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  • 15 Apr 2024 11:10 AM | Cody Creek

    Medical cleaning practices can be very beneficial if they are implemented into other cleaning situations. Germs and viruses have the ability to spread just as fast at residential and commercial facilities. The strict guidelines being practiced during medical cleaning could help to lessen the spread of bacteria in other buildings as well.

     Pushing for a higher standard of cleaning could decrease the number or people getting sick at workplaces, schools, gyms etc. Most medical facilities are required to use chemicals that have the ability to kill dangerous viruses and bacteria. These viruses and bacteria can also be found be residential and commercial spaces therefore require the same attention.

    Implementation of medical cleaning practices should begin with education first. People should be given the information on which cleaning techniques and chemicals to use to best mitigate the spread of infection. Most people coming into medical facilities for assistance are contracting infections at work or home which shows you these areas need the same attention as medical facilities. If medical cleaning practices were the standard, the number of people getting sick would decrease.

    The corona virus pandemic is proof that cleaning properly is more important than ever. Medical cleaning being the only standard would greatly improve the cleanliness of both residential and commercial facilities. If you are seeking assistance with cleaning services has a listed of professional cleaning companies near you.

  • 14 Apr 2024 10:51 PM | Darlen Meza

     At first Thank you the at Janitors & Janitorial Staff To Our Daily Lives "I have learned a lot from all the courses what you sometimes think is not important, believe me that my work staff and I are super grateful for everything we have learned thanks to Janitorial Directory. In commercial and janitorial they not only teach you how to do better in communication but also how to take precaution in work injuries such as avoiding accidents that can cause damage to your work and personal status.

  • 14 Apr 2024 6:57 PM | Christi McNulty

    At Crystal Clean Office LLC, we are committed to taking proactive steps toward environmental sustainability by implementing a comprehensive green cleaning service program. Our initiative is centered on incorporating eco-friendly cleaning products and practices into our routine operations. By prioritizing green cleaning, we aim to minimize the environmental impact of our services, reduce the use of harmful chemicals, and contribute to healthier indoor air quality for our clients.

    The benefits of our green cleaning program extend beyond environmental stewardship. Clients choosing our green cleaning services can enjoy a workplace that not only sparkles with cleanliness but also promotes the well-being of occupants. Green cleaning products, characterized by their low toxicity and minimal environmental impact, contribute to a healthier indoor environment. Employees and visitors will experience reduced exposure to harsh chemicals, leading to improved respiratory health and overall comfort. By choosing Crystal Clean Office LLC for your green cleaning needs, you not only invest in a pristine workspace but also contribute to a sustainable and health-conscious approach to commercial cleaning.

  • 13 Apr 2024 10:56 AM | Javier Borceguin

    Becoming green cleaning certified is something that will benefit those around me in my company because of all the benefits that come with practicing green cleaning. Harmful substances are in a lot of products used in everyday items such as out clothes and cleaning products, which is why it is the best idea to stay away from them as much as we can. 

    Green cleaning is the use of using green cleaning products in your cleaning services for others. They also include techniques and protocols so that one could minimize their own exposure to these harmful chemicals sometimes known as volatile organic compounds (VOC's). It is important to note that these VOC's can really do some damage not only to humans but also to the environment if they are not contained properly (as mentioned in the green cleaning program trainings). 

    Being green cleaning certified will also help ensure my employees stay safe when cleaning since they will also know how to use these products properly. Their health is my utmost importance, so I want to ensure that they are receive great training to minimize any risk of getting harmful health reactions to any VOC's that can cross their path. 

    Finally, one of the most convenient parts of green cleaning is the green packaging it comes in. The products claim to be biodegradable, meaning they will not stay in the environment for long if they somehow get out. Protecting the world and environment from harmful chemicals is something we as humans must make our priority. 

    Below is the IJCSA Green Cleaning directory if you are interested in a green cleaning company's services!

    Green Cleaning Directory

  • 13 Apr 2024 7:28 AM | Jeannette Rivera

    Customer service is a vital part of your business, ensuring customer loyalty, relationships and satisfaction. For janitorial/cleaning services, customer services means earning a customer's trust, listening to concerns and properly solving any issues that arise. To recognize mistakes, concerns and other issues that arise allow for companies to effectively correct themselves and ensure mistakes similar to that won't be made again. Whether it be recleaning a room, or discounting offers when service isn't properly met, doing such things shows that you care, respect and listen to customer's needs. This helps the customer loyalty stay strong. 

    When customer expectations can't be met, we want to make sure they're appropriately compensated. Such things follow the LAST method, where we listen to the customer, apologize politely, solve the issue as efficiently as possible, and thank the customer for bringing up their concerns. Once proper compensations have been met, following up with the client is a valuable part of customer service, showing you value their relationship, and want to see them again. With this, you can ensure your customer's next time coming in to do business will be a wonderful experience for them and yourself. 

  • 12 Apr 2024 5:11 AM | Yennifer Avalos

    Incorporating a carpet cleaning program into my business is a strategic move towards enhancing costumer satisfaction and ensuring a healthier environment. Our approach hinges on partnering with certified members of the IJCSA (International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association), ensuring top-notch service quality and industry expertise. By leveraging their skills, we aim to implement a comprehensive cleaning and rugs but also extends their lifespan, saving costs un the long run. Our commitment to utilizing the best products aligns with the IJCSA's standards, emphasizing sustainability and safety for both our clients and the environment.

