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  • 22 Jun 2024 7:35 PM | William Boston

    Finding the perfect carpet or rug cleaning service can sometimes be daunting. Knowing that you need these services is the easy part, finding a trusted and trained professional is a bit more difficult. When you place your trust in the IJCSA to find a professional, you place your trust in an industry-respected name. You are ensuring that you contact an entity with comprehensive training and knowledge in cleaning your carpet or rug effectively and professionally. They are up to date on the most effective chemicals, processes, and professionalism to meet all of your needs. The best way to locate these trained professionals is through the IJCSA’s directory for carpet cleaning professionals. Here you can simply type your location, and find the help that you need!

  • 22 Jun 2024 4:23 PM | Jacqueline Moerkens

    Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms that are transmitted by blood. For example, HIV and hepatitis B (and many others) are bloodborne pathogens. These diseases are transmitted through infected body fluids that enter the bloodstream of an uninfected person. Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted through infected body fluids that enter the bloodstream. HIV and HBV can pose serious, long-term health risks or even death if someone comes into contact with them.

    These pathogens can be transmitted in several ways. The most common ways of transmission are needlesticks, cuts, bites from humans, and mucous membranes. For example, if you are taking out the trash and come in contact with a dirty or used needle, you may come in contact with a bloodborne pathogen. Or you may need to mop up bodily fluids, and splashes can come in contact with your mucous membranes or contaminate a small tear in your skin. Any cleaning job where you come in contact with blood or other body fluids puts you at risk for spreading bloodborne pathogens. All in all, you should always assume that all body fluids you come into contact with are contaminated. This is called universal precautions. Therefore training on bloodborne pathogens is required for proper cleaning.

    OSHA has developed training on bloodborne pathogens that explains how to clean body fluids, what personal protective equipment to wear when cleaning body fluids, how to properly clean and dispose of body fluids, and what else to look for in this area. For example, gloves, goggles and possibly a face mask are essential for your own protection from contamination. Thorough hand washing after an exposure is also among the important protective measures. In addition, any contamination waste generated must be specially labeled and disposed of separately, for example in different colored waste bags (red or orange).

    Cleaning services and training on bloodborne pathogens are essential to keeping our environment safe for everyone. Every cleaner should complete training on bloodborne pathogens, as it is necessary for the proper performance of the job. Employers should provide access to this training free of charge during working hours. This training is one of the most important experiences a janitor or cleaner needs to have, especially, but not only, if they work in a hospital. The CDC reported that approximately 5.6 million healthcare and janitorial service workers are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. If you can clean and dispose of body fluids before a bloodborne pathogen can spread, you can save lives!

  • 22 Jun 2024 3:19 PM | Robert&Tammy Harris

    Why should every person only perform natural green cleaning? Well, ask a handful of people and you'll likely to get a handful of different answers. For me I've seen and felt an improvement in my overall well-being by switching to green products.

    What was once trendy is now proven to be needed. Science has consistently proven to us the benefits of using green cleaning products. While we can sometimes find insects to be annoying, they are highly beneficial to us. Without them to pollenate the food we eat and aid in the eco system, the food we so rely on would skyrocket. 

    Green cleaning products can improve indoor air quality. By using products that have less or no V.O.C's along with a better biodegradable chemistry Indoor air quality can be improved, leading to better lung function, increased cognitive function and more. Concerned about your space use the IJCSA Green Cleaning Directory to find a company that can help you.

    Eco friendly products can prolong durable goods because they are not as harsh to your surfaces. Yet do to advanced chemistry they are highly effective at removing dirt and grime.

    So, when you need to purchase more cleaning products, remember as careful as you are. cleaning products still effect the environment and the insects and animals that live in it. And you know the old saying "You are what you eat."   

  • 22 Jun 2024 2:47 PM | Javon Agnew

    Janitors and Janitorial Staff are critical to our daily lives, especially when it comes to the cleanliness of the public areas that we utilize.  They can help the organization run smoothly if they are efficient, or unfortunately harm operations if they are not efficient or unqualified.  They are so critical that in fact they have been deemed as part of the "school family" when onsite at schools and universities.  The cleaning and maintenance of the building is determined by these individuals that make our lives that much easier to maneuver in clean and healthy environment.

