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Harmful Effects of Everyday Cleaning Products

25 Oct 2018 10:21 AM | Deleted user

 The use of common hazardous household cleaning products contributes to indoor air pollution, is linked to birth defects, dermatitis, poisonings, asthma, cancer and other health effects.  

There is also a  substantial misuse of household products by way of negligent practices such as reusing bottles, using mislabeled bottles, using common hazardous household chemicals in confined areas without enough ventilation, not donning gloves or masks.  These all-too-common practices, practiced by the majority of us, lead to unknowingly increased and extremely detrimental health risks.   

Asides from the human health risks, we also contribute to the demise of the planet with our constant use of the chemicals and the irresponsible way in which we use and dispose of them.  We contribute to algae blooms, global warming, ozone depletion, soil nutrient depletion, water contamination, increased antibiotic resistant bacterium and more.  

Green cleaning is the process of choosing cleaning products that are better for both people and the planet. The switch from hazardous household chemical cleaning to green cleaning is easy, economical and the smart thing to do for you, your family, employees and the environment.   

For some homes, green cleaning means that they only use substances like baking soda, ​vinegar, and lemons to clean the home surfaces. Some green cleaning products may certify that their items are fair trade, meaning that the product meets certain environmental and labor standards by those who produce the products.  If you or someone you know would like to know more about Green Cleaning or would like to hire a Green Cleaning Company, visit the IJCSA website here or the IJCSA Green Cleaning Service Directory here 


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