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why every creature on earth benefits from green cleaning

17 Jan 2025 8:24 AM | Taylor Michael

every creature on earth benefits from green cleaning first and foremost by creating a cleaner environment. the air we all breathe the water we drink and the environment we expose ourselves to can all be improved with green cleaning. not only with what we use but how the product is aerosolized. the process of how green products are made is called mixology. and this process makes up a substantial amount of the battle that should not be ignored and plays a major factor in the overall outcome.

another huge part of green cleaning is the fact that this effects not just your workplace but your house hold as well. harmful chemicals can be found in many products in your home that everyone should be aware of. cooking oil, glass cleaner, detergent, fragrance products, drain cleaners. all these things can be harmful if ingested through the nose mouth or eyes. and the scary part like i said these products don't just effect your workplace. its in your home too. that means your pets and loved ones could also be exposed. make sure to do the research on the products you buy for your home and make sure your not falling for a greenwashed product.

the third and final reason green cleaning is so important is the economic impact it can have if not properly managed in a workplace setting. its saves costs, builds trust with the community, builds morale within the workforce and keeps workers healthier so they aren't always calling out sick. having the people available to clean your facility is probably the number one factor to keeping the people who use your building safe. its a team effort and we need all hands on deck!


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