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  • 05 Mar 2024 8:03 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Properly cleaning healthcare facilities is of utmost importance for several critical reasons. Firstly, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is essential for preventing the spread of infections and diseases. Healthcare facilities, by their very nature, are often frequented by individuals who may already be sick or immunocompromised, making them particularly susceptible to infections. Effective cleaning protocols help reduce the risk of cross-contamination and ensure that harmful pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, are eradicated from surfaces, minimizing the potential for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).

    Secondly, proper cleaning in healthcare facilities is vital for promoting patient safety and well-being. Patients rely on healthcare facilities as places of healing and recovery, and cleanliness plays a significant role in their overall experience and outcomes. A clean environment instills confidence in patients and their families, fostering a sense of trust in the facility's commitment to their health and safety. Additionally, thorough cleaning practices contribute to the prevention of adverse events, such as medication errors or falls, by maintaining a clutter-free and organized space that supports efficient caregiving and patient monitoring.

    Furthermore, proper cleaning in healthcare facilities is essential for regulatory compliance and accreditation. Healthcare facilities are subject to stringent regulations and standards set forth by government agencies and accrediting bodies to ensure quality of care and patient safety. Compliance with these standards requires adherence to specific cleaning protocols and infection control measures. Failure to meet these standards not only compromises patient safety but also puts the facility at risk of penalties, legal repercussions, and damage to its reputation. Therefore, maintaining high standards of cleanliness is not only ethically imperative but also crucial for the operational integrity and success of healthcare facilities.

    I am so happy that I found the IJCSA web page, Doing the certifications and being a member of I can confidently do my job and feel that I am helping my clients to the best of my ability.

  • 05 Mar 2024 7:42 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Janitors and janitorial staff often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, yet their contributions are indispensable to the functionality and cleanliness of our shared spaces. These dedicated individuals work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that our workplaces, schools, hospitals, and public facilities remain safe, hygienic, and organized. Without their diligent efforts, our environments would quickly succumb to clutter, dirt, and potential health hazards, impacting our overall well-being and productivity.

    In addition to maintaining cleanliness, janitors and janitorial staff play a crucial role in upholding the image and reputation of the institutions they serve. A tidy and well-maintained environment not only reflects positively on the organization but also creates a welcoming atmosphere for employees, visitors, and clients. Whether it's polishing floors, disinfecting surfaces, emptying trash bins, or restocking supplies, their attention to detail and commitment to excellence contribute significantly to the overall experience of those who frequent these spaces.

    Furthermore, the work of janitors and janitorial staff extends beyond mere cleaning duties. They often serve as the first line of defense in identifying potential safety hazards, such as spills or malfunctioning equipment, and promptly addressing them to prevent accidents or injuries. Their presence also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie within the workplace, as they interact with employees and visitors on a daily basis, offering assistance and support whenever needed. Ultimately, the importance of janitors and janitorial staff cannot be overstated, as they play an essential role in maintaining the functionality, safety, and overall well-being of our daily environments.

    I am so happy that I found the IJCSA web page, Doing the certifications and being a member of I can confidently do my job and feel that I am helping my clients to the best of my ability.

  • 04 Mar 2024 9:33 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms found in human blood and other bodily fluids that can cause diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS. For employees and staff in cleaning industries, particularly those who may come into contact with blood or bodily fluids during their work, understanding and implementing proper protocols for handling bloodborne pathogens is of utmost importance. Not only does this knowledge protect the health and safety of employees, but it also plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for clients and customers.

    First and foremost, education about bloodborne pathogens equips cleaning employees and staff with the necessary knowledge to protect themselves from potential exposure. By understanding how bloodborne pathogens are transmitted and the precautions to take when handling blood or bodily fluids, employees can minimize their risk of infection and ensure their own safety on the job. This includes using personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, face masks, and protective clothing, as well as following proper procedures for cleaning and disinfection to prevent cross-contamination.

    Furthermore, cleaning employees and staff who are knowledgeable about bloodborne pathogens contribute to the overall safety and well-being of the community they serve. Whether working in healthcare facilities, schools, offices, or public spaces, these individuals play a vital role in maintaining clean and sanitary environments that are essential for public health. By adhering to strict protocols for handling blood and bodily fluids, they help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and reduce the risk of exposure for both themselves and others. In doing so, they demonstrate a commitment to professionalism and accountability in their roles as custodians of public health and safety.

    In conclusion, the importance of cleaning employees and staff knowing about bloodborne pathogens cannot be overstated. This knowledge not only protects the health and safety of employees but also plays a critical role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and maintaining clean and hygienic environments. By educating themselves about proper protocols for handling blood and bodily fluids, cleaning professionals demonstrate their commitment to safety, professionalism, and public health, ultimately contributing to a healthier and safer community for all.

