knowledge successfully. This means to have an understanding of bloodborne pathogens (e.g. HIV, HBV), washing hands before and after handling items and objects that deal with blood and bodily fluids, wear always PPE equipment, and practice controls to limit exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Furthermore, cleaning techs and staff must know what to do immediately after they have been exposed to a bloodborne pathogen, and how to handle to promote exposure control. Finally, there must be a post exposure management protocol in place, so immediate confidential medical evaluations can be provided to the effected employee at no cost. Having all these in place helps to prevent bloodborne pathogen exposure.

    Bloodborne pathogens are real and harmful. Not knowing what they are, and how to work with them without education and training is sending your staff and cleaning techs to their doom. Therefore, it is imperative for your staff and cleaning techs to pass through a bloodborne pathogen certification to educate your employees for their safety, their clients, and the community. Having an education on bloodborne pathogens will prepare your staff and cleaning techs with the necessary tools and equipment to deal with issues like these and carry out their jobs successfully having a peace of mind knowing that everyone is safe.

  • 29 Feb 2024 9:40 AM | Vanessa Amaral

    Maintaining a safe and hygienic workplace isn't just about tidiness—it's also about ensuring the well-being of everyone involved. One critical aspect often overlooked is educating cleaning employees and staff about bloodborne pathogens. These pathogens, such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, can be transmitted through blood and certain bodily fluids, posing serious health risks if proper precautions aren't taken.

    First and foremost, understanding bloodborne pathogens is essential for the safety of cleaning personnel themselves. They are on the frontline, often encountering potentially contaminated materials in restrooms, medical facilities, or even public areas. Proper knowledge empowers them to handle hazardous materials cautiously, reducing the risk of accidental exposure and subsequent infection.

    Moreover, educating all staff members about bloodborne pathogens fosters a culture of responsibility and awareness within the workplace. Whether it's through training sessions or informational materials, employees gain insight into the importance of proper disposal methods, personal protective equipment (PPE) usage, and emergency procedures. By equipping everyone with this knowledge, organizations not only prioritize safety but also minimize the likelihood of workplace accidents and potential legal liabilities.

    In conclusion, the significance of cleaning employees and staff understanding bloodborne pathogens cannot be overstated. It's a proactive measure that not only safeguards the health and well-being of individuals but also contributes to a healthier, safer, and more informed work environment overall. Through education and diligence, we can mitigate risks, protect lives, and uphold the standards of cleanliness and professionalism in every workplace setting.

  • 28 Feb 2024 9:04 PM | Robert Stewart

    Coming into contact with blood is dangerous. Knowing and understanding the precautions of handling bloodborne pathogens could mean preventing illnesses and dealth. Continuous review of and prevention practices of OSHA's guildlines and standards with employees and staff will help elimate or reduce exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

    Not everyone who comes into contact with bloodborne pathogens work in a healthcare environment. Cleaning employees and staff face these types of risk as well. Being knowledgeable about what bloodborne pathogens are and the risks associated with coming in contact with it encourages safe working habbits.

    Cleaning employees and staff who are educated about bloodborne pathogens are vital assets in preventing the spread of infections. When they are aware of the modes of transmission of pathogens, they can take the necessary measures and precautions to reduce or eliminate the risk of infection for themselves and others. Having properly trained, educated or certified staff and employees is a huge factor in the overall safety and protection of themselves and others.

  • 28 Feb 2024 2:11 PM | Deleted user

    Members of IJCSA understand the importance of delivering customized customer service for their janitorial or cleaning services. Members of IJCSA understand that a satisfied customer is a customer that can develop into long-term relationships and potentially assist with additional referrals for their business.

    IJCSA members are trained in understanding that great customer service includes listening to their customer and fully empathizing with their needs and concerns.  IJCSA members understand that when problems and difficult situations are presented, creating novel solutions and clarifying those solutions to ensure the best results for their customers are paramount. IJCSA members are taught that staying in contact with customers through phone calls and emails are also important to ensure that customers are happy with services provided. Also, contacting customers to provide promotional resources, i.e. discounts, coupons, etc. are also key in providing customer satisfaction.  Also, IJCSA members are taught that soft skills such as smiling, eye contact, and commenting are important when engaging with their customers. 

