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International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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  • 08 Mar 2024 10:40 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Green cleaning is essential to every living creature on Earth for several reasons. Firstly, traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can harm human health and the environment. When washed down drains, these chemicals can contribute to indoor air pollution, exacerbate respiratory issues, and contaminate waterways and ecosystems.

    Additionally, many of these chemicals do not break down easily and can persist in the environment for long periods, accumulating in soil, water, and wildlife. This accumulation can have far-reaching consequences for ecosystems and the organisms that depend on them, including humans.

    Green cleaning products, on the other hand, are formulated with natural and biodegradable ingredients that are safer for human health and the environment. They are free from toxic chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and other harmful additives, making them a safer choice for households, workplaces, and the planet as a whole.

    By adopting green cleaning practices, we can reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals, minimize our ecological footprint, and contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment for all living creatures on Earth.


    Doy, R. (2023). Green Clean essentials. Retrieved from 

  • 06 Mar 2024 5:37 PM | Deleted user

    The importance of cleaning employees and staff being educated on bloodborne pathogens cannot be overstated. Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause diseases in humans, such as hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Individuals working in cleaning and maintenance are often on the front lines of occupational risk, as they may inadvertently come into contact with contaminated surfaces or improperly disposed of sharp objects. Their role necessitates a thorough understanding of the risks associated with bloodborne pathogens, the means by which they can be transmitted, and the steps that must be taken to prevent exposure.

    Education on bloodborne pathogens for cleaning staff is not only a matter of personal safety but also a legal requirement in many jurisdictions. For example, in the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandates that employers must provide training to workers who could be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) at work. This training must be comprehensive, covering topics such as the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), the correct procedures for disposal of hazardous waste, and the importance of vaccination, particularly for hepatitis B. Additionally, knowing the correct actions to take in the event of an exposure incident can significantly reduce the risk of infection and improve the outcomes for the affected employee.

    Beyond individual safety and legal compliance, the knowledge of bloodborne pathogens is integral to public health. Cleaning staff are integral to maintaining hygiene standards in a variety of settings - from hospitals and clinics to schools and corporate buildings. By ensuring that these individuals are properly trained, the spread of infections can be curtailed. This is particularly critical in healthcare settings, where patients with weakened immune systems are at greater risk. Effective cleaning and decontamination procedures can prevent cross-contamination and protect both staff and visitors. Ultimately, the education of cleaning employees and staff about bloodborne pathogens is a fundamental component of any public health strategy, underscoring the role that environmental hygiene plays in the prevention of disease transmission.

  • 06 Mar 2024 12:40 PM | Denise Carrasquillo-Alicea


    Looking for a reliable, affordable cleaning service, look no further. OB’Z Multi-Cleaning services provide maintenance to the Connecticut community. We offer a wide range of cleaning services to commercial and residential customers. OB’Z Multi-Cleaning LLC. is a family owned business dedicated to providing quality maintenance services to its valued customers. 

    OB’Z Multi-Cleaning services use professional Eco Friendly products to ensure safety compliance and OSHA requirements. Our service hours are flexible for your utmost convenience; including commercial cleaning, property management, Move-In/Out Cleaning, On-Demand cleaning, building maintenance, exterior pressure washing, floor cleaning, rubbish removal, carpet cleaning etc. Our service equipment's are geared to your specific service needs. OB’Z Multi-Cleaning services agreements are available to meet your service needs for one-time, regular ongoing cleaning, and deep cleaning. Contract services can be provided annually, monthly, bi-weekly, weekly, or as needed for your convenience.

    Our dedicated staff are certified through the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Associations (IJCSA). IJCSA has been training professional women and men online longer than anyone else in the industry. We provide the most affordable premier cleaning training & janitorial certification programs available online today, including the master certification course, bloodborne pathogens, green cleaning, and numerous other prestigious certification programs.  

  • 06 Mar 2024 12:29 PM | Denise Carrasquillo-Alicea



    I will consider implementing mold clean up services under my cleaning business due to the benefits. Mold removal can prevent health risk, improve the quality of the air, and can prevent further damage to buildings, places, furnishing, etc. It has been reported that mold can lead to respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies, and lung infections. Mold spores can also cause structural damage to buildings and spaces. Business owners, homeowners and renters are in need of mold removal for a healthy living environment and to prevent damage to property.  

  • 06 Mar 2024 11:09 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Unlocking the Benefits: IJCSA RCS Certification for Cleaning Services

    In the ever-evolving landscape of professional cleaning services, discerning consumers seek reliability, expertise, and accountability. One surefire way to meet these criteria is by selecting a cleaning person or company that has obtained the prestigious IJCSA Registered Cleaning Specialist (RCS) certification. This certification, offered by the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA), signifies a commitment to excellence and a dedication to upholding the highest industry standards. Let's delve into the key advantages of entrusting your cleaning needs to a certified professional or company.

