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BPC bloodborne pathogens

13 Sep 2023 8:04 AM | Deleted user

Knowing and treating everything as being contagious is key for anyone doing any kind of cleaning. When your going into to clean an office or any other type of facility without the proper training causes you to run the risk of contracting the infection or infections. 
With proper training you learn how to deal with the different types of bloodborne pathogens and learn the particular laws and the proper compliance procedures to keep yourself safe from any form of transmission.

With proper training of you and or your employees it gives the greater awareness of the common bloodborne diseases such as hepB, hepC, HIV/AIDS, malaria, syphillis, and brucellosis.

When your training about these different pathogens you also need to cover how it’s transmitted because the training of the BPC it’s also important to explain the importance of how it’s transmitted and explain that it can be through blood or other bodily fluids such as blood, saliva,semen,vaginal secretions.

Then explain that these fluids can enter the body of a he uninfected person through these ways as mucus membranes, cuts,bites,abrasions, and also needle sticks.

There needs to be a plan in place for a manual of control plans, procedure, PPE, and the post exposure and what to do. 


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