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Culture of Cleaning

15 Oct 2018 7:03 PM | Deleted user

In the world today, there are literally more bacteria than there are people and each one of those people carry trillions of microorganisms. The average 200 pound adult has around 64 ounces of bacteria in their body alone! There are indeed good bacteria in our beautifully engineered bodies, but we must be educated about the harmful bacteria and stay vigilant to prevent the spreading of infectious disease.

Did you know that in Japan, school children are, not necessarily required, but more so taught how to clean and do so by carrying out activities such as: dusting and sweeping their classrooms, cleaning doors, windows, hallways and sometimes even bathrooms?! The cultural values of cleanliness are allocated at a young age to ensure each child is properly educated of the hidden world that is even much smaller than they are.

Now, when I was a child in growing up in American school, I don't think I was ever made to clean up anything (unless the mess was made by myself), especially bathrooms, for that matter! Could you imagine the disturbed, puzzled look on your parents face if you had to tell them you were suspended from school for not cleaning the bathrooms during "Clean:30"? Most kids in America don't know the names of the great people who clean our schools and offices.

I believe, if we incorporate cleaning values into our school systems and educate our children on bacterial infectious disease through actual practice and exercise, the valued knowledge could propel all of us to better understand the secret world we cannot see with the naked eye, yet can still harm and even kill us.


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