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  • 29 Jan 2012 6:28 PM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    GERMANTOWN HILLS - Now that Cynthia Schneider has acquired $1 million in liability insurance, the Germantown Hills Village Hall can be cleaned professionally again.

    During its regular meeting Thursday night, the Village Board approved a deal to resume using Schneider to clean two village-owned buildings. The Germantown Hills-area resident had been providing janitorial services for four or five years, Trustee John Ford said, but was idle the past few months while the board debated her insurance status.

    The village insurance carrier's standard recommendation is for contract employees to carry $1 million in liability coverage. According to Trustee Clark Hopkins, Schneider had no proof of insurance - an issue he raised at the November board meeting.

    More at source: PJ Star

  • 24 Jan 2012 10:29 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    The world’s first magnetic soap has been produced and it could dramatically improve pollution clean-ups.

    Scientists from the University of Bristol made the soap by dissolving iron in chloride and bromide ions, very similar to those found in everyday mouthwash or fabric conditioner.

    Amazingly, the soap responded to a magnetic field, which raises the possibility of producing pollution-fighting detergents that can be lifted back out of sensitive environments.

    Watch for home cleaning solutions coming soon.

    Read more at source: Daily UK
  • 24 Jan 2012 10:27 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)
    When it comes to cleaning, there's a lot of misinformation out there. Are natural cleaners really the best? Maybe you wonder if the cleaners you use at home are the right choices. Some products can actually damage the very items they're intended to clean. Knowing the right products and the right way to clean can make your home cleaner, prevent damage, and help you clean more safely, too.


    While products like vinegar get lots of great press for being natural, it's important to remember that vinegar is acidic, so it should be used carefully. Vinegar, as well as lemon juice, should not be used to clean natural stone surfaces, such as granite or marble, and metal, such as stainless. It's never a good idea to mix vinegar with bleach; this can cause a chemical reaction that's toxic and has hazardous vapors.

    More at source: Chicago Tribune
  • 18 Jan 2012 7:21 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    The whole process starts off at floor level, with all 120ft of the wooden floors, made out of 30,602 blocks of mahogany, oak and walnut, being stripped back, sanded down, varnished and then polished to perfection to ensure any dance can be performed in style.

    Once the floors are sparkling it is time for the ballroom's 14 chandeliers to be taken down and individually dusted, cleaned and bulbs replaced. 

    Each chandelier has over eighty bulbs, meaning 1,120 lights have to be individually cleaned and inspected by hand to ensure they are in full working

    Read more at source: Daily UK
  • 18 Jan 2012 7:19 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The Cleveland school district closed John Marshall High School today after a janitor found the body of a man outside the school early this morning.

    Police are not treating the death of Bradley Riggins, 25, of Cleveland, as suspicious. But police and school officials did not want students passing the body as they came to the school at 3952 W. 140th St.

    An autopsy is scheduled for later today or tomorrow

    More at source: Clevland Blog
  • 18 Jan 2012 7:16 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)
    Ray Foster was practicing his acceptance speech behind the counter at his clothing store, nocolorline, on Main Street Monday.

    He found out Saturday that he and Tiffin resident Sharon George were chosen to receive the 2012 Peacemaker Awards during the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration in Tiffin Monday.

    The Peacemaker Award is granted to a person in the Fostoria, Findlay and Tiffin areas who demonstrates efforts to build a better community through non-violence. The Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration Committee uses eight criteria to judge the nominees.

    More at source: Review Times
  • 16 Jan 2012 9:08 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)
    Two bids were received. SW Resources submitted a proposal of $4,487 monthly for three workers and a supervisor, for an annual total of $53,844, along with equipment and materials needed for cleaning. The other bid was submitted by Winans Services. Winans' bid contained varying hourly wages, which calculated from an annual total of more than $28,000 to more than $37,000 annually, depending on which hourly wage the commission chose, and included equipment and supplies. The hourly wages offered in the bid ranged from $8-$9.

    More at source: News and Sentinel
  • 16 Jan 2012 9:07 AM | IJCSA - (Administrator)
    SANTA ANA, Calif. (CN) - More than 50 people say so-called janitorial franchisor Stratus Building Solutions of Orange defrauded them in a cold-blooded "corporate scam" aimed at Spanish speakers.
         The 51 Latino plaintiffs say GoldeneyeHoldings dba Stratus Building Solutions of Orange ran a "simple" scam that targeted "victims who don't speak English by taking out ads in Spanish speaking publications."
         "The advertisements seek to attract Latino immigrants with promises of financial freedom if they purchase janitorial franchises from defendant Stratus. The advertisements encourage prospective franchisees to immediately call or visit 'Fernando,' one of its sales representatives," according to the Superior Court complaint.

    More at source: Courthouse News Service
  • 10 Jan 2012 3:05 PM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. - Area office building cleaners have unanimously approved a four-year agreement that provides a 13 percent wage increase over the course of the contract. 

    The new contract also provides affordable health care coverage and increases the number of full-time job opportunities. Workers were previously making $12 an hour and will end up making $14.10 an hour by the end of the contract.

    More at source: Chappaqua

  • 10 Jan 2012 3:04 PM | IJCSA - (Administrator)

    Among the many other benefits to be had from Bio-Protect 500, which is the only antimicrobial technology that performs without diffusion or leaching off the applied substrate surface, include:

    1. It protects the applied surface between cleanings

    2. Bound Technology – unlike conventional disinfectants, poisons, phenols or heavy metals, our technology performs while bound to the applied surface (substrate).

    3. Residual Efficacy – Unlike other antimicrobials, our product's efficacy remains for a long period of time. Our Bio-Protect 500 EPA registered label specifies re-application every 90 days. Bio-Protect 500 has been independently tested for 100 standard washes.

    More at source: PRWEB

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