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  • 23 Mar 2024 9:30 PM | Jerome Robinson

    Cleaning employees and staff being knowledgeable about bloodborne pathogens is paramount in maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms present in blood that can cause diseases when transmitted to humans. Cleaning staff, who often come into direct contact with bodily fluids and blood spills, are at an increased risk of exposure to these pathogens. Therefore, understanding the risks associated with bloodborne pathogens and implementing proper protocols for their prevention and cleanup is crucial to minimize the spread of infections.

    Firstly, education about bloodborne pathogens equips cleaning employees with the necessary skills to identify potential hazards and handle them safely. This includes knowing how to properly dispose of contaminated materials, use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and face masks, and disinfect surfaces effectively. By being informed about the risks and preventive measures, cleaning staff can protect themselves and others from exposure to dangerous pathogens, reducing the likelihood of infections and workplace accidents.

    Moreover, knowledge about bloodborne pathogens fosters a culture of safety and accountability within cleaning teams. When every member of the staff is aware of the risks and understands their role in preventing the spread of infections, they are more likely to adhere to protocols consistently. Regular training and reinforcement of best practices not only enhance employee competence but also instill confidence in their ability to handle potentially hazardous situations. Ultimately, prioritizing education on bloodborne pathogens among cleaning employees contributes to a healthier and safer work environment for everyone involved.

  • 23 Mar 2024 6:59 PM | Rosa Reyes Cruz

    Taking this course will help me not use strong chemicals and use green cleaning for my clients in that way I will take care of their health as well as my own health and in that way take care of the environment.

  • 23 Mar 2024 6:17 PM | William Boston

    Having successfully completed the IJCSA Green Cleaning Certification test, 850 Bio LLC is now officially recognized as a Green Cleaning Certified businesses by the IJCSA. This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainability, environmental responsibility, and the well-being of our clients and the planet. As we embrace this certification, we are excited to share how we will integrate green cleaning practices into our daily operations to provide cleaner, safer spaces for our clients.

    At 850 Bio LLC, implementing a green cleaning program begins with a comprehensive assessment of our current practices and cleaning protocols. We will carefully evaluate the products and equipment we use, identifying any potential environmental hazards and areas for improvement. With the guidance of our newly acquired certification, we will transition to environmentally friendly cleaning products and techniques that are free from harmful chemicals and toxins. This includes utilizing natural cleaning agents such as vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils, which not only effectively clean but also promote a healthier indoor environment.

    Furthermore, our commitment to green cleaning extends beyond product selection to encompass every aspect of our cleaning routine. We will prioritize energy efficiency and water conservation in our operations, minimizing waste and reducing our environmental footprint. Our team members will receive ongoing training and education on green cleaning practices, ensuring that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver exceptional service while upholding our commitment to sustainability. By integrating green cleaning into our daily practices, we are not only protecting the health of our clients and employees but also contributing to a cleaner, greener future for generations to come. 

  • 23 Mar 2024 6:06 PM | William Boston

    In today's world, where environmental consciousness is at the forefront of societal concerns, being Green Cleaning Certified can significantly benefit both cleaning companies and individuals alike. This certification not only demonstrates a commitment to sustainable practices but also brings numerous advantages that extend beyond mere compliance with regulations. By adopting green cleaning practices, companies and individuals contribute to the protection of the population and the planet from harmful chemicals while simultaneously reaping tangible benefits for their businesses and personal well-being.

    First and foremost, being Green Cleaning Certified enhances the reputation and credibility of a cleaning company or individual. In an increasingly eco-conscious marketplace, consumers are actively seeking out businesses that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. By obtaining certification, cleaning professionals signal their dedication to using products and techniques that are safe for both people and the planet. This can attract environmentally conscious clients who are willing to pay a premium for services that align with their values, ultimately leading to increased business opportunities and customer loyalty.

