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  • 02 Dec 2020 5:54 PM | Kegan Lung

    Getting your carpets cleaned begins the tedious task of finding a trusted professional company. Shopping with a budget in mind can often yields less than satisfactory results. Hiring a trained and certified professional from IJCSA means quality cleaning is a guaranteed. Understanding that you get what you pay for is crucial in maintaining your carpet warranty. So why wouldn’t you want to protect your investment with a professional company that maintains industry standards by staying up to date on training.

    We have been in business for 40 years working with all types of carpet and seen our fair share of carpet cleaning companies that simply don’t have any business touching your carpet. Over saturation and heavy chemicals can cause delaminating and discoloration. Nylon carpets tend to lose color when cleaned regularly and wicking or browning can easily occur in most carpet if your technician doesn’t understand the proper process.

    In short, training is important. Just because they bought a van and spent some money on marketing. Does not make them a great carpet cleaner. Only experience can make you great and IJCSA provides just that!

    Search here to find a qualified technician today. 

  • 02 Dec 2020 1:14 PM | Deleted user

    Bloodborne pathogens are pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood. These microorganisms can cause disease in humans. Some of the diseases include Hepatitus B Virus (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

    Initially OSHA developed its bloodborne standard for healthcare and hospital workers. But, that has been expanded to other workers, occupations and industries in which reasonably anticipated contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials may occur. You got it! That includes the janitorial and cleaning industry.

    In the janitorial and cleaning industry, it is not uncommon to come across materials that may be contaminated with blood or other infectious materials. Think about it. When you clean the restroom, change trash bins, or wipe up vomit.

    It is important to be educated on bloodborne pathogens and how to protect yourself, your staff and others from coming into contact with the fluids by following universal precautions. It is equally important to follow the precautions each and every time, treating body fluids from all individuals as potentially infectious. Not doing so could be life threatening! Not just for you, but for others.

  • 02 Dec 2020 10:57 AM | Deleted user

    It is important to know about bloodborne pathogens because it can be life saving. When you and your staff are knowledgeable about the importance of bloodborne pathogens and take the necessary steps to ensure that you and your staff's safety is #1 priority. 

    Bloodborne pathogens can be present anywhere and in anything. When you follow the the guidelines of treating everything as if was a bloodborne pathogen, and using the proper PPE you are protecting yourself and those around you. In these trying times we all are living in, it is so important to make sure your staff, yourself, and those around you are safe. Knowing about bloodborne pathogens and treating everything as if it was a bloodborne pathogens is no longer a "thing" just for healthcare workers and those in the hospital settings. It's Important for everyone to know especially those in the cleaning industry. We are the ones who have direct contact with all of the possible bloodborne pathogens when we are cleaning up.

    There isn't a 100% for sure way of not being exposed to bloodborne pathogens but you can definitely limit your exposure by learning the importance of bloodborne pathogens and how you can be exposed. Taking precautions at all times and using PPE is a for sure way to limit exposure. Knowing what to do once exposed and the steps that need to be taken to limit exposure is on yourself and you employer to learn and to follow. It is important for the employer to be proactive in the approaching to dealing with exposure, and ways that we can limit exposure.

    In conclusion, I personally believe that is very important for cleaning employees and staff to know about bloodborne pathogens. Learning and being knowledgeable about them can protect yourself and those around you. It saves Lives..........

  • 30 Nov 2020 2:36 PM | Deleted user

    Blood Borne Pathogens

    With over 5 million health care workers in the United States, it is imperative that cleaning companies are sending in their employees fully knowledgeable and skilled to deal with blood borne pathogens. TCES Cleaning Services knows the importance of having staff and employees (health care industry or related occupations) fully trained in the area of blood borne pathogens. Improper handling of trash can easily increase the risk of coming into contact with needles and a potential threat of being infected.

    As a business owner, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of my clients and staff. I will provide at no cost to my employees a blood borne pathogens training, and have each employee certified before sending out to a cleaning site. TCES Cleaning Services will also provide the proper PPE for staff to ensure their safety while working. TCES Cleaning Services will always abide by OSHA guidelines.