  • 03 Mar 2024 9:00 PM | William Boston

    Bloodborne pathogens training is not just important for biohazard cleaners. A potentially hazardous situation can present itself in any field of cleaning and can happen without notice or warning. Transmission of HIV or Hep B can occur in a split second and equipping your employees and yourself with the proper training and equipment to be protected is essential. This training can mean the difference between life and death. 

    One of the most important things that can be learned through this course is the idea of universal precautions. Universal precautions are precautions that are to be taken anytime that you are in contact with or think you may be in contact with, blood or any other infectious materials. It teaches that you should always treat bodily fluids as if they are infected with a communicable virus. This enables you and your employees to be defensive in your approach to all jobs and work cautiously to minimize your exposure to any possible hazards. 

    Always have PPE on hand for all employees. Even if you do not clean these types of hazards, you may come in contact with them and need to be able to protect yourself. Knowing what to do and what to be aware of after exposure can ensure that should the unthinkable happen, you will be able to identify and intervene appropriately. Giving your employees the most up-to-date information on how to protect themselves can keep you out of trouble as an employer and ensure safety in your business. 

  • 03 Mar 2024 7:50 PM | William Boston

    While there are many facets to the cleaning industry, mold remediation, and detection are the most important. Undetected mold can lead to physical ailments including headaches, sore throat, runny nose, and even skin rashes in the customers we are tasked with protecting through our services. A cleaning service (no matter how small) should always be vigilant in recognizing the signs of a mold issue and being able to intervene for the safety of themselves and their customer. 

    Incorporating a mold cleaning program into your business can not only generate another stream of revenue, it can also allow you to work closely with your community members to provide safe spaces for individuals and families while also keeping yourself and your employees safe on the job. Understanding how mold works, how it can manifest in individuals, and how to treat it can change the game for your business and the customers that you serve.

    Here at 850 Bio, we plan on incorporating a mold cleaning service into our suite of offered services. Through a mold remediation service, we can offer our customers not only a clean space after an incident or trauma but also a space where they can be healthy and happy again. We will work on training to help technicians locate the hidden mold and establish policies and procedures for how to treat homes or businesses in which mold is located. We will keep the highest levels of PPE in the trucks, even if we do not initially believe that the home may be contaminated. Safety for ourselves and our customers is the most important piece of our job and we take it very seriously. 

  • 03 Mar 2024 2:23 PM | Jonathan Mendoza

    Understanding Universal precautions and bloodborne pathogens is something that all employers and employees should learn and know. As an employer with J & E Cleaning Co. LLC, it is with great importance that I keep the safety of my employees as my main priority. Dealing with the possibilities of exposures and potential hazards of infectious diseases and bloodborne pathogens (i.e. HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C, as well as many other ailments or diseases that can be acquired) on a daily basis can be intimidating. Here at J & E Cleaning Co. LLC we will make sure that all precautions are seen and that you are strongly protected on our end. But Precaution is a huge part of the responsibility of the employee as well. Especially universal precautions and knowing where your hazards are. Wearing your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a great determent and step in the right direction of your own personal safety from exposure.

    Bloodborne pathogens are diseases and viruses that get passed along through exposure from bodily fluids (i.e. blood, sputum, vomit and others) this can lead to illness and even death. Symptoms don't usually show for some time, it is good to be vigilant to any symptoms if you think you have possibly been exposed. In the case of exposure through splash, break in skin or being poked by a sharp. Please contact your supervisor and/or boss immediately in order to take the proper actions according to company protocol. After going through all protocols with your supervisor and/or boss, it is a good idea to also contact your personal care physician so that any and all post exposure actions can be taken to ensure that you're taken care of adequately.

    Personal protective equipment also known as PPE are articles of protection for the safety of our staff members during cleaning and disposal. Personal protective equipment consists of the following: Eye protection, gloves, mask & sometimes even isolation/impervious gowns. As your employer at J & E Cleaning Co. LLC, it is my duty to keep you as an employee safe and free from as much harm and/or exposure as possible. By providing you the proper PPE through our company or having one of our contracted facilities providing the appropriate articles upon arrival. As much as it is my duty, it is also the duty of you the employee to ensure that you are donning all of these articles when necessary upon cleaning certain areas where required.

  • 01 Mar 2024 10:38 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Achieving Green Cleaning Certification through organizations like the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) offers numerous benefits for companies and individuals committed to sustainable practices. For companies, obtaining this certification demonstrates a solid commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. By adhering to green cleaning standards and practices, companies can reduce their ecological footprint, minimize exposure to harmful chemicals, and contribute to preserving natural resources. This commitment aligns with corporate sustainability goals and enhances the company's reputation as a responsible and conscientious business.

    As individuals, being Green Cleaning Certified provides valuable knowledge and skills in using environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices. This certification equips individuals with the expertise to clean indoor environments safely and effectively while minimizing the use of harmful chemicals. Moreover, it empowers individuals to make informed choices about the products they use in their homes and workplaces, promoting healthier indoor air quality and reducing the risk of exposure to toxins. By incorporating green cleaning principles into their daily routines, individuals can contribute to protecting the health and well-being of themselves, their families, and the broader community.

