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  • 01 Feb 2011 8:36 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Lopez decided an easy entry entrepreneurial endeavour was a janitorial business. He is an organized, competent man with a strong sense of commitment, so a janitorial business where he could work at night by himself was ideal.

    When he opened DelaCruz Janitorial Services , with a small staff of like-minded immigrants, he came upon a system where he could “buy” janitorial contracts from others, which would give him already existing working relationships and allow him to employ his mother and others with whom he felt comfortable.

    More at the source:Canadian Immigrant


  • 01 Feb 2011 8:35 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Interline Brands, Inc., a leading distributor and direct marketer of maintenance, repair and operations ("MRO") products, announced today that it has acquired substantially all of the assets of Northern Colorado Paper, Inc. ("NCP"), a distributor of janitorial and sanitation ("Jan-San") supplies for approximately $9.5 million in cash.

    Founded in 1978, NCP is a leading regional Jan-San distributor headquartered in Greeley, Colorado, primarily serving institutional facilities in the healthcare, education and food service segments. NCP generated approximately $40 million in revenue in 2010 and has approximately 115 full-time employees.


    More at source:Indist 

  • 25 Jan 2011 6:27 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    A reputed Colombo hit man with friends in divine places was sprung Monday on $500,000 bail yesterday.

    Anthony Colandra is charged with lying to federal prosecutors when he denied participating in the 1992 murders of mob associates John Minerva and Michael Imbergamo during the Colombo family civil war.

    Colandra, 41, works as a janitor at a Catholic Church on the upper East Side and a Yonkers priest vouched for him at a bail hearing in Brooklyn Federal Court.

    "He's like my brother from another mother," the Rev. Louis Leonelli said of their close relationship.

    Leonelli said he was unable to sign Colandra's bond because he couldn't put up the friary where he works as collateral.

    Colandra's family, instead, signed the note.

    More at source: NY DAILY NEWS

  • 25 Jan 2011 6:24 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    RiverRoad Waste Solutions Inc. (, formerly J&D Waste Management, launched its new name and brand identity today with a mission to create a higher standard of excellence in waste management. The transition follows the acquisition of J&D Waste Management by New York private equity firm Charterhouse Group and entrepreneur Kristen Bunnell.

    “Our name has changed, but our commitment to industry-leading customer service has not,” said Bunnell, Chief Executive Officer of RiverRoad. “In fact, we are inviting our clients to elevate their expectations for quality in waste management as we assemble the brightest team of professionals in the industry. We are developing an expanded capability to deliver integrated waste diversion, recycling and sustainability solutions for clients across the country.”

    Bunnell is an experienced and successful executive with extensive expertise in the facility management sector. Before partnering with CHG, she was co-founder and CEO of Horizon Management Group, an asset-light business model focused on janitorial, HVAC, vendor management and general maintenance services for retail facilities.

    Bunnell is joined by Jodie Susi, RiverRoad’s new Vice President of Business Development. Susi brings more than 20 years of sales management experience, most recently in electronic waste and facility maintenance outsourcing. Other key members of the management team include: John Wisniewski, Senior Vice President of Finance; Tina Ponticello, Vice President of Operations; Shawn Nugent, Director of National Accounts; and Caitlin Hitt, Manager of Business Development.

    More At SourcePR WEB:

  • 20 Jan 2011 11:55 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)
    OROVILLE undefined Head docent Carol Brown stands in the hallway at Pioneer Museum holding a dress from the 19th century. It is made of heavy black silk, accented with gold and black lace. In pieces now, it must have been stunning in its day.

    Jan. 13, when museum docents examined it, the dress was in shreds, a victim of time and wear as its delicate fabric gave way. Brown said the dress will have to be destroyed. "There's no way to fix it."

    The dress is an example of the challenges museum docents face when caring for Oroville's treasures of the past. Brown, along with a dozen volunteers and docents, were wrapping up three days of dusting and vacuuming at the Pioneer Museum, an annual winter task done when the town's museums are closed.

    More at source:Chicoer

  • 20 Jan 2011 11:51 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    A 19-year-old man has been assaulted with a metal vacuum cleaner pipe, in his home in the Western Bay of Plenty.

    It is alleged a 20-year-old man broke into the Ngatai Road house just after 1am today, and attacked the man who was asleep in his bed.

    The victim was taken to Tauranga Hospital with cuts, lacerations and a broken bone and released this morning.


    Mopre at source:NZ Herald

  • 20 Jan 2011 11:48 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Panic spread among girls attending midterm exams at an elementary school in Port Said after the janitor discovered a snake inside the school.

    An official source at the education department said the administration decided to transfer the students to another location after a school worker found a snake crawling up a water pipe at Port Fouad School.

    More at source:Almasryl Alyoum

  • 20 Jan 2011 11:46 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Stanford’s transition to a new contractor for campus custodial services on Dec. 1 created complications for a small number of custodial employees, who are now scheduled to enter an arbitration process through the employees’ union and the new subcontractor, UGL (UNICCO).

    News of the change in contractors sparked e-mail petitions throughout the school and a lunchtime protest claiming that employees of the previous contractor, ABM, would not be guaranteed job security or seniority in the transition. Provost John Etchemendy Ph.D. ‘82 called those claims “not accurate” at an ASSU joint legislative meeting on Dec. 1.

    UGL is required by union contract to offer all ABM employees the chance to stay on with the same seniority, wages and benefits they held previously. In the rehiring process, however, “several dozen” of the 134 ABM employees did not initially pass the security background check or the identity verification required by federal law, said Stanford spokeswoman Lisa Lapin. Since then, at least 18 have been rehired, and the rest are being given 120 days to obtain the necessary documentation required to work legally in the U.S., Lapin said.

    More at source:Stanford Daily

  • 18 Jan 2011 9:01 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)
    Baking soda is one item that you can purchase that will help green your life in many ways.  Baking soda can be used for so many things.  I purchase a large bag of baking soda from Costco and use it for everything from cleaning to baking.  It is all natural, cheap, and green!  Here are some of my favorite uses for baking soda:
    • Do you have an upset stomach?  Try dissolving a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water.  Drink over the course of a half hour to help settle the nausea and reduce stomach acid.

    • Does your vacuum cleaner smell when you use it?  Sprinkle some baking soda in the bag or canister and you'll eliminate the odor.  If you have some essential oils, you can mix those in with the baking soda before you add it to the canister.

    • Run out of toothpaste? A small amount of baking soda on your toothbrush will help get your teeth nice and clean and make your breath smell fresh.

    • More at the source:
  • 13 Jan 2011 11:58 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    FAIRBANKS undefined A former janitor is accused of stealing thousands of dollars worth of electronics from the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Administrative Services Building.

    Jeremy I. Moore, 23, of Fort Wainwright, has been charged with three counts of second-degree theft, a felony, and seven misdemeanor counts of third and fourth-degree theft. The felony charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

    UAF police first received a report Sept. 21 that items were being taken from the College Road building, though court documents allege some of the thefts go back to July 2010. It was in mid-July that Moore was hired by ABM, the university’s janitorial contractor, UAF spokeswoman Marmian Grimes said.

    Source: Fairbanks Daily News


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