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  • 19 Jan 2024 6:44 PM | Christi McNulty

    At Crystal Clean Office, we take pride in being IJCSA Green Cleaning Certified, and it's not just a certification; it's a commitment to a greener, healthier future. Our dedication to sustainability is embedded in every aspect of our cleaning practices, and this certification is a testament to our pledge to provide environmentally responsible cleaning services.

    Implementing a green cleaning program daily is not just a routine for us; it's a philosophy that guides our operations. We prioritize the use of eco-friendly cleaning products, carefully selected for their minimal impact on the environment and human health. From our meticulously planned cleaning routines to our choice of biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning agents, every decision is made with the intention of creating a cleaner space without compromising on sustainability.

    As an IJCSA Green Cleaning Certified company, we go beyond the basics. We continuously educate our team on the latest advancements in green cleaning practices, ensuring that our clients receive the most effective and environmentally responsible cleaning services. By choosing Crystal Clean Office, clients are not only investing in a pristine workplace but also contributing to a larger movement toward a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future

  • 19 Jan 2024 11:01 AM | Deleted user

                   Why is it important for cleaning staff to know about bloodborne pathogens? It is important to understand so that they can protect themselves and others within the circle of influence. It is important to know proper precautions or universal precautions to help mitigate potential litigation and employment termination.

                   Should you be exposed to a bloodborne pathogen you risk exposing others in your circle of influence such as family members and friends to harmful pathogens.  Being exposed to dangerous pathogens may lead to unsurmountable medical bills and expenditures, placing a massive burden on you and your family. Being exposed may lead to actually contracting a pathogen that may lead to disabilities or death for both you and those within your circle of influence.

                   Failure to follow Universal Precautions may leave you and your employer open to possible litigation due to exposing clients or other employees to bloodborne pathogens. This exposure could lead to costly procedures that your employer may have to cover and ultimately lead to your dismissal. It can also lead to you being liable due to negligence, or dereliction of duty leading to various fines, disciplinary actions, and potential jail time.

                   Treat everyone with respect, and dignity, but assume that they all have every pathogen.

  • 19 Jan 2024 1:29 AM | Odon Contreras

    A pivotal goal of any cleaning service/employee is maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment. To that end, one crucial part of the janitorial/cleaning industry procedures is the attainment of knowledge regarding bloodborne pathogens, which are infectious microorganisms found in blood or other bodily fluids that can cause life-threatening diseases. Cleaning services/ employees and their informing on bloodborne pathogens plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment.

    Primarily, knowledge regarding bloodborne pathogens plays a vital role in employees' safety and preventing disease from spreading among workers. One aspect of cleaning is coming into contact with potentially contaminated surfaces or objects. Knowledge regarding the hazards of bloodborne pathogens and how to prevent infection equips workers with the know-how to take adequate safety measures. Thus, with this knowledge, cleaning employees can take active measures such as wearing gloves, masks, and other safety gear to prevent infection and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.

    Subsequently, the knowledge regarding bloodborne pathogens in relation to cleaning also plays a legal aspect. This being in the sense that various organizations such as OSHA, as well as local, state, and federal statutes, specify regulations and procedures that must be followed by cleaning personnel regarding the handling of bloodborne pathogens. Thus, having cleaning workers informed about bloodborne pathogens allows them to follow health and safety regulations.

    To conclude, the importance of cleaning personnel being informed about bloodborne pathogens cannot be overstated. It helps maintain a safe and healthy work environment and allows companies/employees to follow health and safety regulations.

  • 17 Jan 2024 4:53 PM | Brianne Messina

    The importance of this information should not be taken lightly or overlooked. As a professional cleaner , we have the responsibility to not only clean and make spaces aesthetically pleasing, we are also responsible for ensuring the safety of ourselves and of the environments in which we clean. 

    Cleaning staff's knowledge about bloodborne pathogens is crucial for ensuring a safe and hygienic environment for all. First and foremost, it contributes to the overall well-being of both the cleaning personnel and the occupants of the space. Bloodborne pathogens, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV, can pose serious health risks if not handled in the correct manner. By understanding the proper protocols for cleaning up blood or bodily fluids, cleaning staff can minimize the potential spread of infections, disease and protect themselves and others from harm.

    Secondly, having a well-informed cleaning staff is essential for maintaining compliance with health and safety regulations. Various occupational safety guidelines mandate specific procedures for handling potentially infectious materials. Knowledgeable cleaning personnel can implement these protocols, reducing the risk of workplace accidents and potential legal consequences. This not only safeguards the health of the cleaning staff but also upholds the standards necessary for a safe working environment.

    Lastly, the importance of training cleaning staff in bloodborne pathogen awareness extends beyond immediate health concerns. It fosters a culture of responsibility and professionalism within the cleaning industry. Clients and businesses alike can have confidence in the competence of their cleaning personnel, knowing that they are well-prepared to handle any situations involving bloodborne pathogens. Ultimately, this knowledge reinforces the reputation and reliability of cleaning services, emphasizing the importance of ongoing education and training in this critical aspect of the profession.

  • 17 Jan 2024 10:02 AM | Brianne Messina

    Exceptional customer service is the cornerstone of a successful business. At its core, it  goes above & beyond merely addressing customers' needs; it involves creating memorable, positive experiences. A company that prioritizes excellent customer service ensures prompt and helpful responses, personalized interactions, and a genuine commitment to customer satisfaction. By actively listening, anticipating needs, and going the extra mile, businesses can build strong customer relationships that foster loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. Ultimately, great customer service should not be considered just a transaction; it's the front line reflection of a company's dedication to exceeding expectations and building lasting connections with its clientele.

