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Janitors and other essential workers marched through the Minneapolis skyway Thursday afternoon as they began their fight for a new union contract in 2024.
The workers with Service Employees International Union Local 26 are demanding better salaries, retirement pensions, and improved working conditions in their new contract. Local 26 represents more than 8,000 janitors, security officers, retail cleaners and airport workers in Minnesota.
According to the union’s website, workers are demanding wage increases of up to $5 per hour. Some of the members spoke Thursday about feeling disrespected on the job, and the need for a city-run labor standards board...
More at source: Sahan Journal
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Dozens of janitors for commercial office buildings marched through Conshohocken on Tuesday, demanding a better contract for over 1,400 union cleaners and other building workers in the Philadelphia suburbs. Their current contract is set to expire on December 15.
Negotiations on the new four-year contract began this month between Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 32BJ, which represents the workers, and the Building Operators Labor Relations (BOLR), which represents the workers’ employers.
“We are essential, but the salaries we earn don’t reflect our sacrifices or hard work,” said Marcelina Lemus, a janitor with 32BJ SEIU, in a statement.
More at source: Inquirer
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What is the main focus of companies’ sustainability policies today? And what will be the next big sustainability ‘thing’ as far as cleaning and hygiene companies are concerned? Ann Laffeaty poses these questions.
Green cleaning – like most things – is subject to trends. Over the years we have seen companies focusing on various aspects of sustainability including recycling initiatives, carbon footprint reductions, water savings and lowering emissions.
But what is the key sustainability issue of the moment? And how is this likely to change in the future?
The battle against global warming is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, according to Kärcher’s senior corporate sustainability management director Marie Kristin Schmidt. “Companies – as well as countries – need to play their part,” she says. “The fact our resources are finite means the need for eco-friendly products and materials plus resource efficiency in production are also important.”
More At Source: European Cleaning Journal
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On November 15, 2023, Stanley Steemer International, Inc. (“Stanley Steemer “) filed a notice of data breach with the Attorney General of Maine after discovering that an unauthorized party was able to access portions of the company’s computer network. In this notice, Stanley Steemer explains that the incident resulted in an unauthorized party being able to access consumers’ sensitive information, which includes their names, Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and financial account information.
Upon completing its investigation, Stanley Steemer began sending out data breach notification letters to all individuals whose information was affected by the recent data security incident...
More at source: JDSUPRA
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Mopping The Floor With Cinnamon
This cleaning trick can scent your home and boost your prosperity, experts say...
Although pouring a pot of cinnamon into your mop water is not something that has probably crossed your mind, it turns out it can have several benefits for your home.
From making your home smell nice to boosting your prosperity, this simple trick may be out of the box but it is thought to be the perfect all-rounder for cleaning, scenting, and cleansing your home.
Here, experts explain why this cleaning tip might be perfect for your home, and how to get it right to avoid making your home dirtier than it started.
More At Source: Homes & Garden
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A janitorial service company violated federal labor law by threatening, suspending, and ultimately firing a cleaner for her union activities, a National Labor Relations Board judge ruled.
Harvard Maintenance Inc. committed the unfair labor practices against cleaner Carina Cruz, who worked at an office building in Manhattan at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Administrative Law Judge Jeffrey Gardner said in his Wednesday ruling.
Cruz was one of about 60 cleaners hired to perform work under a contract Harvard Maintenance had with building management, as well as a separate agreement with PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd. to clean its offices there. ...
More at source: Bloomberg Law
Two commercial turkey farms in Iowa have been hit by the reemerging highly pathogenic bird flu, causing about 100,000 birds to be killed to prevent the disease from spreading.
The Iowa Department of Agriculture reported the infected commercial poultry flocks within weeks of a turkey farm in South Dakota and one in Utah reporting the first outbreaks in the U.S. since April, raising concerns that more would follow.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture shows 12 commercial flocks in South Dakota, Utah and Minnesota have been affected in October, totaling more than 500,000 birds.
Bird flu last year cost U.S. poultry producers nearly 59 million birds across 47 states..
More at source: CBS
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Do your cleaning products contain harmful chemicals?
When it comes to keeping your home clean, tidy, and smelling fresh, most people reach for general cleaning products, including all-purpose sprays, glass cleaners, and air fresheners.
However, new research found these popular cleaning supplies, whether used in occupational or home settings, have been found to emit hundreds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can be harmful to your health.1
VOCs are a large group of chemicals that can easily evaporate into the air and pollute your indoor environment or air quality, explained Alexis Temkin, PhD, joint first author of the study and EWG senior toxicologist.
More at source: Health.com
Workers gathered for a vote on Friday afternoon at the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia on Chestnut Street. Following the vote, they rallied outside the church, clad in purple SEIU shirts, chanting a call and response of ”32!″ and “BJ!”
The new agreement includes wage increases of 18.6% over the life of the four-year contract, as well as a bonus for union members. It came without cuts to workers’ hours, which union members worried would be on the table given the building owners’ push for flexibility as they contend with record-high building vacancies and low occupancy due to a shift toward remote and hybrid work schedules.
The union also got an additional paid holiday for Juneteenth, improved retirement benefits, and expanded dental benefits while existing health-care benefits were maintained. The contract also strengthened protections for pregnant workers, the union said.
More at source: Philadelphia Inquirer
After over three years of small and big waves, coronavirus has now drastically reduced and become a familiar health concern. Now, healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom are gearing up for a potential new pandemic ‘Disease X’. According to experts, the new virus may be deadlier than Covid-19 - which has claimed nearly seven million lives - and may have a similar impact as the Spanish Flu.
More at source: HT Times
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