    Furthermore, Green Cleaning Certification equips cleaning companies and individuals with the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize environmentally friendly cleaning products and techniques. These methods not only minimize the use of harmful chemicals but also promote healthier indoor environments by reducing indoor air pollution and potential exposure to toxic substances. As a result, employees and clients benefit from improved air quality and reduced health risks associated with traditional cleaning methods, leading to higher productivity, fewer sick days, and overall well-being.

    Moreover, embracing green cleaning practices can result in cost savings for cleaning companies and individuals. While there may be an initial investment required to transition to eco-friendly products and equipment, the long-term savings are significant. Green cleaning products tend to be more concentrated and require less water, resulting in reduced consumption and waste. Additionally, many eco-friendly alternatives are multi-purpose, eliminating the need for multiple specialized products. Over time, these efficiencies translate into lower operating costs and increased profitability.

    Beyond the economic advantages, being Green Cleaning Certified fosters a sense of responsibility towards the environment and future generations. By choosing sustainable practices, cleaning companies and individuals contribute to the collective effort to mitigate climate change and preserve natural resources. This aligns with broader societal values of environmental stewardship and demonstrates a commitment to leaving a positive legacy for future generations. Ultimately, being Green Cleaning Certified not only benefits businesses and individuals in the short term but also contributes to a healthier, more sustainable world for all.

    Using the IJCSA's Green Cleaning Service Directory you can locate professionals in your area that share your concerns for the environment and your home. These individuals are highly trained to recognize alternatives to harsh chemicals and create an environment for your that is clean and healthy. 

  • 23 Mar 2024 5:32 PM | William Boston

    Green cleaning is a specific type of cleaning process that minimizes any negative impact on the environment. This type of cleaning utilizes products that favor all natural derivatives and the natural disinfection properties of everyday chemicals. While this process can often look different, they are designed to keep your space healthy and safe while also protecting the environment. The products used in these methods are safe and reduce harmful chemicals introduced to the air. 

    There are many benefits to implementing a green cleaning program into your cleaning business. One of the main benefits is that you can keep clients with allergies or sensitive skin safe from irritants. Using products that are less harsh can minimize the side effects on these clients and ensure that their home is clean and safe. With a green cleaning program you will have extensive knowledge of the ingredients of the products that you are using and your understanding of how they can be used will grow. You will have a better connection with the tools needed for your work as well as a firm understanding of how to best implement these products in a home. 

  • 23 Mar 2024 3:10 PM | Yennifer Avalos

    Maintaining a clean workplace and educating staff about Bloodborne pathogens are essential for ensuring a safe working environment. Bloodborne pathogens, such as HIV a hepatitis B, pose serious health risks and can be transmitted through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids. By implementing proper cleaning protocols and educating employees about these risks, companies can minimize the likelihood of transmission and protect the health and well-being of their staff.

    Educating employees about Bloodborne pathogens fosters a culture if responsibility and care within the workplace. When employees understand the nature of these pathogens, how they are transmitted, and the importance of through cleaning procedures, they are better equipped to protect themselves and their colleagues. 

    In addition of promoting employee health and safety rigorous cleaning protocols, also contribute to the overall reputation and credibility of an organization. This not only helps to build trust with stakeholders but also sets a positive example for others in the industry to follow.

    Stefanny Avalos,

    So Shiny Janitorial Owner

  • 22 Mar 2024 9:23 PM | Sierrah Voll

    The widespread use of cleaning chemicals in our daily lives has undoubtedly made sanitizing surfaces and keeping our homes and businesses clean much more convenient. However, a hidden cost to this convenience often goes unnoticed – the harmful effects these chemicals can have on the planet and our health.

    Firstly, many cleaning chemicals contain toxic ingredients that can negatively impact the environment. When these chemicals are flushed down drains or disposed of improperly, they can contaminate waterways and soil, leading to pollution and damage to ecosystems. Additionally, the production and transportation of these chemicals contribute to carbon emissions and other pollutants, further exacerbating environmental degradation.

