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  • 01 Feb 2024 8:20 AM | Deleted user

    When it comes to hiring a cleaning person or company there many advantages to choosing one with   an IJCSA Residential Cleaning Service certification (RCS).  The IJCSA RCS certification emphasizes the importance of thorough cleaning methods for residential spaces. The training outlines processes and guidelines for proper restroom cleaning and effective disinfecting. Further, a cleaner will learn industry recommended cleaning tips that are useful for hotels and short-term rentals.

    From mopping to sanitizing surfaces, certified cleaning experts know the specific techniques required to achieve hygiene in these spaces. The IJCSA-certified cleaning professionals use tried and true industry best practices. An example of a common best practice is the three-cloth method. In short it involves using separate cloths for different areas to prevent cross-contamination. This method promotes cleanliness and prioritizes sanitary needs for any living space.

    Another consideration when it comes to effective cleaning techniques is the detergents and solutions used. Safety is paramount when it comes to cleaning. Certified professionals understand the importance of safe disinfectants. They know which solutions will effectively remove pathogens, while minimizing any potential harm to occupants. The correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is another measure ensuring the safety of the cleaner and the client and/or those within the cleaned environment.

    The key advantages of hiring a cleaning person or company with an IJCSA RCS certification extend beyond just cleanliness. The provider-client relationship is valued and upheld by IJCSA-certified cleaners. The certification emphasizes a strong value for customer focused service. A trained RCS cleaner is professional and practices honesty. He exercises discretion toward honoring a customer’s privacy. In so doing the customer can develop a level of comfort. They can rest assured knowing their trust is well-placed in the hands of a professional. When you open your home to a certified cleaning service you can expect:

    •       Commitment to safety
    •         Use of effective cleaning methods
    •         Proper use of PPE
    •         Adherence to industry best practices
    •         Strong values for customer focused service

    In closing entrusting your cleaning needs to an IJCSA RCS-certified professional or company offers not only a clean home but a safer, more hygienic environment.

  • 31 Jan 2024 9:31 AM | Deleted user

    Janitors and custodians are a important part  of any company. because your company always has to stay clean or no one will come. and to deal with messes and problems during the work day that other employees cant take the time to do.

  • 28 Jan 2024 7:42 AM | Kimberly Sanchez

    Why get educated as a cleaning professional on Bloodborne Pathogens?  It is extremely important to understand what are bloodborne pathogens and, the importance of clean-up. 

    First off what are Bloodborne Pathogens? They are pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause diseases in many humans. The most common diseases are (HBV) Hepatitis B Virus, (HIV) Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

    Who can come in contact with these contagious diseases? 

    Well, anyone can come in contact with bloodborne pathogens more importantly but, not least anyone who works directly with Bloodborne Pathogens weather it's a healthcare worker or a cleanup staff. 

    It's extremely important that the cleaning crew gets educated on the effects of coming in to contact with body fluids of any kind and, blood that is contaminated with the mentioned above virus and, learn how to take precaution while on clean-up duty, to prevent spreading or viruses that can cause health issues to you or even worst these dieses can be life-threatening to anyone.

    This is why cleaners have an important job to do. Knowing the importance of what the protocol is and, what to do in case you do come in contact with these deadly bloodborne pathogens. To prevent any further spread is a most. For example, following the OSHA guidelines to help eliminate your exposure, having this knowledge can help anyone. Cleaner can also save lives and other personals health just by being well informed doing their job right. Taking your job serious is a great responsibility.

    We can all do our part by getting educated on Bloodborne Pathogens. 

  • 27 Jan 2024 3:40 PM | Mitchell Hammond

    Cleaning employees must possess a comprehensive understanding of bloodborne pathogens due to the critical importance of maintaining a safe and healthy environment. First and foremost, knowledge about blood borne pathogens is essential for the safety of both employees and the general public. In settings such as hospitals, clinics, or any facility where potential exposure to blood or other bodily fluids exists, cleaning staff must be well-versed in handling and disposing of contaminated materials to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. This knowledge not only safeguards their well-being but also contributes to the overall public health by minimizing the risk of infections.

    Secondly, compliance with health and safety regulations is paramount in various industries. Cleaning employees must adhere to guidelines set by organizations such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) to ensure a secure work environment. Understanding bloodborne pathogens helps employers and employees implement proper sanitation measures, utilize personal protective equipment effectively, and follow appropriate disposal procedures. Non-compliance not only jeopardizes the health of the workers but may lead to legal consequences for the organization. 

