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  • 21 Sep 2020 11:29 AM | Deleted user

    Mold is common in areas that has moister and poor ventilation, mold spores float in the air and when they land on wet or damp spots they are able to grow. With this in mind we find it important to have methods and practices to keep mold from growing, and if present to eliminate and remove.

    Mold can harm your respiratory system and should be removed if noticed in the house. By implementing mold inspections and cleaning we can bring more service value to our customers while also protecting them in their home from harmful bacteria. 

  • 21 Sep 2020 5:55 AM | Eric Roberts

    IJCSA Members understand that the highest quality standard of customer service demands more than just good communication and a smile. Ready to exceed the customer service requirements of a rapidly changing world. IJCSA is your connection to a vast global network of professionals trained to provide safe, secure and compliant real world results.

    IJCSA is here to help connect you with local and international cleaning service professionals for any size job, big or small. Good communication and a smile come standard. Looking to hire the best? The IJCSA member directory is a convenient and easy to use option for any new or returning customer. Find a reputable janitorial cleaning service provider near you today!

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  • 19 Sep 2020 2:16 PM | Deleted user

    We are currently in a pandemic and the need for awareness and security for all kinds of diseases is more important now than ever. Hospitals are packed with patients more than what our doctors and nurses are used to. Lots of commotion and anxiety in these areas are very common so it is extremely important that our employees take the time to understand and not forsake any kind of safety precaution and regulation, in fact we must review and refresh our memories on this subject to ensure the safety of everyone.

    Our employees and staff should without question have knowledge and practice in dealing with bloodborne pathogens due to the serious risk of getting HIV, and HBV. These diseases are serious and life threatening and should be avoided at all costs. These diseases are not only dangerous for the employee and the company but also to everyone they know. The risks of getting these diseases without the knowledge of regulation and security is high and so it must be a priority to inform ourselves of this subject immediately.

    What are some of these precautions? When working in these environments where you can be exposed to bloodborne pathogens It is always important to always wear gloves and eye gear when necessary. making sure to  handle bins, trash, and laundry with care and caution never being careless. Also never touching blood, vomit, and in some instances saliva without protective gear. Use always the proper materials to kill any sort of bacteria or virus that may be on counters, bins, beds, and containers. It is important to disinfect cleaning equipment as well for they are also prone to having pathogens on them as a result of cleaning.

  • 19 Sep 2020 7:47 AM | Deleted user

    Properly cleaning healthcare facilities is of great importance and help to readuce healthcare associated infection. Caution should be taken when cleaning in the healthcare setting with proper PPE, using effective cleaning method and recommended chemical per contact time. 

    Personal protective equipment is high priority to prevent you from coming in contact with infectious diseases and taking it outside of the facility. All PPE must be discarded daily. 

    When cleaning facilities, cleaning the surface of any organic matter or visible soil before applying disinfectant. Once surface is clean, apply disinfectant on a absorbent towel and follow the recommended contact time on the bottle. It is important to effectively disinfect to prevent a pathogen breeding ground. 

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  • 18 Sep 2020 4:58 PM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne pathogens are infectious micro organisms which can cause infectious diseases in the human blood. Anyone exposed to these micro organism is at risk for serious life threatening illnesses. It is very important that employees understand the importance of bloodborne pathogens and know how to prevent exposures to these pathogens. especially employees who work around potential blood-borne sources such as needles, scalpels, and other sharp objects. 

    Osha offers a wide selection of training courses and educational programs to broaden workers and employers knowledge on how to recognize, avoid, and prevention of safety and health hazards in the work place. 

    Once employees are trained with the proper understanding on bloodborne pathogens they can work safer. protecting themselves and the work environment knowing the necessary procedures to prevent injury for healthier production.

  • 18 Sep 2020 6:52 AM | Deleted user

    If you are looking for a business participates in eco-friendly practices 

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  • 16 Sep 2020 9:11 PM | Deleted user

    Professional mold cleaning is the key to salvaging your property when mold is present.  If you have suspect mold, please doo not attempt a  DIY fix.  This is dangerous.  Live it to the professionals and be sure too check out IJCSA's Flood Damage Directory. as a resource for finding a qualified professional to help you with mold remediation, restoration and cleaning of your property.  


  • 16 Sep 2020 9:03 PM | Deleted user

    While there may be a plethora of DIY articles and home remedies, if you attempt to remove mold yourself, you may be placing yourself and others in jeopardy and at risk for medical problems. Why if it comes back?  It isn’t possible to completely eradicate indoor mold, no matter who takes it on however, a professional i more likely to be more thorough and effective because off their knowledge and experience.  While your are cleaning up the you risk the spores getting into the air and spreading all over the house. Your may unwillingly  and unwittingly be  contributing to the spread of mold. A professional will have all the necessary equipment to protect themselves during mold exposure and are more likely to . salvage your things  than a DIY. 

  • 16 Sep 2020 4:16 PM | Deleted user

    Professional Janitorial Service is providing a clean environment for the work place or home. By providing adequate education and training of Bloodborne Pathogen to employees and staff is foremost the most important part of work place safety. It is an investment for our employees and as an employer.    

    It is our job as an employer to provide PPE, education, and training for best cleaning practices by OSHA. By doing so, we are creating a positive and safe work environment for our staff; educations on how to become more visual to harmful waste.

    Our employee’s will be adequately trained by watching the OSHA Video, discussion of actions displayed in the video, preforming supervised cleaning technique and monitor by their supervisor. After display of techniques, our employees will receive their Bloodborne Pathogen certification of completion and ready to begin cleaning services

  • 16 Sep 2020 8:41 AM | Anonymous

    It is critical in today's world for all cleaning employees in a medical setting to be fully versed in Bloodborne pathogens. This is including but not limited to, what they are, how they are transmitted, and how to prevent exposure. By following best practices, cleaners can keep themselves safe, along with customers and their customers.

    Without proper awareness, employees may make careless mistakes that can have terrible consequences for multiple stakeholders. By being aware and using proper steps such as using PPE, employees can minimize their risk of exposure.

    Additionally, by being fully versed in proper management and protocol, they can perform their job better. This leads to better customer service and increased customer satisfaction, which in turns leads to higher sales and more customer loyalty.

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