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Protecting yourself against bloodborne pathogen's

01 Oct 2022 8:53 AM | Deleted user

Janitorial work can be very dangerous when it comes to cleaning up hazardous materials in the workplace. You can come in contact with bloodborne pathogens directly and indirectly by touching , and  they may travel through the air when cleaning various surfaces around the workplace. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV can be knowingly and unknowingly on surfaces around the workplaces. You and others can transport viruses from one surface to another and effect yourself and others. By not protecting yourself when cleaning and removing unwanted stains and germs from surfaces.

Here are a few things that we should be aware of to protect ourselves and others from having bloodborne pathogens affecting our bodies. Wearing the right gear protects our body and may help keep us from transporting dangerous viruses to other places. Wearing gloves, goggles, facemask, smocks, and protective  shoes coverings can help keep us safe from getting blood-borne pathogens in our systems. We must make sure that we dispose of our protective gear or sanitize it properly for reuse to keep us safe too. Removing trash can be dangerous even though it seems very simple. Sharp objects, broken glass, needles are just some of things that may be in trash unknowingly. Hazardous waste also may be in  trash bins unknowingly to. Always handled trash bags and receptacles as if they contain sharp objects and or hazardous waste. You may not have to put them in a hazardous waste bin but handle bags accordingly you cannot always be able to tell the contents of a bag or a receptacle. After the use of equipment always make sure you sanitize your equipment including yourself. Do not leave equipment dirty and unsanitized for the next person or yourself. Hazardous bloodborne pathogens may be on equipment or even on your body from cleaning surfaces. To protect yourself and others make sure you dispose of properly gloves and other materials that are disposable that have came in contact with surfaces that are being cleaned. They may have hazardous materials on them you could not see when cleaning. Sanitize yourself as well you do not want to bring home any germ or viruses.

This is just a few things to keep in mind when you're’ cleaning in the workplace. We don’t always know what is on the services of the areas that we are cleaning. Blood-borne pathogen’s is something that we should be aware of that they can be lurking on any surface anywhere at any time protect yourself. When we constantly take the steps to protect ourselves from bloodborne pathogens it becomes muscle memory and easy to do. It keeps us and others around us healthy and safe.


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