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  • 16 Sep 2020 7:53 AM | Deleted user

    Customer service is one of the most important things in a business. Customers want to feel important and also want to make sure their needs are satisfied. Face to face communication is a more personable way to communicate with your customers because eye contact and a simple smile can go a long way. But that is not always an option so a phone call or an email is the only way to do so. Still, the customers needs should be number one. Listening and empathizing with the customer is most important so a real result can be set in place. 

    IJCSA has great customer service. Thru communication, tho not face to face, still feels like its service with a smile. Kind and concerned representatives are looking to help with whatever you need. They will find a resolution with the question or concern you have. Follow the link for your directory:

  • 16 Sep 2020 6:51 AM | Deleted user

    The importance of cleaning and disinfecting the workplace has been brought to the forefront during the Corona virus pandemic. Microorganisms like the Corona virus, as well as viruses that cause Hepatitis B and AIDS, can not just financially ruin a company with a single outbreak, but more importantly, can cause serious harm and even death for the company's employees and customers.

    What business can survive the death of a single employee or customer because of careless cleaning procedures that result in an outbreak? Not one. Even an outbreak that results in a single hospitalization can cause financial consequences that put the company at harm. Luckily, with the right policies and procedures, outbreaks can be prevented and workspaces can be properly cleaned and disinfected

    The entire staff, not just the janitorial team, needs to be aware of the proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures. All it takes is one employee haphazardly cleaning his area to create an outbreak. Thus, it takes an entire team, led by the janitorial staff, to keep a business clean and safe. 

  • 15 Sep 2020 11:11 PM | Deleted user

    I use exactly one cup of borax and mix it with a gallon of hot water to get rid of mold. The mixture stops the mold from growing and does not need to fully be rinsed away.

  • 15 Sep 2020 11:01 PM | Deleted user

    Are you having trouble getting rid of that mold that's behind your wallpaper? Are you struggling to find the right cleaning agent? Well you don't need to be distressed any longer! Go online to the website where you and find a licensed janitorial service in your area and give us a call. We are highly trained to clean or disinfect anything in any situation! We even handle flood damage so call today!

  • 15 Sep 2020 8:07 PM | Raymond Whitaker

    Cleaning employees need to know about bloodborne pathogens to better protect themselves from dangerous diseases. Exposures to HBV, HIV, and other bloodborne pathogens are real workplace hazards people should expect to face while working in commercial/residential cleaning services. Arming yourself with the proper knowledge on how to work safely around these threats better protect yourself, your loved ones, and the people you work to protect.

    Non cleaning staff need to understand the possible exposures of bloodborne pathogens to protect themselves. Your respect of things your may not purposely come into contact regularly could slow the spread of dangerous diseases. Knowing the that what you may or may have come into contact can limiting exposure and protect yourself, clients, and coworkers.

    The most important item everyone should know is your OSHA compliant binder. The information should be current and organized to find critical information quickly giving people the access to life saving techniques and policies. Swift decisive response begins with a plan, and a good pre plan can make the difference in receiving the care an exposed victim need.

  • 15 Sep 2020 4:34 PM | Deleted user

    Germs and Viruses are in the workplace.  Sounds like something that is fairly common knowledge, but how seriously do you take the idea of routinely cleaning and disinfecting your facility to protect the people who use your school, business, or government building from these germs and viruses?  Germs & Viruses are all around us, and if the current pandemic has taught us anything it's that we need to understand that routine cleaning and disinfecting with a product that has a strong efficacy is an important part of our day to day planning for our facilities.  It's critical as an educator, small business owner, or government facility manager that you have access to the tools necessary to keep the microorganism population in your buildings down in order to protect the students, customers, staff and general public who use them.

    The efficacy of a disinfection product tells you how effective it is at killing bacteria.  For example, a product with an efficacy of 99.99% is what we call a Log4 kill and it means that if you had 1 million microorganisms in a room, the disinfectant would kill all but 100.  When you use the disinfectant you need to apply it to the surface you need to treat, after it has been cleaned, and allow it to sit on the surface for the recommended contact time (dwell time) on the label in order to allow the disinfectant to do its job.  Air drying the disinfectant is the best way to ensure you are able to achieve the highest log kill possible.   The entire facility should be disinfected whenever possible, but high contact areas, such as door knobs, light switches, etc. are important to focus on in the fight against spreading disease.