    1. Expertise and Skill: Cleaning professionals who have earned the IJCSA RCS certification undergo rigorous training and education, equipping them with comprehensive knowledge of cleaning techniques, products, and safety protocols. This expertise ensures that they are adept at handling various cleaning challenges with efficiency and precision, delivering results that exceed expectations. From specialized cleaning methods to industry-best practices, certified professionals possess the skills necessary to tackle any cleaning task effectively.

    2. Quality Assurance: The IJCSA RCS certification serves as a hallmark of quality assurance, giving consumers peace of mind knowing that they are entrusting their cleaning needs to a reputable and reliable service provider. Certified professionals adhere to strict guidelines and standards set forth by the IJCSA, ensuring that every aspect of the cleaning process – from equipment usage to sanitation practices – is executed with meticulous attention to detail. This commitment to quality translates into consistently exceptional results and customer satisfaction.

    3. Commitment to Professionalism: By choosing a cleaning person or company that holds the IJCSA RCS certification, consumers benefit from a commitment to professionalism and ethical business practices. Certified professionals prioritize integrity, honesty, and transparency in their interactions with clients, fostering trust and building lasting relationships. From clear communication to punctuality and respect for privacy, certified professionals uphold the highest standards of professionalism, ensuring a positive and rewarding experience for clients.

    4. Environmental Responsibility: In today's environmentally conscious world, many consumers prioritize sustainability and eco-friendliness when selecting service providers. The IJCSA RCS certification includes training on environmentally responsible cleaning practices, emphasizing the use of green cleaning products and methods that minimize environmental impact. Certified professionals are well-versed in sustainable cleaning techniques that promote a healthier indoor environment while reducing their carbon footprint, aligning with the values of eco-conscious consumers.

    5. Ongoing Education and Support: The IJCSA RCS certification is not a one-time achievement but rather a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. Certified professionals have access to ongoing education, resources, and support from the IJCSA community, allowing them to stay abreast of the latest industry trends, innovations, and best practices. This commitment to professional development ensures that certified professionals are always equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver exceptional cleaning services and exceed client expectations.

    In conclusion, hiring a cleaning person or company that has passed the IJCSA RCS certification offers a multitude of advantages for consumers seeking top-notch cleaning services. From expertise and quality assurance to professionalism, environmental responsibility, and ongoing support, certified professionals uphold the highest industry standards and provide an unparalleled level of service. By choosing a certified professional, consumers can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their cleaning needs are in capable hands, resulting in a cleaner, healthier, and more comfortable living or working environment.

  • 05 Mar 2024 8:09 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Implementing medical cleaning practices into other residential and commercial cleaning situations is not only feasible but also highly beneficial for protecting the population and the world from harmful bacteria, germs, and viruses. The principles of medical cleaning practices focus on thorough disinfection, rigorous attention to detail, and the use of high-quality cleaning products and equipment. By adopting these practices in other settings, such as residential homes and commercial establishments, individuals and businesses can create safer and healthier environments for occupants and visitors alike.

    One key aspect of medical cleaning practices is the emphasis on using EPA-approved disinfectants that are effective against a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria and viruses. These disinfectants are specifically formulated to kill harmful germs on surfaces, reducing the risk of transmission and infection. By incorporating these disinfectants into residential and commercial cleaning routines, individuals and businesses can significantly reduce the presence of pathogens and create cleaner and safer spaces for occupants.

    Another important aspect of medical cleaning practices is the implementation of thorough and systematic cleaning protocols. This includes paying close attention to high-touch surfaces, such as door handles, light switches, and countertops, which are common sources of bacterial contamination. Regularly disinfecting these surfaces, along with other frequently used areas, helps prevent the spread of germs and viruses and maintains a hygienic environment for occupants.

    Furthermore, adopting medical cleaning practices in other settings reinforces the importance of protecting public health and safety. By prioritizing cleanliness and implementing effective cleaning protocols, individuals and businesses demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding the well-being of their communities. This not only protects occupants from the risk of illness but also contributes to the broader goal of reducing the spread of infectious diseases and promoting public health on a global scale.

    In conclusion, implementing medical cleaning practices into other residential and commercial cleaning situations is both practical and essential for protecting the population and the world from harmful bacteria, germs, and viruses. By adopting thorough disinfection protocols, paying attention to high-touch surfaces, and using EPA-approved disinfectants, individuals and businesses can create cleaner and safer environments for occupants and contribute to the broader goal of promoting public health and safety.

  • 05 Mar 2024 8:03 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Properly cleaning healthcare facilities is of utmost importance for several critical reasons. Firstly, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is essential for preventing the spread of infections and diseases. Healthcare facilities, by their very nature, are often frequented by individuals who may already be sick or immunocompromised, making them particularly susceptible to infections. Effective cleaning protocols help reduce the risk of cross-contamination and ensure that harmful pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, are eradicated from surfaces, minimizing the potential for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).

    Secondly, proper cleaning in healthcare facilities is vital for promoting patient safety and well-being. Patients rely on healthcare facilities as places of healing and recovery, and cleanliness plays a significant role in their overall experience and outcomes. A clean environment instills confidence in patients and their families, fostering a sense of trust in the facility's commitment to their health and safety. Additionally, thorough cleaning practices contribute to the prevention of adverse events, such as medication errors or falls, by maintaining a clutter-free and organized space that supports efficient caregiving and patient monitoring.