    Lastly, informed cleaning staff play a pivotal role in emergency response situations. Accidents happen, and quick, knowledgeable action can prevent further complications. Whether it is a spill, injury, or any unforeseen event involving blood or bodily fluids, cleaning employees with a thorough understanding of bloodborne pathogens can respond promptly, containing the situation and minimizing potential health risks. In essence, the importance of this knowledge extends beyond routine cleaning tasks; it is a critical component of crating and maintaining a safe and hygienic environment for all. 

  • 27 Jan 2024 10:41 AM | Gail Manigsaca

    In the realm of janitorial and cleaning services, great customer service isn’t just about keeping spaces spotless; it’s about creating an experience that speaks volumes about your commitment to excellence and attention to detail. For members of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA), this commitment translates into a promise - a promise to not only meet but exceed client expectations with every sweep and wipe. Great customer service in this industry is built on the understanding that every space, whether a bustling office or a cozy home, holds significant value to those who inhabit it. It's about listening to the unique needs of each client and tailoring services to fit those specific requirements, ensuring a level of personalized care that goes beyond the surface.

    Moreover, exceptional customer service in the cleaning industry is about trust and reliability. Members of IJCSA are not just cleaners; they are caretakers of environments where life’s daily routines unfold. This means showing up on time, every time, with the right tools and a professional attitude. It's about employing trained staff who treat each property with respect and care, ensuring not just cleanliness but also the safety and wellbeing of all occupants. By adhering to the highest standards of service and professionalism, IJCSA members create lasting relationships with clients, built on the foundation of trust and exceptional service. In a world where first impressions matter, let IJCSA members help your space reflect the quality and care you stand for. Choose cleanliness, choose professionalism, choose IJCSA.

    For more information on how IJCSA members can help you maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and customer service, please visit IJCSA Business Directory:

  • 27 Jan 2024 10:38 AM | Gail Manigsaca

    At the heart of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) lies a fundamental commitment: to deliver unparalleled customer service that sets our members apart in the janitorial and cleaning industry. IJCSA members are renowned for their exceptional customer service, a hallmark that distinguishes them in a field where the customer's satisfaction is paramount. Our members understand that great customer service is not just a part of the job; it is the job. They embody a client-first approach, ensuring that each service is tailored to meet the unique needs and expectations of every customer. This commitment to excellence in service is rooted in a deep understanding of the importance of trust and reliability in our industry.

    For IJCSA members, great customer service means going above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction. It's about listening attentively to the client's needs, being responsive to their requests, and delivering high-quality cleaning services consistently. Our members are not only skilled in the art of cleaning but also in the art of communication, making them adept at building strong, lasting relationships with clients. They are trained to pay attention to the smallest details, ensuring that nothing is overlooked. In choosing an IJCSA member for your janitorial needs, you are choosing a partner who values your space as much as you do and is committed to maintaining its cleanliness and integrity. Experience the IJCSA difference, where excellent customer service isn't just promised; it's delivered.

  • 25 Jan 2024 2:10 PM | Gail Manigsaca

    In today's health-conscious world, the significance of educating cleaning employees and staff about bloodborne pathogens cannot be overstated. These pathogens, which include dangerous viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis B, pose serious health risks. They are primarily transmitted through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids, making cleaning personnel particularly vulnerable in their daily duties. This vulnerability underscores the importance of comprehensive training in handling potentially infectious materials. Such education not only equips staff with the necessary knowledge to protect themselves but also plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of these diseases. By understanding how these pathogens are transmitted, cleaning professionals can adopt the right precautions and techniques to ensure both their safety and the safety of others around them.

    The implementation of OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen Standard in workplaces is a testament to the critical nature of this issue. This standard provides a framework for minimizing the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. It is essential for cleaning staff to be familiar with the principles of this standard, which include using personal protective equipment, proper disposal of contaminated materials, and adherence to specific cleaning protocols. Furthermore, the concept of 'universal precautions' is central to this standard. It advocates for the treatment of all blood and certain bodily fluids as potentially infectious. This approach is a cornerstone in the prevention strategy against bloodborne pathogens and ensures a consistently high level of caution and care in the handling of such materials.

    Beyond the immediate health benefits, the knowledge of bloodborne pathogens and adherence to safety standards foster a culture of safety and responsibility in the workplace. When cleaning staff are well-informed and vigilant, it not only reduces the incidence of workplace-related illnesses but also enhances the overall quality of the cleaning services provided. This knowledge reassures other employees and clients that the environment they are in is not just clean but also safe. In essence, understanding bloodborne pathogens transcends individual protection; it is about creating and maintaining healthy communities. By investing in the education and safety of cleaning staff, organizations are not just complying with regulations, but are actively contributing to the wellbeing of society. This commitment to health and safety is a reflection of a responsible and forward-thinking organizational culture, one that values its employees and clients alike.