    Communication is key to help run a tight ship when it comes to keeping the building or spaces clean.  This can be achieved through logs, work orders and special requests.  These professionals are responsible in lots of instances for opening up a building and so they are given special keys and codes for entry.  For the use of the building or space, this is essential to have a responsible do this.  But along with having keys and codes, the staff is also charged with making sure everything is in place before the business actually opens up.  These professionals must survey and serve the facility and grounds all through the day in certain cases where custodial staff is available and onsite during business hours.

    Maintenance and cleanliness protocols achieved by janitors and janitorial allow those individuals utilizing the space to be comfortable and cared for when it comes to various functions.  Janitors are responsible for stocking bathroom supplies such as toilet tissue, hand soap, and toilet liners which are very necessary on a day to day basis.  Another area the janitors make our daily lives better would be in keeping the overall area clean as well as keeping the cafeteria or floor and lobby areas clean.  Special requests from the client which would be staff members or even children that use the space are also fulfilled by the janitorial staff on an immediate basis which also allow us to be able to function while utilizing the space.

    We are grateful for amazing janitors and the janitorial staff members that are so crucial to our lives.  To find one of these professionals in your area, please click on the link below:

  • 22 Jun 2024 12:36 PM | William Boston

    Allowing someone to come into your home or business can be a daunting task. Finding people with professionalism and an understanding nature can seem impossible. Lucky for you there is a database of trusted companies that you can search to find the right provider for your needs! By using the IJCSA's database of providers you can ensure that you are looking at a comprehensive list of providers who have been equipped with the proper training and customer service skills to meet your needs and actually listen to your requests. 

    At the IJCSA, providers are trained comprehensivley on the skills needed to reassure customers and provide them with honest and caring service. We are trained to treat all customers with respect and genuinley listen to their concerns in all situations. Members understand what great customer service is and it goes beyond providing a valuable service. Being present and avaliable to customers is important as well as reaching out and caring about the well being of customers beyond the job. So use the IJSCA's Buisness Directory for all of your cleaning needs and find a professional near you today!

  • 22 Jun 2024 9:41 AM | Nadine Mackey

    Nobody enjoys working in a disorganized setting. Because there are less distractions in a clean setting, you can think more clearly, which lowers stress and boosts productivity. Custodians know how to maintain workspaces free of clutter and spotless while avoiding interfering with personal belongings to guarantee uninterrupted work and preserve workplace productivity.

    Janitorial workers are crucial to maintaining clean and safe surroundings that benefit all of us on a daily basis. From promoting health and safety through routine cleaning procedures to generating financial savings through preventive maintenance plans, it is evident that these unsung heroes are vital to the smooth operation of our society!

    Building cleanliness and organization are the responsibility of janitorial workers. Janitors maintain customer and employee safety in the workplace. They keep companies running, whether it's in an office setting where teams collaborate closely or a hospital setting where disinfectants and cleanliness are key to sustaining healthy patients. They work hand in hand to maintain the well-being of your employees and the efficiency of your workspace. Janitorial Directory

  • 22 Jun 2024 8:24 AM | Blake Hamilton

    In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a clean and sanitary environment is crucial for both homes and businesses. When seeking professional cleaning services, it's essential to consider hiring individuals or companies that have obtained the IJCSA RCS (Residential Cleaning Services) certification from the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA). This certification demonstrates a commitment to excellence in the cleaning industry and offers a range of advantages for clients seeking high-quality cleaning services.

    First and foremost, hiring a cleaning person or company that has passed the IJCSA RCS certification ensures that you are working with professionals who have undergone rigorous training and met specific standards set by the cleaning industry. These certified professionals are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide efficient and effective cleaning services, ensuring that your space is cleaned to the highest standards.

    Moreover, the IJCSA RCS certification signifies a commitment to using environmentally friendly cleaning practices and products. Certified professionals are trained in green cleaning techniques that prioritize the health and safety of both clients and the environment. By choosing a certified cleaning service, you can rest assured that the cleaning products used in your space are non-toxic and eco-friendly, promoting a healthier and more sustainable living or working environment.

    Another key advantage of hiring a cleaning person or company with the IJCSA RCS certification is the assurance of professionalism and reliability. Certified professionals adhere to a strict code of ethics and standards of conduct set by the IJCSA, ensuring that they conduct themselves with integrity and professionalism at all times. This commitment to excellence translates into reliable and consistent cleaning services that meet or exceed your expectations.

