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  • 19 Mar 2024 7:42 PM | Nadine Mackey

    Having excellent customer service is essential to your success as a cleaning business. Providing exceptional customer service may help you stand out from the competition and develop enduring connections with your clients.  Companies should only have one goal in mind: making customers happy with the products or services they provide. You must provide excellent customer service and work hard to create a favorable, if not joyful, customer experience if you want to keep your consumers satisfied.

    Expressing gratitude to your customers for their business and demonstrating a sincere concern for their contentment will distinguish you from your rivals and establish you as the preferred partner for all their cleaning requirements.  Demonstrate to your clients that you are available to them long after the job is completed.  get in touch with them again a few days following the cleaning service to find out if they had any more questions or concerns. Moreover, make an effort to foresee their requirements and proactively handle any problems before they arise. This will improve your customers' entire experience with your firm and aid to raise customer satisfaction. IJCSA Business Directory. 

  • 19 Mar 2024 1:36 PM | Denise Carrasquillo-Alicea

    Cleaning service are an essential component to our businesses, restaurants, schools, homes, distribution centers, etc. A clean environment can be beneficial to everyone health and safety, however not every business owner or employee has the time nor ability to ensure their environment is clean and sustainable for everyone. Cleaning services are essential for preventing infections and diseases. Having a clean and sanitize space eliminates harmful pathogens from surfaces like desks, chairs, toilet seats, doorknobs, etc. significantly reducing the risk of infections. A cleaning service can take that burden away from businesses owners and employees, allowing them to focus on their primary task and role. Cleaning professionals have the specialty to address all cleaning challenges efficiently, minimizing disruption to the day-to-day operations. 

    All places of business or homes does not need the same level of maintenance and cleanliness. Cleaning professionals are hired to access and determine the best quality of service you may need for an affordable price. As a business owner to OB’Z Multi-Cleaning services we are vowed to hear, understand, and care for each and every one of our customers. Our dedicated staff are certified through the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Associations (IJCSA). IJSA has proven to have the most dedicated, professional, and highly trained cleaning experts ready to serve you. 

    To find one of these cleaning professionals in your area, please click on the link below:

    IJCSA offers excellent customer service through a variety of cleaning experts ready to provide general or customize consultation and take care of all your cleaning concerns. We are available 24/7 around the clock waiting for your call or email. Our diverse experts are excellent in providing customized solutions for any cleaning issue, routine maintenance, or concern. We offer the following cleaning services: Janitorial, porter, housekeeping, custodial services, utilities, pressure washing, building cleaning, carpet cleaning and treatment, flooring cleaning and treatment, waste management, acute care cleaning and so much more! ( 

  • 19 Mar 2024 9:37 AM | Ralph Etienne

    Implementing green cleaning at my company means using less toxic cleaning products that are safer for people, animals, and the environment in homes, schools, and workplaces. Green cleaning practices can provide improved indoor air quality, reduce health risk from exposure, and protect the environment, while maintaining a healthy level of cleanliness and disinfection.

    Going green means that it must be accessible to all including corner store shoppers. To that end, we promote and advocate for solutions that are readily available, affordable (cost neutral or cheaper) and effective. 

    Why Go Green?

    Many of the cleaning products we use every day can be harmful to people, animals and the environment in the manufacturing process and disposal. Chemicals in cleaning products can cause skin, respiratory and allergy distress, cancer, and reproductive harm. Even anti-bacterial soaps, sponges and scrubbies are harmful. They kill bacteria essential to intestinal tract, hinder production of vitamins that protect your mouth and skin, and inhibit immune system development.

    Find Professional Certified Green Cleaning Services Here

  • 19 Mar 2024 1:15 AM | Eliza Barnhill

    When it comes to bloodborne pathogens, many are not aware of how important it is to know how to protect yourself from exposure. Bloodborne pathogens infect the blood and cause damage to the liver, whether that be liver disease or cancer. This is why OSHA has standards on how proper tools and methods to help prevent and reduce exposure.