  • 27 Feb 2024 12:09 PM | Sierrah Voll

    As an IJCSA Green Cleaning Certified company, Pure and Clean Co LLC pride ourselves on our commitment to environmental sustainability and promoting healthier living spaces for our clients. Our green cleaning program is not just a certification; it's a cornerstone of our daily operations. We understand that every cleaning task presents an opportunity to positively impact the planet, and we take this responsibility seriously.

    To implement our daily green cleaning program, we start by carefully selecting eco- friendly cleaning products that meet the stringent standards set by the IJCSA. These products are derived from natural, renewable resources and are free from harsh chemicals, ensuring our clients a safer and healthier cleaning experience. We also utilize high-efficiency equipment and practices to minimize water and energy consumption, reducing our environmental footprint.

    Moreover, our team of trained professionals is dedicated to following green cleaning best practices in every job we undertake. From utilizing microfiber cloths to reduce waste and cross-contamination to implementing proper recycling and disposal techniques, we take proactive measures to ensure that our cleaning processes align with our commitment to sustainability. By integrating green cleaning principles into our daily routine, we provide our clients with a clean and healthy environment and contribute to a more sustainable future.

  • 27 Feb 2024 9:48 AM | Ever Zamora

    To begin, medical cleaning practices are not the same as commercial and residential cleaning practices. For instance, in medical facilities they have a higher risk for spread of infectious diseases due to being such a high touch traffic area mainly by sick patients. Where as residential and commercial cleaning situations are visually low touch traffic areas. 

    The cleaning practices in medical facilities is focused on reducing the risk for spread of infectious diseases. By following strict protocols, such as types go cleaning solutions, cleaning tools, PPE, etc. Following proper protocol and cleaning on a regular daily basis helps healthcare facilities try to decrease the spread of infectious diseases.

    The cleaning practices when cleaning commercial and /or residential buildings their goal isn't to decrease spread of infectious diseases but more so to focus on the appearance of said buildings. As simple as wiping down high touch surfaces in these residential and commercial buildings can help with the spread of germs and viruses. A basic practice that could also be done by everyone to also help the decrease of germs and viruses is proper hand hygiene. 

    In conclusion, by implementing medical cleaning practices into other residential and commercial cleaning situations is a driven advancement to maintaining a safe, clean and healthy environment. The main focus being regularly cleaning high touch surfaces, using proper cleaning solutions, promoting proper hand hygiene, and giving some training that can help with maintaining a clean and healthy environment for everyone. 

  • 26 Feb 2024 11:23 PM | Vanessa Amaral

    Hiring a cleaning person or company that has passed the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) Registered Cleaning Specialist (RCS) certification offers several key advantages for both residential and commercial clients. First and foremost, the RCS certification ensures that the cleaning professionals possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise to deliver high-quality cleaning services. By completing rigorous training and meeting stringent certification requirements, RCS-certified cleaners demonstrate their commitment to excellence and professionalism in every aspect of their work.

    One of the primary advantages of hiring an RCS-certified cleaning person or company is the assurance of superior cleaning standards. RCS-certified professionals are trained to use industry-leading techniques, tools, and products to achieve optimal cleaning results. Whether it's deep cleaning carpets, sanitizing surfaces, or disinfecting high-touch areas, RCS-certified cleaners employ effective methods to ensure a clean and hygienic environment for clients and occupants.

    Moreover, hiring an RCS-certified cleaning person or company offers peace of mind to clients knowing that they are working with professionals who prioritize safety and compliance. RCS-certified cleaners are well-versed in safety protocols, including the proper handling and disposal of cleaning chemicals, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and adherence to industry regulations and guidelines. By following best practices and safety standards, RCS-certified cleaners minimize risks and create a safe and healthy environment for everyone.

    In addition to expertise and safety, hiring an RCS-certified cleaning person or company can result in time and cost savings for clients. With their efficient cleaning techniques and streamlined processes, RCS-certified cleaners can complete cleaning tasks more quickly and effectively, allowing clients to focus on their core responsibilities without sacrificing cleanliness or hygiene. Additionally, RCS-certified cleaners often utilize eco-friendly cleaning products and practices, reducing the environmental impact of cleaning operations while promoting sustainability.