    Moreover, using cleaning chemicals can also pose significant risks to human health. Many conventional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals such as ammonia, chlorine, and phthalates, which have been linked to respiratory issues, skin irritation, and even more severe health conditions with long-term exposure. Children, pets, and individuals with respiratory conditions are particularly vulnerable to the effects of these chemicals, highlighting the importance of choosing safer, eco-friendly alternatives. Overall, it's essential to be mindful of the impact of cleaning chemicals on the planet and our well-being and opt for greener, more sustainable cleaning solutions whenever possible. 

  • 22 Mar 2024 7:34 AM | Deleted user

    Finding a carpet cleaning service is easy but finding a certified carpet cleaning professional is even more important. When it comes time to finding certified carpet cleaning pros, check out IJCSA directory. It takes time, dedication, proper training, and proper tools to properly clean a carpet and rug. Next time you think about renting a machine at home depot, make sure to consider the possible outcomes, such as carpet damage, mold, mildew and other scenarios when attempting to clean your own carpets. Don't waste time and money and hire a professional today.

  • 22 Mar 2024 1:46 AM | Nadine Mackey

    Blood-borne viruses are a major risk to human health because they can lead to life-threatening illnesses and long-term health issues. It is crucial to comprehend these hazards and put into practice efficient preventative measures, particularly for healthcare workers and those employed in high-risk workplaces. We will examine common blood-borne infections, their mechanisms of transmission, precautions to take, and safety procedures in and outside of healthcare facilities in this extensive handbook. Let's investigate the realm of blood-borne infections and the essential measures to protect health.

    Training on bloodborne pathogens is essential for providing people with the information and abilities they need to stop the spread of these illnesses, protecting everyone's health and safety.  Being on the front lines of patient care puts healthcare workers at danger of coming into contact with bloodborne infections. By giving them the tools to defend themselves while giving care, training lowers the risk of occupational infections that might result in long-term health problems.

    Employers are shielded from exposure by PPE, which acts as a barrier against bloodborne infections. PPE does not completely remove the risk; contaminated equipment and PPE should be disposed of safely by placing it in bags or containers with the proper labels. One of the best ways to reduce infections and stop the spread of disease is to practice good hand hygiene in addition to wearing personal protective equipment. Hand hygiene is a requirement for all personnel who work with patients.

  • 22 Mar 2024 12:02 AM | William Boston

    It is obvious that cleaning medical facilities poses different threats on the surface than cleaning commercial or residential properties. While there are things that you must keep in mind in a medical facility to prevent the spread of germs, there are concepts in this training that you could and should take with you to any property that you are tasked with cleaning. Sanitation is the name of the game in medical facilities, but keeping yourself safe includes this step no matter where you are cleaning. 

    Knowing the proper ways to maintain your health and safety are of the highest importance and understanding proper procedures to ensure this safety is helpful. While residential and commercial jobs may look clean visually, there are millions of germs hiding on high touch surfaces. While you must remove the dust and grime, there should be some level of sanitation in your cleaning process to kill germs and prevent the spread of illness. 

    As a cleaner it is our job and duty to protect our clients as well as ourselves from sickness and germs. Clients expect to have not only a visually clean area, but also an area that is free of germs. The area when completed should be safe for inhabitants. Protecting the population of your community is not something that will generally be overly stated in your contract, but should be implied. Small changes to your routine to include utilizing cleaners with sanitation properties, handwashing, or use of hand sanitizer can drastically reduce the risk of spreading illness in an area. Focusing these efforts on high touch areas of a home or workplace can mean that you or your clients can stay safe from communicable illnesses to include influenza, Covid-19, and even human pathogenic bacteria. 

    Utilizing the IJCSA’s Janitorial Directory of professionals can assist you in locating a cleaning crew that has been specially trained in these areas. Cleaners listed on this directory have been properly trained on the importance of handwashing as well as disinfection and understand that skipping over these steps can put the public at risk. While all cleaners want happy customers, utilizing this directory can ensure that you will find a cleaning company that also cares about your health and safety.

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