    By following OSHA guidelines, TCES plans to reduce or eliminate the hazards of blood borne pathogens. We will put in place an exposure control plan for each worksite. This plan will include the details on how each employee can take precautionary measures. This plan will include the proper procedures step by step on how to proper clean the health care site. The plan will also include the exact steps to take if the employee becomes exposed in anyway to blood borne pathogens and the safety steps they will take to decrease their risk of infection. In the event an employee becomes exposed they will take universal precautions and act as if all blood borne pathogen are infectious. Any employee that does not abide by our companies and OSHA standards will ultimately be terminated.

  • 29 Nov 2020 9:58 AM | Megan Yates

    It is extremely important for every organization that deal with bloodborne pathogens to be extremely cautious within every aspect of the handling process. Ensuring that your employees receive the appropriate training and education as to how to handle these accordingly is of the upmost importance. When you ensure that each employee has had the appropriate training, it signifies that you are invested in the health and safety of everyone within your company. 

    Bloodborne pathogens are an extremely serious concern in certain work environments. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention established the "Universal Precaution" approach, recommending that blood and certain body fluids from ALL patients be considered potentially infectious." This is an excellent motto for any employee or employer to follow. Again, taking the extra steps just ensures the safety of all employees. 

    Implementing the protective practices provided in the video will assist in the overall protection and education as well. Creating and implementing other company specific protective practices are just as important and validated. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to ensure you are protected when cleaning in these high risk areas. So educate yourself and co-workers!

  • 26 Nov 2020 9:01 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    A special Thank You to Clients, Members, Sponsors, Friends & Family may your Thanksgiving and all the days ahead be filled with happiness, joy and prosperity. 

    IJCSA Offices will be closed today and reopen Friday at 9am - All online services are available as always 24/7 - Happy Thanksgiving! 

  • 26 Nov 2020 7:20 AM | Deleted user
    Green cleaning is a very good product to for your company it is an environmentally friendly product and is really designed for human health.  there are so many people being exposed  to many toxins. That's not good for people with health issue. I plan to go green cleaning for my clients health reason and to help keep the earth cleaner. I think a lot more company's sure consider it. I don't thank i can go wrong going green cleaning.
  • 25 Nov 2020 2:29 PM | Deleted user

    Customer service

    What is an example of great customer service? Great customer service is fulfilling the requests of the customer and listening to their problems or suggestions with a smile on your face. Great customer service is understanding the problems any customer has and coming up with solutions to their problem to make them a happy customer. Great customer service is to care for your customers and the employees at the store or facility. When dealing with customers frustration always have a smile on your face, make sure you are looking eye-to-eye so they know you are paying attention and actually trying to help improve their situation and their problems. When you speak eye-to-eye always make sure you connect on what they are saying and repeat back to them what they want. Great customer service always includes listening to the concerns that the customer has for the workers or himself. After you have heard the customers problems and made a solution always follow up with phone calls and/or an e-mail, offer a package if another problem happens again insisting in a discount or lower costs on certain services.

  • 25 Nov 2020 1:34 PM | Deleted user

    What is great customer service? Great customer services is when you listen to the clients concerns. Great customer service is when you find a solution to every problem big or small. Great customer service is when your business is successful through word of mouth advertising and you follow up with a discount for that specific customer.

    Great customer service is showing that you care about their needs while keeping a smile on your face. 

  • 25 Nov 2020 10:16 AM | Megan Yates

    "Janitorial services help clean up hazardous fluids like vomit or urine that need to be removed immediately." Janitors also get rid or certain substances that cause an odor. They assist in preventing the spread of disease in a variety of facets. It is important not to overlook the significance of janitorial responsibilities. 

    Janitors assist and play a huge role in safeguarding the health of building occupants. They do so by ensuring that everything is cleaned in an appropriate manner, as well as an approved manner. They assist in keeping you safe at work, sporting events etc. 

    It is also important to think of the role that janitors play in protecting your children while at school. They clean every day to ensure our kids have a safe environment to learn in. This risk factor is exponentially elevated due to COVID-19. At times, we can all overlook the importance of these roles; however, they are critical in a variety of facets. 

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