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 International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association

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The Importance Of Janitors

17 Jul 2020 9:32 PM | Deleted user

How Important Are Janitors & Janitorial Staff to Our Daily Lives?

Everywhere we go in life, we benefit from the work of janitors. They clean, sanitize and—especially important in the COVID-19 pandemic—disinfect our public spaces. From day cares to universities, from corner groceries to corporate headquarters, from cafes to medical centers, we expect basic cleanliness and safety. Janitors are key providers of cleanliness and safety.

Good work by a janitorial staff not only enhances the welcoming appearance of a facility, but it also extends the life of the building and its appointments and sometimes, perhaps, the life of its inhabitants. A clean workplace, house of worship or even stadium enables other workers to do their job and pursue their interests in a safe environment, free from the corrosives of dirt, the distractions of debris or the hazards of contamination. 

IJCSA (the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association) educates, certifies and connects members of the cleaning industry. IJCSA also makes it easy to find professionally trained and certified local janitorial services with their Janitorial Directory.  Why not check them out today?


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