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  • 20 Sep 2024 7:59 PM | Vivian Martin

    Properly cleaning healthcare facilities is so important to keep everyone safe and healthy. This includes: patients, visitors of patients, healthcare workers, as well as the cleaning personnel for these facilities. When a loved one has to go to the doctor or be admitted into hospital, you want the peace of mind of knowing you and your loved one will be safe from germs and bacteria as much as possible. 

    Along with following healthcare protocol for patient health and safety in general, it is also important for the cleaning personnel to follow strict and proper regimens to help in the process of a clean and safe environment for everyone that comes in contact or indirect contact with a potential infection. As a professional healthcare cleaner, it is my responsibility to make sure I am doing my part to keep others as well as myself safe by doing the following with all healthcare facilities. I will wear the proper PPE, use the correct disinfecting products that are registered with the EPA, clean all high touch surfaces, wash hands regularly, and always put on a new pair of latex gloves before entering a new patients room. 

    By following the procedures mentioned above I am confident that proper cleaning and disinfecting will help with the spread of germs and bacteria in a healthcare facility. I am thankful  for with the opportunity to learn and also for allowing my business to be a part of this great organization.  

  • 20 Sep 2024 5:18 PM | Robert Johnson

    I believe after taking bloodborne pathogen certification course is probably the most important course one could take. Infectious bloodborne pathogens could strike anywhere anytime, and knowing the risks, dangers, precautions to take, and how to handle oneself when faced with a situation, is a matter of life and death. In the career field of a Janitorial worker or cleaning crew, it is a must to know. It is like playing Russian roulette with ones life to cleanup bodily fluids and not know the dangers of infectious pathogens.

    To give a little background on bloodborne pathogens and the risks that come with it. Infectious Bloodborne pathogens are very tiny microorganisms found in blood. These pathogens can cause incurable disease such as HIV, HBV, and HCV. once you contract such disease your chances of death are extremely high. HIV or Humane Immunodeficiency is a disease that can soon bring on AIDS. It breaks down your immune system to the point you cant even fight off a common cold. These disease once you contract one is not curable. The best one can do is make your life as comfortable as possible until the disease finally wins.

    Fortunately there are precautions and guidelines you can follow that will greatly reduce your chances of ever contracting a infectious bloodborne pathogen. Osha has set up many rules, guidelines, and steps to take. Universal precaution is one that we must treat all bodily fluids as infectious. How we handle taking out the trash, or what steps to take when cleaning up bodily fluids are just a few of the precautions we must follow. Not knowing these can be a death sentence to a cleaning or janitorial worker. Important to know this material is a understatement when it comes to bloodborne pathogens. 

  • 20 Sep 2024 4:34 PM | David Vivas

    As the main representative of General Service Inc., I want to emphasize the critical importance of understanding bloodborne pathogens for our cleaning employees and staff. Bloodborne pathogens, including HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, present serious health risks. It is essential for our team to be well-informed about these pathogens to ensure their own safety and to maintain a healthy workplace. Proper training in recognizing, handling, and disposing of contaminated materials is a cornerstone of effective infection control and prevents potential health issues.

    Educating our cleaning staff about bloodborne pathogens not only protects their health but also enhances the overall safety of our facilities. Knowledge about the correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE), safe cleaning practices, and immediate response procedures in case of exposure is crucial. By adhering   to these practices, our employees can confidently perform their duties while minimizing the risk of exposure and ensuring a clean and hygienic environment for everyone. Comprehensive training helps our staff stay vigilant and prepared, which is essential for preventing accidents and managing any potential exposure incidents effectively.

    Moreover, as an employer committed to providing a safe work environment, it is our responsibility to comply with health and safety regulations that mandate training for employees at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. By investing in thorough training and ensuring that all staff are knowledgeable about these risks, General Service Inc. not only meets regulatory requirements but also demonstrates our commitment to employee well-being. This proactive approach helps us build a reliable and compliant operation, ultimately fostering a safer and more secure workplace for all.

  • 20 Sep 2024 3:07 PM | Jair Pineros

    Healthcare facilities required special steps and procedures to clean and disinfect due to the high risk of contamination from harmful pathogens such as germs, bacteria, and viruses. How can we implement the same procedures to other areas of janitorial services? And how can we be the fore front against the spreading of diseases from these microorganisms?

    Medical cleaning training procedures are effective in high risk areas where germs and viruses are present. The use of PPE and appropriate cleaning and disinfecting techniques are very important to avoid direct or indirect contact with pathogens. The same procedures could be utilize for residential and commercial cleaning to achieve better results for your own company and customers.

    Cleaning methods use in health care facilities can be apply in residential cleaning. For instance, high touch areas should be disinfected in the same manner medical institutions do, as well as bathrooms and kitchen. When it comes to commercial cleaning, the same procedures for health care facilities should be use. In commercial settings high traffic areas like floors and carpets should be disinfected in a daily basis. Items like phones, computers key boards, hand rails and door knobs are a breeding ground for viruses.