    Following the 2-step disinfection process of cleaning and disinfecting will give you the best chance of protecting the people in your facility from the spread of disease from Germs and Viruses.

    At Prospray we are committed to delivering professional disinfecting services to our local small businesses, educational facilities, medical facilities, and government buildings in our service area of North DFW.  We aim to serve these groups to enable them to effectively meet the CDC Reopening America Guidance which asks these groups to use an EPA-approved disinfectant as a second step beyond their routine cleaning as we get our public spaces, businesses and schools re-opened.  We believe that our efforts to step into this space and provide this service to our local community will drive safety among our neighbors and mitigate the spread of disease.  You can find us in the IJCSA Directory here:

  • 15 Sep 2020 5:57 AM | Anonymous member

    The importance of cleaning employees and staff knowing about bloodborne pathogens is crucial in the fight to stop the spread of a disease.  Having an understanding of how to protect them themselves as well as to how to handle a cleaning were bloodborne pathogens exist can same many life’s. Not having the proper training puts not only the cleaning crew at a high risk of getting infected with a fatal disease but the people around them.

    Understanding how to properly use the PPE can give the staff the confidence clean knowing that they are protected from getting infected. Also knowing what to do when an accident happens to them for example they had a skin cut and they touched blood knowing what to do and who to contact can help them get treated as soon as possible.   

    Always treat all human bodily fluids as if they are infected never lower your guard when it comes to cleaning.


  • 14 Sep 2020 7:33 PM | Deleted user

    “OSHA” stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In 1991 OSHA established a standard of occupational practices regarding bloodborne pathogens, which they updated in 2001. As part of the standard, OSHA bloodborne pathogens training was made mandatory for certain businesses, primarily those in the healthcare sector.

    Any employer whose employees have a reasonable risk of exposure are required to provide OSHA bloodborne pathogens training for their staff. In the case of a commercial cleaning company, that would include anyone who cleans or otherwise decontaminates an area where there was likely to have been blood, such as a physician’s office, a dentist’s office, or even a construction site.

    The reason for your employees to be trained in such is for their safety.

    Any custodial staff that handles sharps bins, biohazard waste, or other potentially contaminated objects should know how to protect themselves against—and what to do in the case of—exposure. Some of the most important things an employee can learn are things like exposure determination, exposure control plans, the effectiveness of personal protective equipment, what to do in the event of exposure, and medical and reporting follow-up after exposure.

    Another benefit is that your clients can rest easy knowing you have a team properly trained in handling contaminated material. 

  • 14 Sep 2020 7:07 PM | Deleted user

    I own a cleaning company call sunshie's Taino Cleaning Service,and im adding carpet cleaning to provide a better quality service. On my previouse job i have notice coffee stain in the carper of my client and i had to clean it by hand,with not alot off knowlege,so this carpet cleaning certificate would help me be more knolegable on any situation.

  • 14 Sep 2020 4:52 PM | Deleted user

    It is important that anyone dealing with bloodborne pathogens learn the proper procedures to clean them in order to keep themselves and others safe from exposure. If staff does not follow the proper procedures they could put themselves in danger of contracting any of the bloodborne pathogens they are dealing with. 

     It is also important to understand that bloodborne pathogens aren't limited to blood exposure or the simple prick of a used needle like you so commonlyhear. Pathogens can also be transmitted through saliva, like a human bite, and even vomit. You are also exposed, not just through a cut or break or the skin, but by breathing in the pathogens as well. It is also best to never, smoke, eat, drink or even apply chap stick etc at an exposure sight. 

    With proper training in how to properly clean an exposure sight staff have a much lower chance of contracting a pathogen. By having a written exposure control plan at each work sight, knowing to never compress trash yourself and avoiding splashing or splattering of contaminated chemicals etc, as well as using the proper color coded bins and/or trash bags exposure is extremely limited.

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