Cleaning naturally or green cleaning is as old as time itself. Water, some pine needles for a nice aroma and a horse hair bristled brush usually got the job done (completion of said job is another matter). In the Victorian and Edwardian eras they used natural sunlight, carbolic soap, hot water, tea leaves, the wind, the snow; even soda crystals.
Why is it then that we feel the need to ruin our environment and use harsh and harmful chemicals to do our daily cleanings? Stores are congested with products that are down right life threatening to the environment as we know it. Oven cleaners contain lye that can burn your skin. Toilet bowl cleaners contain sulfate that is corrosive. Bleach can flare up your sinuses and cause respiratory issues, especially in young children.
"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 2.1 million janitors work in the U.S. About 6% of janitors experience workplace injury from chemical exposure. That is just the professional custodial staff. All building occupants come into contact with cleaning products in one way or another." [1]
Green products on today's market are simply put, extraordinary. There is no longer a need for the chemicals of yesterday. There are numerous natural cleaning alternatives out on the market today readily available. They are biodegradable and placed in reusable or recycled containers. They naturally break down with time, not leaving a harsh foot print like harsh chemicals. Your exposure to harsh chemicals and VOC's are greatly reduced.
In conclusion, it takes a major concentrated effort to rewire our minds from the same old narrative of harsh chemicals are ok. They are not. The environment will survive. It will not. Use your power and purchase products that will allow our kids to enjoy a better future.
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[1] Ref: written by Emily Jean Roche.