    Protecting our environment wheatear is home or business from harmful pathogens is essential for a good standard of living. Cleaning and disinfecting is a good habit and should always be exercised in a daily basis. As of right now, with the recent covid-19 pandemic we are aware of how important disinfecting is and how keeping a good habit of cleanliness have a positive impact in our lives.       

    Find Professional Certified Cleaning Companies Here

  • 20 Sep 2024 1:42 PM | David DeForest

    A clean environment in which one lives or works is essential for good health, much like the air, food and water we need. Bloodborne pathogens similar to contaminated air, food and water poses a risk to health and life.

    A well trained janitorial service being educated about the potential dangers of bloodborne pathogens, can help maintain a clean and safe environment to benefit the health of those in it.

    IJCSA maintains high standards for its members and therefore provides the necessary training to achieve certification in the various scopes of the profession. The bloodborne certification is one credential on the path of excellence and professionalism for the IJCSA members.

  • 20 Sep 2024 1:31 PM | Mayra Lorena Luna

    Exposure to mold can cause several respiratory health problems such a throat irritation and breathing problems as well as skin irritation. Let’s talk about the best way to remediate and remove mold in your business and residential. 

  • 20 Sep 2024 12:46 PM | Steve Shepard

    There are several occupations where employees and staff need to know, or are even required to know, about bloodborne pathogens (BBPs). In my occupational field as a custodial worker, I am required to participate in BBP training, since I may (and likely will) come into contact with BBPs. This article outlines what BBPs are, understanding the importance of BBP training, and examples of protocols to follow to prevent the infection or spread of BBPs in the workplace.

    What are bloodborne pathogens?

    Bloodborne pathogens, or BBPs, are bacteria, viruses, or other infectious microorganisms that can cause disease when present in human blood. A few examples of BBPs are Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), and Syphilis.

    Who needs to know about BBPs, and why?

    Due to the serious nature of BBPs, such as causing disease or even death through infection, it's imperative for workers and staff in certain occupations to be aware potential hazards. These occupations include but are not limited to hospital and clinical personnel, first responders, and custodial and janitorial workers who may come into contact with BBPs. Being properly trained can help these workers perform their jobs in a safer manner.

    Important protocols to follow to prevent BBP infection.

    Steps and protocols to follow to control the exposure to bloodborne pathogens include a combination of using personal protective equipment (PPE, such as gloves, eye protection, aprons, etc), engineering controls (e.g. color-coded or properly labeled bins for needles), and workplace practices (such as recapping needles by hand and forbidding eating, drinking, handling contacts, and/or applying cosmetics in areas where exposure is more likely to occur).

    If your occupation requires you to possibly come into contact with BBPs, your employer should provide appropriate vaccinations (e.g. HBV), PPE, and training at no cost to you.

  • 20 Sep 2024 12:24 PM | Mayra Lorena Luna

    Mold is a persistent and hazardous issue in homes and business. However with the right approach, you can effectively eliminate it and restore a safe and healthy environment.  Our professionals have the knowledge, specialized equipments and experience to find and remove mold.            Mold programs can help prevent health issues and damage to property, and can also help preserve a home's structural integrity.

  • 20 Sep 2024 11:09 AM | Ana Malone

    It is extremely important for cleaning employees to be aware of the risk that comes from bloodborne pathogens. Cleaning staff could come into contact with many forms of bodily fluids that have the possibility of spreading disease. There is a possibility to infect themselves and many others by not properly handling situations where bloodborne pathogens could be a risk. Cleaning staff should always use universal precautions.

    Even if a particular cleaning staff member would not usually be expected to come into contact with a bloodborne pathogen, they should have the proper training to be able to handle the situation and reduce the chances of anyone contracting a bloodborne pathogen whenever possible.

    Bloodborne pathogens training can help employees to be aware of the risk and to use universal precautions by wearing proper PPE and following all established safety protocols. Without training employees may not be aware of the risks and that could lead to many people being at risk to be infected by a bloodborne pathogen that could have otherwise been avoided.

  • 20 Sep 2024 9:21 AM | Richard Porter

    Every year, numerous Americans are infected with extraordinarily virile infections through healthcare facilities. Proper cleaning and disinfection is crucial for hospitals, medical, and dental offices. The importance of following standards and guidelines, put in place by the CDC, has never been more important.

    With the advent of the Coronavirus, this has been brought to the forefront of many Americans minds. However, properly trained healthcare cleaning professionals have been fighting this battle.for many years. There are numerous standards and practices that need to be followed.

    If you are looking for a healthcare cleaning professional, look no further. Search the IJCSA directory for a certified healthcare cleaner. The standards of training are rigorous and ensure that you get the highest quality professionals available -

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