    When you are exposed to bloodborne pathogens, you can contract diseases live Hepatitis B (HBV) or HIV, which can develop into AIDS. These diseases come with numerous symptoms, all of which to the detriment of your body and mental health. Symptoms range from vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, and rash to consistent fatigue, loss of appetite, and night sweat.

    Many experts, and OSHA, have developed several methods and habits, which you can develop, to help keep you safe. Most infections come from exposure to the mucas membrane or small cuts, this is why wearing PPE is so important. Using tools when you can to handle possibly exposed material can also help keep you from being infected (tongs or spatulas). Making sure you are always washing your hands and disinfecting your tools and surface, you hugely help reduce and prevent exposure. 

  • 18 Mar 2024 1:25 PM | Brandon Lanford

    Have flood damage, and you're not sure who to call to rescue the mess? Look no further than than the IJCSA flood damage restoration database, located at Simply search for a provider located near you, and take comfort in the fact that you'll have the most qualified group coming to restore the damaged property.

  • 17 Mar 2024 11:03 PM | Deleted user

    As we make a shift to more green cleaning in our company we look forward to providing a safer environment for our staff as well as our clients and their guests that use their facilities. We plan on doing two things when it comes to implementing a green cleaning program daily into our company Celestial Commercial Cleaning Service. We plan to implement proper certified education on what is and what isn't toxic as well as how to use green cleaning products safely to mitigate risks to health and the environment.

    By implementing and paying for certified education on green cleaning programs for our staff, we ensure that our staff is up to date with changing information and proper education on what is considered toxic like chlorine, ammonia, phthalates and other harsh chemicals. Not only that but we educate our staff with what products to use that are considered green and how to use them properly to curb exposure and protect our health and our planet. 

    Lastly we implement green programs and systems to ensure our staff knows how to properly use green cleaning chemicals so that we lower exposure and protect ourselves and our clients. With proper training, we will ensure healthier staff and clients, economic benefits, improved productivity, reliability, and savings across the board.

  • 17 Mar 2024 9:35 PM | William Boston

    At 850 Bio we will deal with hazardous waste regularly. This includes treatment and often removal of carpets and flooring to ensure safety for our customers. While we are generally on the removal side, we also want to run a comprehensive business where our clients can feel safe and comfortable in their homes after our service. Often, there will be small areas of flooring that will require removal but the remainder of the home would benefit from being cleaned. There may also be instances where smells can permeate into flooring and we would never want to leave a customer with reminders of what may have happened. 

    Because of these issues, a carpet or upholstery cleaning service would be beneficial for our clients as well as our business. These skills can help us ensure that our clients return to an environment that is not only healthy, but also welcoming and pleasant after cleaning. Providing extra services also ensures longevity and differentiation in the services that we can offer to our community. This benefits us as well as our customers. Especially in times after a traumatic event, it is much easier for clients to be able to contact one company and know that their needs can be met with that one phone call. They are able to relive the event once, pay for services once, and have everything completed from start to finish when calling our company.

  • 17 Mar 2024 2:06 AM | Hasan Abbas

    Bloodborne pathogens are the microorganism and virus present in the human blood and other body fluids which can lead to HIV, HBV and other fatal diseases and possible cause deaths. 

    The only way to stay safe from these viruses is to have enough knowledge of how to prevent from these viruses and how to stop their spread. 

    This is the reason it is highly important for the cleaning staff and employees to have enough knowledge about bloodborne pathogens, how to stop their spread and how to act in case of being exposed to them

  • 15 Mar 2024 11:34 PM | Hasan Abbas

    If anyone looking to get the carpets professionally cleaning in New York City, we are here. 

    Contact us today @ 

    We are the best. :) 

  • 15 Mar 2024 11:31 PM | Hasan Abbas

    Carpet cleaning is a very professional and skilled work and required extensive training and expensive equipment. 

    Initially we would like to hire sub contractors to perform this job and I would like to manage them. 

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