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  • 03 Mar 2017 3:27 PM | Deleted user

    Hi,my name is Javier Velez and the pleasure is mine to introduce you and the community to my company "Green cleaning Certified".

    Our eco-friendly products are amazingly simple to use and the cleaning methods used provide any workspace including your own safety from unsanitary hazards that occupy them.

    We will not let your workspaces suffer!

  • 02 Mar 2017 9:10 AM | Anonymous

    At White Coral Janitorial Services LLC, we implement in bringing the best carpet cleaning strategies to our clients homes & businesses. We want to make sure that all employees have a full understanding on how to correctly clean any type of carpets and rugs. Stains can be very tricky at times but thanks to IJCSA Members we have the best training and certificates that they offer for us to become a great carpet cleaning company. 

    Carpet Cleaning Directory

  • 22 Feb 2017 7:50 AM | Deleted user

    Improving the atmosphere of the earth is essential to the health and well being of the company, client, pets and the future. Utilizing natural products is safer, cost effective and shows the customer you truly care about the well being of there health. Cleaning is more efficient and safer with natural products. There are benefits, for the employees of  my cleaning company (The Standard LLC) , as well as, the clients. The employees will have the benefit of utilizing healthier products at the workplace and expanding their knowledge of products in the their home. Decreasing future health problems, giving the employee longevity in life with the company. Green cleaning creates a safer environment for their family and pets. Families will also have a better piece of mind knowing the products used to clean their homes are green and clean. Green cleaning will and shall improve the future.

    Find A Green Cleaning Service Here
  • 19 Feb 2017 6:33 PM | Deleted user

    IJCSA supports businesses that provide the highest level of customer service. You rest assure that your service needs will be handled efficiently and in a friendly manner with working with any IJCSA member. 

    IJCSA members take pride in providing the highest level of customer service. What does good customer service look like? Good customer service means that our members will go above and beyond what is expected to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. For example, Pure Pristine Cleaning LLC has a policy that states if a client is not completely satisfied with their cleaning service and notifies Pure Pristine Cleaning within 24 hours of service, Pure Pristine Cleaning will return free of charge to make sure the customer is completely satisfied with their service. This example and countless others are an everyday courtesy extended by our loyal and friendly IJCSA members. Follow our link;, for a complete business directory to discover members of IJCSA who embody this customer service commitment.

  • 14 Feb 2017 6:28 AM | Deleted user

    Going green, in general, represents a big benefit to our planet and to the future of our mother earth. When we use green products to clean, not only residential but commercial buildings, we are multiplying the effect and benefits and allowing the residents and public to breath clearer air and contribute to the safeness of our environment. 

    When we use green products to clean there are no dangerous chemicals involved. These chemicals sit on the floors, desks, and furniture and are breathed and absorbed by people, producing illnesses like asthma or dermatological disorders. 

    Also, the conventional cleaning products represent a hazard to the janitorial team by exposing them to chemicals that are corrosive, toxic and contain chemicals that are easily absorb by their skin. By using green products we would have safer employees and safer residents/public in general.

    Lastly, conventional cleaning products contribute, not only to the pollution of our environment, the air we breath and the waterways, but to the deterioration of our ozone that translates in negative climate changes. By providing Green Cleaning services we are doing our part to have a safer and healthier environment, employees and clients.

    Find A IJCSA Green Cleaning Service Here

  • 08 Feb 2017 3:08 AM | Anonymous

    Mold cleaning is very critical when it comes to any form of water damage for the average home or business owner doesn't know of the secondary damages mold can create not to mention time, money and expenses to the business and the structure of the building.

    I think that with the awareness of mold and its  importance , risk and health factor people these days are more incline to understand just how serious mold can damage ones health, environment , and place of business and residency. and with that being said we all need to know how to prevent and control the conditions of mold  with in our environments.

    Find A IJCSA Flood Damage & Restoration Service

  • 07 Feb 2017 6:11 PM | Brandon Lanford

    Whether you are looking for a local cleaning company that can rescue the dirty, dingy carpet in your establishment or are looking for someone who can prevent the usual wear and tear on your new carpet, you've come to the right place. Simply visit: and find a local IJCSA member that can assist with all your carpet needs.

  • 07 Feb 2017 5:45 PM | Deleted user

    If you can't eat it, it's not Green enough for us!

    In an environment of lobbyists, EPA, politics, and greed, you have to be a PHD to really know if Green means SAFE!  False labeling and misleading labeling is the norm. Do you know who really owns the company you buy your trusted 'green cleaning products' from?   Do not misunderstand me here. I am not saying your guy is bad, I'm just saying do your homework here and to be sure to follow through to the parent companies. Are they proven to be as green as you believe? As green as you expect?

    We here at 716ProClean know a little bit about Organic and Green cleaning because we live farm to table. We have a saying pet your pig, know your farmer, eat what's in season.... and know the difference between bull and truth!

    Our method is very simple (now of course I can't share all our secrets) but in a nut shell, we could safely eat our Organic (aka Green) Cleaning blends because we combine them ourselves. Using ingredients from our kitchen cupboard, essential oils and great training we can deliver dazzling results!

    When it comes to Green Cleaning we start from an organic background to deliver an end product that ensures our clients space is non-toxic, safe, clean, and sanitized. 

    If you want true Green Clean ~ We are your team! 

    Contact us today for an appointment.

  • 29 Jan 2017 4:45 PM | Brandon Lanford

    We only get one earth, and we as humans aren't really giving the source of our life the dignity and respect it deserves. Many people realize that it is time for us to start thinking about the future of our planet, and in what condition we'll be leaving it in for our sons and daughters. It would be hopelessly optimistic to think that one person can make up for the negative actions of countless others. As janitorial service members, we can collectively decide to use chemicals and cleaning products that still clean to customer standards without damaging our planet. That's why we will incorporate green cleaning into our business.

    Many of the hazardous and caustic products typically used in cleaning and janitorial services have a safer, more natural alternative. People love a clean office, and with them knowing that the items they use every day won't have the residue of harmful chemicals on them, it will give them peace of mind. In closing, the idea of green cleaning not only benefits Mother Earth; it benefits the customer, and in turn, it benefits your business.

  • 28 Jan 2017 11:08 PM | Alicia Johnson

                  Green cleaning helps improve the health and welfare of people and the planet. Choosing a chemical-free home and business cleaning service who use botanical and mineral products to clean your work and living spaces shows that the company cares about the environment. Businesses can drastically reduce the number of chemicals that we are exposed to by using Green Products such as an Bio Green Cleaner. Bio Green Cleaner is used for tough cleaning,  degreasing the greasiest places, eliminating scummy areas, in kitchens and bathrooms. Studies have shown that exposure to chemicals in the workplace likely contributes to an increase in a variety of diseases.  Chemical-free, non-toxic cleaners provide clean, sanitized environments to promote good health. This is especially important to people who suffer from asthma, have chemical sensitivities, or other illnesses. One estimate suggests that 2%-10% of people may have some disruption in their lives because of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). 

    Green cleaning works! We make living spaces healthier through our green cleaning practices.  Use natural cleaning products such as vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, salt and distilled water.  Eliminate needless paper waste in the cleaning process. Instead of using paper towels we use color-coded microfiber cloths to clean surfaces and floors. We are also working toward getting high-powered steam cleaners on floors and appliances as a non-toxic cleaning alternative to chemicals.

    Find A Green Cleaning Service Here

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