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New dry ice blasting technique for cleaning and restoration ( Cleaning With Dry Ice )

29 Jul 2013 7:13 PM | IJCSA - (Administrator)
EcoJet owners Mike McGraw, and Harold Shokan come from diverse professional backgrounds in general contracting, and manufacturing and had both identified a great need for this kind of service in their respective industries.

McGraw explained that dry ice, which is commonly used in refrigeration and for stage special effects, is now being used in wide array of restoration applications, and in the cleaning of industrial equipment. EcoJet uses two different techniques, pellet blasting or snow blasting. Pellets were used on Rising.

Dry ice pellets are used on tougher contaminates, and snow is used when a gentler approach is necessary to preserve the surfaces of the substrate being cleaned.

Dry ice is composed strictly of CO2. No water, or additional abrasives are used in the DIB process, which is what makes it so effective in the cleaning of heavy duty, and delicate surfaces - even live electrical components. “It’s environmentally friendly, sterile, non-waste generating, non-conductive, non-abrasive properties make DIB an indispensable method of cleaning things that can’t be cleaned by any conventional means,” McGraw said.

About the Process
DIB is a form of abrasive blasting, in which hard pieces of frozen CO2 pellets are shot at a surface with high-pressure air. The extreme cold (-79°C -109°F) causes the contaminant to become brittle by causing a thermal differential between the layer of debris and the substrate. The cold shrinks the debris causing it to contract, and weakens the bond with the substrate, which when combined with the micro-explosions created by the sublimation process (800x/ms), the contaminant explodes from the surface without altering or abrading the profile of the underlining substrate. The CO2 pellets can strip paints, remove grease and oil residue... 

More at source: Daily Business Buzz


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