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The importance of employee knowledge on bloodborne pathogens.

06 Jun 2023 2:11 PM | Deleted user

Bloodborne pathogens can be detrimental to a persons everyday life, the best way to avoid contraction is by making sure to follow universal precautions, protective practices, and individual exposure control plans. These practices and safety precautions could very well be the difference between life and death in some scenarios. With that being said, let us dive deeper into some of these practices that employees should be aware of when dealing with any blood or bodily fluid cleanings.

The most common, and in my opinion, the most important practices to be followed are universal precautions. These precautions set a clear plan of action to follow in the event that there could be risk of a bloodborne pathogen. That plan of action is simply acting as if everyone has a bloodborne pathogen. With the use of this practice, including the use of PPE, the risk of contracting a disease, such as HBV or HIV, drops significantly.

Employee knowledge on bloodborne pathogens is imperative when owning, operating, or working in businesses that deal with the possibility of an outbreak. While there may be specific business models that focus exclusively on these sorts of cleaning, everyone should have some sort of training or education on bloodborne pathogens due to the fact that an outbreak can happen anywhere at any time. Hopefully this article helps people better understand the risks and procedures when dealing with bloodborne pathogens. 


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