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Protecting Health Through Knowledge

20 Mar 2025 2:55 PM | Sara Jiminian

Cleaning employees and staff play a critical role in maintaining safe and hygienic environments particularly in workplaces like hospitals, schools or public places where exposure to bloodborne pathogens is a potential risk. Understanding bloodborne pathogens like hepatitis B and HIV is important because these microorganisms can be transmitted through blood or bodily fluids. Without proper knowledge, cleaning staff might put themselves or others at risk by mishandling contaminated materials. Cleaning staff should be trained to follow the Universal Practices and Protective Precautions.

One of the best ways to avoid injury or the mishandling of contaminated materials is proper training. All cleaning employees must be trained and understand the OSHA guidelines. When staff is well-informed they can confidently implement procedures like using disinfectants correctly, labeling infected waste and knowing how to report any incidents. Along with training, the use of proper PPE is necessary to work safely and efficiently. Cleaning staff should be equipped with PPE like gloves, masks and eye protection. The disposal of these items are just as important. 

Finally, knowledge of bloodborne pathogens enhances the overall effectiveness of cleaning staff. Knowledgable employees are more likely to approach their task with diligence and precision. The staff will be able to decontaminate an area to make it safe for not only themselves, but also safe for the public. The cleaning staff are valuable and essential to providing a safe environment. Ultimately, investing in education about bloodborne pathogens transforms routine cleaning to a vital line of defense against the spread of disease. 


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