    In addition to the personal and corporate benefits, Green Cleaning Certification aligns with broader values of protecting the population and the world from harmful chemicals. By promoting eco-friendly cleaning products and practices, Green Cleaning Certification supports public health initiatives to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals and prevent adverse health effects. Furthermore, it advances environmental conservation efforts by minimizing waterways, soil, and ecosystem pollution. This holistic approach to cleaning benefits individuals and businesses and contributes to building healthier, more sustainable communities.

    The IJCSA Green Cleaning Directory is a valuable resource for companies and individuals seeking certified green cleaning services and products. By leveraging this directory, businesses can connect with certified green cleaning providers that meet stringent environmental standards and practices. Likewise, consumers can choose to hire green cleaning professionals who prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. Through collaboration and collective action, Green Cleaning Certification empowers individuals, businesses, and communities to protect the planet and safeguard public health for future generations.

  • 01 Mar 2024 10:36 AM | Sierrah Voll

    The use of cleaning chemicals in our daily lives has become ubiquitous, from household cleaners to industrial-grade disinfectants. While these products are effective at removing dirt, grime, and germs, they often come with a hidden cost to both the planet and human health. The harmful effects of cleaning chemicals on the environment are far-reaching, contributing to pollution of waterways, degradation of soil quality, and harm to wildlife. When these chemicals are washed down drains or disposed of improperly, they can enter ecosystems, disrupt delicate ecological balances, and pose risks to aquatic life. Additionally, the production and transportation of cleaning chemicals contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts, further exacerbating climate change and environmental degradation.

    Beyond their environmental impact, cleaning chemicals can also have detrimental effects on human health. Many conventional cleaning products contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can contribute to indoor air pollution and exacerbate respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies. Prolonged exposure to certain chemicals found in cleaning products has been linked to adverse health effects, including skin irritation, eye irritation, and even more severe health conditions with long-term exposure. Furthermore, the widespread use of antibacterial cleaning agents has raised concerns about the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, posing a significant public health threat.

    In response to these concerns, there is a growing movement towards adopting more sustainable and eco-friendly cleaning practices. Many consumers are turning to green cleaning products made from natural and biodegradable ingredients that are safer for both the environment and human health. Additionally, organizations and businesses are implementing green cleaning programs that prioritize the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices. By reducing reliance on harmful chemicals and embracing sustainable alternatives, we can minimize the harmful effects of cleaning chemicals on the planet and create healthier indoor and outdoor environments for present and future generations.

  • 01 Mar 2024 10:29 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Integrating a comprehensive carpet cleaning program into our business marks a significant step forward in our commitment to providing exceptional service and maintaining pristine environments for our clients. By partnering with certified members of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA), we ensure that our carpet cleaning services adhere to the highest industry standards and best practices. Our approach to implementing this program involves a multifaceted strategy prioritizing quality, efficiency, and sustainability. From utilizing eco-friendly cleaning products to employing cutting-edge techniques, we are dedicated to delivering outstanding results while minimizing our environmental footprint.

    The benefits of entrusting your carpet or rugs to certified IJCSA members extend beyond surface-level cleanliness. Our partnership with IJCSA ensures that our clients receive the expertise of trained professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle even the toughest carpet cleaning challenges. Moreover, by engaging with certified IJCSA members, clients can rest assured that their carpets are being cleaned using safe and effective methods prioritizing health and well-being. From improving indoor air quality to extending the lifespan of carpets, the benefits of having your carpets cleaned by certified IJCSA members are numerous, making it a wise investment in the longevity and appearance of your carpets and overall indoor environment.

  • 29 Feb 2024 12:44 PM | Deleted user

    In order to reduce the exposures and spread of diseases such as HBV and HIV, employees and staff must consistently undergo training regarding the potential hazards of blood-borne pathogens. Understanding the dangers associated with blood-borne pathogens is necessary in the prevention and limiting of sicknesses, and even death. 

    Workplaces where such exposure is likely must ensure that all employees and staff not only know about the dangers of blood-borne pathogens, but also how to mitigate risks. Staff and employees should adhere to universal precautions which include the proper wearing of personal protective equipment such as google, gloves, and other clothing. Employees and staff must know procedures relating to the proper control, transport, and dispose of needles, laundry, and trash in order to limit the spread of disease for themselves and others. Employees and staff must understand the labeling and color-coding of bags and containers when disposing and transporting exposed materials. All employees must know how to disinfect and decontaminate exposed areas.

    In the event of personal exposure to blood-borne pathogens, employees and staff, must be aware of the protocols which include notifying their supervisor and physician, and monitoring their health as a result of the exposure. Employees and staff should read OSHA Written Exposure Plan which is located at their website.  


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