  • 25 Jan 2024 12:38 PM | Odon Contreras

    It is more important than ever to maintain clean and hygienic surroundings in the quickly changing world of today. Medical cleaning practices are important to use in residential and commercial settings as well as healthcare facilities because harmful bacteria, germs, and viruses are still a threat. For individuals wishing to implement these practices and help safeguard the populace and the globe from infectious diseases, the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) Janitorial Services Directory offers helpful resources.

    Medical cleaning practices, as outlined in videos #2 to #7 of the IJCSA's certification program, emphasize the importance of thorough cleaning and disinfection. These practices ensure that healthcare facilities maintain a clean and sanitary environment to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). Such practices are not limited to healthcare settings and can be applied to various residential and commercial cleaning situations to safeguard the health and well-being of occupants.

    One of the key takeaways from medical cleaning practices is the need for approved disinfectants. As mentioned in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines, using EPA-approved disinfectants is essential to eliminate harmful pathogens effectively. This principle can be readily extended to residential and commercial cleaning, where choosing the right disinfectants for specific surfaces and situations is critical in ensuring a germ-free environment.

    Contaminated equipment and laundry are additional areas where medical cleaning practices can be incorporated. Regular cleaning and decontamination of equipment and the proper handling of contaminated laundry are essential steps in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. By adopting these practices, residential and commercial cleaning services can minimize the risk of exposure to blood or OPIM.

    Another aspect to consider is the safety of cleaning staff. Allergies and accidents are potential hazards that need to be addressed. Providing appropriate personal protective equipment, including latex-free gloves, goggles, and aprons, can protect cleaning personnel from allergic reactions and dermatitis. Additionally, maintaining clean and dry floors and using warning indicators in wet areas can reduce accidents during cleaning operations.

    Implementing medical cleaning practices in residential and commercial cleaning situations is not only beneficial for the health and safety of occupants but also for the broader community. By following the guidelines outlined in the IJCSA's certification program and adhering to OSHA recommendations, cleaning professionals can contribute to the global effort to combat the spread of harmful bacteria, germs, and viruses. The values of protecting the population and the world from infectious diseases are at the forefront of this endeavor, making it a crucial step in today's cleaning industry.

    Check out to find a certified company

  • 25 Jan 2024 12:33 PM | Odon Contreras

    Maintaining hygienic conditions in medical facilities is critical in the field of healthcare. Maintaining a safe and healthy environment for patients and healthcare professionals depends on properly cleaning healthcare facilities, which goes beyond simple aesthetics. This article explores the value of cleaning in healthcare facilities and emphasizes the need of following tight cleaning guidelines.

    Blood and other potentially infectious materials are commonly found in healthcare facilities (OPIM). As required by the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states that it is critical to keep a clean and hygienic environment in order to prevent interactions with blood and OPIM. Employers must create and publish a written cleaning and decontamination schedule that takes into consideration factors such as surface types, soil types, and specific cleaning tasks. These measures are crucial in preventing contamination and protecting the health of staff and patients.

    Blood and OPIM exposure from the use of unapproved disinfectants is one of the main risks that housekeeping employees in healthcare facilities must deal with. To stop infections like the hepatitis B virus from growing on surfaces, OSHA stresses that all work surfaces need to be cleaned using disinfectants that have been approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Preserving a sanitary healthcare environment requires making sure the cleaning supplies utilized fulfill the required criteria.

    Cleaning techniques for equipment, glassware, protective coverings, and reusable containers should also be followed in addition to surfaces. Equipment and work surfaces that come into contact with blood or OPIM are required by OSHA to be decontaminated and cleaned. It is imperative to conduct routine inspections and decontaminations of reusable containers, and to appropriately label any contaminated items. It is essential to promptly clean broken glassware that may be contaminated in order to avoid mishaps and exposure to dangerous substances.

    In summary, preserving a spotless healthcare setting is essential to protecting everyone's health and wellbeing within the facility and goes beyond simple aesthetics. To stop the spread of infectious agents and shield medical staff from potential risks, strict cleaning procedures and the use of approved disinfectants are crucial. Appropriate healthcare cleaning practices ensure a safe, hygienic, and conducive environment for patients to recover and for healthcare professionals to provide the best care possible.

    Check out to find a certified company.

    Keywords: healthcare cleaning, medical facility cleaning, healthcare environment, OSHA guidelines, disinfectants, infectious agents, sanitation, hygiene.

  • 25 Jan 2024 12:00 PM | SAUL SANTIAGO

    Operating a cleaning service is all about customer service. an unhappy client can bring down your business. The training I received through IJCSA has been invaluable. They have taught us the importance of following up with your client to make sure they are completely satisfied with our services and has helped us to retain our clients and continue to get repeated contracts and referrals from our clients.   

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