    Furthermore, choosing an RCS-certified cleaning person or company can enhance the reputation and image of residential and commercial properties. A clean and well-maintained environment creates a positive impression on visitors, clients, and occupants, reflecting positively on the property owners or managers. Whether it's a sparkling clean office space, a pristine residential property, or a hygienic healthcare facility, the expertise and professionalism of RCS-certified cleaners contribute to a positive and inviting atmosphere.

    In conclusion, the key advantages of hiring a cleaning person or company that has passed the IJCSA RCS certification are numerous and significant. From superior cleaning standards and safety compliance to time and cost savings and enhanced reputation, RCS-certified cleaners offer unmatched expertise, professionalism, and peace of mind to clients seeking top-quality cleaning services. By choosing an RCS-certified cleaning person or company, clients can enjoy the benefits of a clean, safe, and healthy environment, tailored to their specific needs and requirements.

  • 26 Feb 2024 6:04 PM | Vanessa Amaral

    Looking for a home cleaning service that you can trust? Look no further than the members of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA). Our network of certified professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch cleaning services tailored to your needs, leaving your home sparkling clean and refreshed.

    With IJCSA, you can rest assured that your home is in good hands. Our members undergo rigorous training and adhere to high industry standards to ensure the highest quality of service. Whether you need a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance, our experienced professionals have the expertise and equipment to get the job done right.

    What sets IJCSA members apart is their commitment to exceptional customer service. From the moment you reach out for a quote to the completion of the cleaning service, our members prioritize your satisfaction every step of the way. With transparent pricing, flexible scheduling options, and a dedication to exceeding your expectations, finding a home cleaning service has never been easier. Discover the difference with IJCSA today and experience the joy of coming home to a beautifully clean space. Look below to get in contact with one of our members today.

  • 26 Feb 2024 4:09 PM | Anonymous member

    Properly cleaning healthcare facilities is extremely important. A healthcare facility is generally a place where people who are sick or have a health problem go to be treated and with that it is essential to properly clean the facility to avoid patients from getting sick. Viruses, bacteria’s and other pathogens are going to enter the facility and disinfecting/cleaning everything correctly can eliminate those pathogens. Healthcare associated infections can make a patient sicker that what they first went into the hospital.

    Hospitals are supposed to be one of the cleanest places but in the other hand it also contains a lot of germs from people who are going in sick. In a hospital there is always people who are touching everything from doorknobs to light switches and if this is not properly clean daily the germs and viruses can become a problem.  Proper training will help identify high traffic areas and with that proper cleaning/disinfecting techniques.

    Having a trained cleaning crew will be of great benefit it will give you a peace of mind knowing that your crew have the knowledge to clean efficiently a healthcare facility.  IJCSA is a great association that offers trainings and with that you can be certain that you get a great cleaning company. Check out to find a certified company.

  • 26 Feb 2024 1:42 PM | JONATHAN BARRIOS

    Janitors and janitorial staffs are what make it possible for us to have a simpler and more pleasant life. They are responsible for carrying out the tasks required to prevent illness and avoid accidents in public, recreational, social and workplaces. They carry out health and safety functions with the knowledge that is required so that society can live in a healthier and safer way. Obtaining as a result a better emotional and physical state, greater productivity, and quality in our lives as well as in the environment that surrounds us.

    Thanks to the janitors and janitorial staff you can have good hygiene, since this is essential especially where there are people allergic to dust, with respiratory or skin problems. They have the knowledge of knowing which products to use for each janitorial and commercial cleaning jobs and thus be able to guarantee the health of people by preventing diseases such as flu, COVID 19, Hepatitis B or C, and HIV through the elimination of viruses and germs. In the same way all this can help reduce the level of stress since both help to have an environment full of order through deep and professional cleaning with special, fast, and efficient experience.

    Both provide the proper maintenance required since they are responsible for taking care that all those areas that we frequent in our daily lives are in optimal condition to keep us safe and free of accidents. They always provide tranquility and security since they are always ready to serve and provide as a priority the satisfaction of each of us in every place and time possible.


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