    Part of continued success for providing exceptional customer service hinders on the company's dedication to offer it's employees proper training, regular check-ins about performance and open communication lines available to foster and maintain the highest quality of customer care.

    We are in business, and any business begins and ends with people. They are our most precious asset and deserve to be treated with respect, empathy, kindness and genuine appreciation. Every company can achieve that with excellent customer service. 

  • 17 Jan 2024 9:19 AM | SAUL SANTIAGO

    It is important for all employees and staff to know how to clean and handle bloodborne pathogens. primarily for your own safety, and the safety of those around you.

    It is important to be able to identify the any risk with syringes, blood and bodily fluids. how to handle and dispose of any risk using color coded bag and disinfecting the area and all materials used.

    It is the responsibility of the employer to train the employees on proper handling and transportation of all contaminated material following established OSHA regulations and maintain proper documentation of all exposure in the workplace. 

  • 17 Jan 2024 8:03 AM | Christi McNulty

    At Crystal Clean Office Cleaning, we understand that exceptional customer service is the linchpin of our success in the janitorial and cleaning industry. As a proud member of the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA), we align ourselves with a community that shares our unwavering commitment to prioritizing customers and clients. Great customer service, for us and our fellow IJCSA members, is not just a standard; it's a priority that permeates every aspect of our operations.

    Why Choose Crystal Clean and IJCSA Members?

    When you choose Crystal Clean Office Cleaning and other IJCSA members, you're selecting a network of professionals who prioritize customer service above all. We believe in placing our clients at the forefront, actively listening to their needs, and customizing our janitorial and cleaning services accordingly. Our dedication to excellence is mirrored by our peers in the IJCSA community, each member committed to delivering personalized, transparent, and reliable services. As a testament to our commitment to customer service, we invite you to explore the IJCSA Business Directory. Here, you'll find a collective of reputable cleaning professionals dedicated to setting the highest standards in customer care. Choose Crystal Clean Office Cleaning and IJCSA members for a cleaning experience that transcends the ordinary—a partnership that puts your satisfaction first.

  • 15 Jan 2024 4:31 PM | Odon Contreras

    Great customer service to us at the IJCSA means many things, like putting the customer's needs first. Here at the IJCSA, our members always make sure to take into account and meet every detail of our customer's requests. At the IJCSA, we always treat our customers with the utmost respect and prioritize their needs. We are also available to custom tailor a unique service plan to your needs. Here at the IJCSA, we know empathy goes a long way, so we always treat our customers like family.

    Providing great customer service is what we do best here at the IJCSA. Whether it's about listening to the customer's requests, curating specific service plans, or following up with our customers, we do it all here at the ICJSA. So next time you find yourself in need of a cleaning service do consider us here at the ICJSA. Provided here is a link to the ICJSA member directory list so you can contact us.

  • 15 Jan 2024 1:49 PM | Dan Harduar

    Implementing a green cleaning program can provide numerous benefits to both individuals and the environment. Firstly, it can reduce the amount of harmful chemicals released into the air and water, promoting better indoor air quality and safeguarding public health. Secondly, it can help reduce waste and conserve resources by using products and equipment that are reusable, recyclable, or biodegradable.

    Additionally, a green cleaning program can help lower overall costs by reducing the need for expensive chemicals and equipment, as well as minimizing employee turnover and absenteeism due to health concerns. Finally, it can help improve the overall image of a business or organization by showcasing a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

  • 14 Jan 2024 11:06 PM | Javon Agnew

    The cleaning employees and staff of an organization have a crucial role when it comes to the prevention of and/or the reduction of exposure to bloodborne pathogens.  These bloodborne pathogens are found in bodily fluids and solids such as vomit, urine, feces, and blood.  An encounter of these blood-borne pathogens could potentially cause disease and even worse, death. As a cleaning employee, it is advantageous to be familiar with the OSHA bloodborne standards in how to properly handle bloodborne pathogens.  Knowing so will decrease the spread of their symptoms and create a clean and safe environment.  In taking the time to incorporate these practices, it will be clear that an individual can keep themselves and others safe from potential harm.

    The main focus for a cleaning employee and possibly even a staff member is to contain, disinfect and to rid the area where the bloodborne pathogen is so as to not spread it to others or themselves. Once coming upon a potential threat such as a bloodborne pathogen or other type of matter, the best practice would be to treat it as if it is in fact infectious.  So protection is the first safeguard.  The member should be wearing proper protective personal equipment such as gloves, masks, eye shield, etc to guard themselves from contamination of the bodily matter.  Properly discarding the bodily matter with the proper equipment is the next defense, as well as sanitizing the area and equipment. These materials and or laundry should be properly disposed of in color-coded or labeled bins for bloodborne pathogens which are universally understood.  

    Identifying and disposing of the bloodborne pathogens and their waste are two specific features that cleaning employees and staff should be knowledgeable with, along with monitoring symptoms and keeping records of the very exposures.  If the potentially harmful bloodborne pathogen comes in contact with the skin, eyes, mouth, or cuts of anyone, it is responsibility of the person to report it so that testing and monitoring of symptoms can begin. Some symptoms from exposure may not show up for months and sometimes even years depending on the pathogen and/or severity of the degree of infection. It is also important for the site where the exposure took place to keep at least a 3-year record of the exposure to be compliant with OSHA as well as to help aid in reduction and prevention of spread of illness.  

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