    Opting for certified IJCSA members to clean your carpets or rugs brings multifaceted benefits. Beyond the visible improvement in aesthetics , professional cleaning eradicates deep-seated allergens, dust mites, and bacteria, fostering a healthier indoor environment. The rigorous training and adherence to industry standards by IJCSA members ensure meticulous cleaning practices, preserving the integrity and longevity of your carpets and rugs. Moreover, choosing certified professionals provides peace of mind, knowing that the job is handled with precision and care, delivering exceptional results that exceed expectations.

    Stephany Avalos - So Shiny Janitorial - Owner

  • 11 Apr 2024 7:29 PM | Marluce De Oliveira

    Implementing medical cleaning practices into residential and commercial cleaning situations requires a systematic approach and a commitment to thoroughness. Begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the environment to identify high-risk areas and surfaces that require special attention. This includes frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, countertops, and shared equipment. By understanding the unique cleaning needs of each space, you can tailor your cleaning plan to effectively target areas prone to contamination.

    Develop a detailed cleaning protocol that outlines specific tasks, frequencies, and products to be used. Choose EPA-approved disinfectants that are effective against a wide range of pathogens, including viruses and bacteria. Incorporate proper cleaning techniques, such as using microfiber cloths to trap and remove dirt, and follow manufacturer instructions for dilution ratios and contact times to ensure maximum effectiveness. Additionally, consider implementing color-coded cleaning tools and equipment to prevent cross-contamination between different areas or surfaces.

    Provide comprehensive training for cleaning staff to ensure they understand the importance of medical cleaning practices and how to execute them properly. Emphasize the significance of thoroughness, attention to detail, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect themselves and others from potential hazards. Encourage a culture of accountability and continuous improvement by regularly monitoring cleaning performance, providing feedback, and offering opportunities for further training and development.

    Regularly review and update cleaning procedures based on feedback, emerging guidelines, and best practices. Stay informed about advancements in cleaning technology and products to enhance cleaning efficacy and efficiency. By implementing medical cleaning practices into residential and commercial cleaning routines, you can create safer, healthier environments for occupants and visitors, while also instilling confidence and trust in your cleaning services.

  • 11 Apr 2024 3:36 PM | Darlen Meza

    Hello guys, I hope everything is going well with you. For my customers service base janitorial or clean service is very important because based on my customers my company will be successful that's why we have to be kind to listen to solve and keep in mind that our customers are always right . And make them feel that they are important to us, and always give the best effort for them by solving conflicts and errors that sometimes happen. That's why IJCSA Business Directory. They teach us how to be better. IJCSA Business Directory

    As a member of IJCSA we are going to give an excellent service to our client in the cleaning service as in any other job that is hospitality.

  • 11 Apr 2024 2:49 PM | Hassan Romeo

    Cleaning workers are very important .They maintain a clean environment and a safe one as well .They are aware of the dangers that can be found in unclean environments such as blood borne pathogens.

    Blood borne pathogens are. Pathogenic Microganisms in the blood .They can cause disease in humans.Diseases such as Hepatitis B and H.I.V. .Most exposure comes from contact from mucus membrane or breaks in the skin.

    To eliminate exposure to H.I.V.or HPV.Cleaning employees must follow the OSHA Blood borne pathogen Standard.These guidelines are life saving critical information that must be followed.Some examples are to wear protective gear ,hand washing,never eat or drink in contaminated area,never resume towels or needles,always label containers when transporting or disposing of contaminated items.You always tell your boss and doctor if you feel you have been exposed .Cleaning employees should always follow the standard and always be aware and safe.

  • 11 Apr 2024 1:56 AM | Tamara Lopez

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms that can cause diseases when transmitted through blood or other bodily fluids. Cleaning employees and staff play a crucial role in preventing the spread of bloodborne pathogens in various settings, including healthcare facilities, laboratories, and even public spaces. It is essential for cleaning personnel to be knowledgeable about bloodborne pathogens, their transmission, and proper cleaning and disinfection techniques to ensure the safety and well-being of themselves and others. By understanding the risks associated with bloodborne pathogens and following strict protocols, cleaning employees can minimize the potential for exposure and protect themselves and the community from harmful infections.

    One of the key reasons why cleaning employees and staff need to be well-informed about bloodborne pathogens is to prevent the risk of infection and disease transmission. Bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C can pose serious health risks if not handled properly. Cleaning personnel who come into contact with blood or bodily fluids must be trained on how to safely clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces to prevent the spread of pathogens. By following proper protocols and using personal protective equipment, cleaning employees can reduce the risk of exposure and protect themselves from potential infections.

    In addition to safeguarding their own health, cleaning employees who are knowledgeable about bloodborne pathogens also play a crucial role in protecting the health and safety of others. By implementing strict cleaning and disinfection protocols, cleaning staff can help prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings, schools, offices, and other public spaces. Their diligence in following proper procedures and using the right cleaning products can make a significant impact in reducing the risk of bloodborne pathogen transmission and creating a safer environment for everyone. Overall, the importance of cleaning employees and staff being informed about bloodborne pathogens cannot be overstated, as their actions directly contribute to the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

    Tamara Lopez

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