    Furthermore, clients who hire certified cleaning professionals benefit from the peace of mind that comes with knowing they are working with a reputable and trustworthy service provider. The IJCSA RCS certification serves as a seal of approval that signifies a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. By choosing a certified cleaning service, you can trust that your cleaning needs will be met with professionalism, efficiency, and attention to detail.

    In conclusion, the advantages of hiring a cleaning person or company that has passed the IJCSA RCS certification are numerous and significant. From the assurance of working with highly trained professionals to the commitment to eco-friendly cleaning practices and the guarantee of reliability and professionalism, choosing a certified cleaning service offers a range of benefits for clients seeking top-notch cleaning services. By prioritizing quality and excellence in cleaning, certified professionals help ensure that your space is clean, healthy, and welcoming for all who inhabit it.

  • 22 Jun 2024 8:04 AM | Anthony Epps

    The roles of janitorial & custodians are extremely important to upkeep buildings, schools, medical facilities, churches, and much more. Janitors are the reason why people are able to go into a bathroom or building or breakroom and it is smelling and looking clean.  Janitorial services is something that can never be overlooked. The White House as a Janitor, who cleans and keeps the oval office very tidy and clean. Janitors have to be trained and learn proper steps to cleaning a variety of locations within the facility.

    Janitors keep the location spotless and clean for the next day and or shift for oncoming staff who work at the location.  There is many perks in hiring an janitor to maintain the building functions , such the cafeteria, restroom, breakroom, gym, locker room, and so much more. Floor maintenance for stripping, waxing, buffing the floors(VCT) when needed. 

    Training janitors properly and continuous training can improve the janitor's ability to get the job done and have great productivity during their shift. The biggest concern would a dirty and unsanitary environment for people to be in. Especially during these times of uncertainly about COVID-19 and it being noticed that it's on the raise again.  Its very important to have janitors working and trained to serve the public at the highest level . 

    Janitors keep everything organized and tidy, helps others mental health. A individual walks into a dirty locations and makes people take caution due to the look and smell of the location. Versus that same individual walking into other part of the building which is properly clean and tidy puts people in great mental state and good. No janitor and see how your locations look after one week. Janitors are vital to keep the environment clean and organized , which is needed more than ever.

  • 22 Jun 2024 6:56 AM | Cameron Smith

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms that are in human blood and has the potential to cause various disease if exposed. These diseases may include HIV/AIDS, hepatitis b, hepatitis c, malaria, and syphilis. The CDC reported that approximately 5.6 million healthcare and janitorial service workers are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Therefore, we must maintain gaining knowledge of bloodborne pathogens.

    It's important to have knowledge of bloodborne pathogens because when knowledge is applied correctly it reduces the potential of a threat. Continually educating yourself on OSHA guidelines keeps the employer and their employees safe, also eliminates exposure in the workplace. With the training and guidelines of OSHA, it teaches us that we should treat all bodily fluids as if they are contaminated since there is no way to differentiate between infected fluids and non-infected fluids.

    In conclusion, educating ourselves about bloodborne pathogens should remain our priority. Annually educating ourselves and employees on the proper clean up of bodily fluids will continue to ensure workplace safety. Taking the initiative to meet OSHA guidelines will help you and others around you by limiting exposure.

  • 22 Jun 2024 12:34 AM | Blake Hamilton

    Are you looking for a reliable and professional home cleaning service to keep your residence sparkling and fresh? Look no further than IJCSA members for all your residential cleaning needs! Our members at Home Services are dedicated experts in the field of home cleaning, offering top-notch services tailored to meet your specific requirements. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, our members are committed to providing you with a clean and healthy living environment.

    At IJCSA, we understand the importance of a clean home for you and your family. Our members are trained in the latest cleaning techniques and use eco-friendly products to ensure a safe and healthy space for you to enjoy. Whether you need a one-time deep cleaning or regular maintenance services, our members are here to help. From dusting and vacuuming to sanitizing and organizing, our residential cleaning services cover it all, giving you peace of mind and more time to focus on what matters most to you.

    When you choose an IJCSA member for your home cleaning needs, you can rest assured that you are getting the best in the business. Our members are fully vetted, insured, and equipped with the knowledge and skills to deliver exceptional results every time. Say goodbye to the hassle of cleaning and let our professionals take care of your home with precision and care. Visit Home Services today to connect with a trusted residential cleaning service provider in your area. Experience the difference a clean home can make with IJCSA members!

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