We are currently in a pandemic and the need for awareness and security for all kinds of diseases is more important now than ever. Hospitals are packed with patients more than what our doctors and nurses are used to. Lots of commotion and anxiety in these areas are very common so it is extremely important that our employees take the time to understand and not forsake any kind of safety precaution and regulation, in fact we must review and refresh our memories on this subject to ensure the safety of everyone.
Our employees and staff should without question have knowledge and practice in dealing with bloodborne pathogens due to the serious risk of getting HIV, and HBV. These diseases are serious and life threatening and should be avoided at all costs. These diseases are not only dangerous for the employee and the company but also to everyone they know. The risks of getting these diseases without the knowledge of regulation and security is high and so it must be a priority to inform ourselves of this subject immediately.
What are some of these precautions? When working in these environments where you can be exposed to bloodborne pathogens It is always important to always wear gloves and eye gear when necessary. making sure to handle bins, trash, and laundry with care and caution never being careless. Also never touching blood, vomit, and in some instances saliva without protective gear. Use always the proper materials to kill any sort of bacteria or virus that may be on counters, bins, beds, and containers. It is important to disinfect cleaning equipment as well for they are also prone to having pathogens on them as a result of cleaning.