    Furthermore, proper cleaning in healthcare facilities is essential for regulatory compliance and accreditation. Healthcare facilities are subject to stringent regulations and standards set forth by government agencies and accrediting bodies to ensure quality of care and patient safety. Compliance with these standards requires adherence to specific cleaning protocols and infection control measures. Failure to meet these standards not only compromises patient safety but also puts the facility at risk of penalties, legal repercussions, and damage to its reputation. Therefore, maintaining high standards of cleanliness is not only ethically imperative but also crucial for the operational integrity and success of healthcare facilities.

    I am so happy that I found the IJCSA web page, Doing the certifications and being a member of I can confidently do my job and feel that I am helping my clients to the best of my ability.

  • 05 Mar 2024 7:42 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Janitors and janitorial staff often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, yet their contributions are indispensable to the functionality and cleanliness of our shared spaces. These dedicated individuals work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that our workplaces, schools, hospitals, and public facilities remain safe, hygienic, and organized. Without their diligent efforts, our environments would quickly succumb to clutter, dirt, and potential health hazards, impacting our overall well-being and productivity.

    In addition to maintaining cleanliness, janitors and janitorial staff play a crucial role in upholding the image and reputation of the institutions they serve. A tidy and well-maintained environment not only reflects positively on the organization but also creates a welcoming atmosphere for employees, visitors, and clients. Whether it's polishing floors, disinfecting surfaces, emptying trash bins, or restocking supplies, their attention to detail and commitment to excellence contribute significantly to the overall experience of those who frequent these spaces.

    Furthermore, the work of janitors and janitorial staff extends beyond mere cleaning duties. They often serve as the first line of defense in identifying potential safety hazards, such as spills or malfunctioning equipment, and promptly addressing them to prevent accidents or injuries. Their presence also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie within the workplace, as they interact with employees and visitors on a daily basis, offering assistance and support whenever needed. Ultimately, the importance of janitors and janitorial staff cannot be overstated, as they play an essential role in maintaining the functionality, safety, and overall well-being of our daily environments.

    I am so happy that I found the IJCSA web page, Doing the certifications and being a member of I can confidently do my job and feel that I am helping my clients to the best of my ability.

  • 04 Mar 2024 9:33 AM | Sierrah Voll

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms found in human blood and other bodily fluids that can cause diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS. For employees and staff in cleaning industries, particularly those who may come into contact with blood or bodily fluids during their work, understanding and implementing proper protocols for handling bloodborne pathogens is of utmost importance. Not only does this knowledge protect the health and safety of employees, but it also plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for clients and customers.

    First and foremost, education about bloodborne pathogens equips cleaning employees and staff with the necessary knowledge to protect themselves from potential exposure. By understanding how bloodborne pathogens are transmitted and the precautions to take when handling blood or bodily fluids, employees can minimize their risk of infection and ensure their own safety on the job. This includes using personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, face masks, and protective clothing, as well as following proper procedures for cleaning and disinfection to prevent cross-contamination.

    Furthermore, cleaning employees and staff who are knowledgeable about bloodborne pathogens contribute to the overall safety and well-being of the community they serve. Whether working in healthcare facilities, schools, offices, or public spaces, these individuals play a vital role in maintaining clean and sanitary environments that are essential for public health. By adhering to strict protocols for handling blood and bodily fluids, they help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and reduce the risk of exposure for both themselves and others. In doing so, they demonstrate a commitment to professionalism and accountability in their roles as custodians of public health and safety.

    In conclusion, the importance of cleaning employees and staff knowing about bloodborne pathogens cannot be overstated. This knowledge not only protects the health and safety of employees but also plays a critical role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and maintaining clean and hygienic environments. By educating themselves about proper protocols for handling blood and bodily fluids, cleaning professionals demonstrate their commitment to safety, professionalism, and public health, ultimately contributing to a healthier and safer community for all.

  • 03 Mar 2024 9:00 PM | William Boston

    Bloodborne pathogens training is not just important for biohazard cleaners. A potentially hazardous situation can present itself in any field of cleaning and can happen without notice or warning. Transmission of HIV or Hep B can occur in a split second and equipping your employees and yourself with the proper training and equipment to be protected is essential. This training can mean the difference between life and death. 

    One of the most important things that can be learned through this course is the idea of universal precautions. Universal precautions are precautions that are to be taken anytime that you are in contact with or think you may be in contact with, blood or any other infectious materials. It teaches that you should always treat bodily fluids as if they are infected with a communicable virus. This enables you and your employees to be defensive in your approach to all jobs and work cautiously to minimize your exposure to any possible hazards. 

    Always have PPE on hand for all employees. Even if you do not clean these types of hazards, you may come in contact with them and need to be able to protect yourself. Knowing what to do and what to be aware of after exposure can ensure that should the unthinkable happen, you will be able to identify and intervene appropriately. Giving your employees the most up-to-date information on how to protect themselves can keep you out of trouble as an employer and ensure safety in your business. 

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